The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 253 Staying Out of Trouble -

"What's wrong with you?"

Wolf Mother Kalena held a cigarette in her left hand and a drink in her right hand, looking at the two people on the sofa where the atmosphere was obviously not right. Watson was okay, but Bertha was unusually quiet and did not participate in the conversation throughout the process. She just looked at her boyfriend silently with sad eyes, and occasionally cast her eyes on the table. Seeing that the couple remained silent, the French wife returned to the topic: "So the situation is like this. Hobo will make other arrangements for Yuri to leave the country, but this is none of our business. I have already got the money, almost. There were 300 million U.S. dollars, and Hooper took the other part. After all, he was responsible for the evacuation, and he also lost an airplane."

"I disappeared suddenly, no one said anything, right?"

"What can they say? You took the lead in the fiercest battle and everyone saw it. Even if I say you went to bed, no one can object. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone where you went. I didn't say anything to Hopper. Next time he asks you, don't answer." Kalena took a sip of wine, was silent for a while, and put the cigarette holder between her red lips: "That missile... The crew in the cargo ship's engine room are basically gone. To be honest, if it hadn't been for this, Hobo's broken plane would never be able to accommodate so many people."

"What was Yuri's reaction?"

"Yuri is actually okay. At least he didn't abandon the seriously injured bodyguard." Wolf Mother lay down on the sofa and narrowed her eyes: "In a few hours, I will take Siyan and Beltway out of the city to handle the transfer. Nearby Most of the mercenaries have been hired by the Bloodsmear Gang, and the guild office is very busy now, so it shouldn't take too long. It's thanks to you this time, so as usual, you take one-third, just to be polite. Stop it, you deserve it.”


Watson always skipped this kind of topic quickly. He hesitated and decided to reveal the information obtained from a certain guy's brain to prevent the wolf mother from misjudging the situation: "I found some information on the warship. You know Yuri ·Why is Vostov being targeted?”


"Dirty bomb." Looking at the silent expressions of the two women, Watson also opened a can of beer: "This guy is Russian. As you know, too many things were lost when the Soviet Union collapsed. Especially nuclear-related things. It’s no wonder that the federal people are nervous. Although Mr. Vostov doesn’t have any ready-made things, he can get the materials. This time someone..."

"Okay, no need to say more."

The wolf mother raised a hand and interrupted Watson: "This is not a level that a few of us can participate in... Damn it, I knew Yuri was trouble."

"As long as you know."

Watson followed suit and took two sips of wine: "Now that we have pissed off the Russians and the Federals, do we still want to stay in Brazil? Are you sure this place won't be exposed?"

"What do you think?" The French wife took a puff of cigarette and shook her head helplessly: "Why don't we talk about it later? Anyway, nothing will happen to this place in a short time. I am not you. My body and brain need to rest. There are too many things going on during this time, I need to take a nap before continuing to think about this issue.”


Half an hour later.

On the streets of Rio de Janeiro's promenade, Watson looked at the series of fragrant open-air stalls and turned to ask Michela: "Have you thought about what to eat?"

"It's all right."

Miss Butterfly Knife had her hands in her pockets, still looking dazed, as if she hadn't slept for two days. Watson could only pull her away, otherwise she would definitely be targeted by the thieves nearby. To be honest, he regretted it now. He was used to switching between men and women, and he didn't feel anything inappropriate at all. In the end, he ignored the impact of this kind of scene on an ordinary human being.

When she first saw the real Miss Watson, Michela thought Watson was wearing a leather suit, and was surprised that her boyfriend dressed so quickly. As a result, after Miss Watson gave a serious explanation and repeatedly confirmed with her hands that this was not Michela with fake skin, her mental state became what it is now.

No, Miss Butterfly Knife was almost so angry that she took action at first.

"You are a woman, right?"

Watson still remembers what his girlfriend yelled at the time.

We can’t blame Michelle for having random thoughts in her mind. In fact, Mr. Watson’s personality is very different from Miss Watson’s. The former is relatively silent, shy, not very expressive, and rarely makes exaggerated expressions and body movements; The latter was completely different. The whole person seemed to be in a state of excitement, like a psychopath with excessive energy. The tone of his speech was several levels higher, and he also loved to act. Within a few minutes, Miss Watson He showed more than a dozen emotions towards Michela, sometimes being serious and sometimes teasing, and he especially liked to tease her.

Seeing Watson's densely packed terrifying tentacles when he changed his form, Michela's rational nerves were already impacted. Coupled with being chirped by this mouth, Miss Butterfly Knife almost subconsciously deduced a conclusion: this lunatic The same Miss Watson is the real person, and Mr. Watson is just a role played by the other party.

Hence the sentence above.

When she thought that she had been deceived by a "woman disguised as a man", Michela immediately became so angry that she didn't care about anything and had to fight first to vent her anger. Watson quickly changed back, parrying and persuading, and finally used the term "schizophrenia" to make Miss Butterfly Knife temporarily stop her attack.

And for Michela, that's probably all it can do.

So what if you're angry?

If you can’t beat me again and again, what else can you do? The woman was reluctant to admit it, but the moment she saw Miss Watson, she actually felt a strong jealousy in her heart. Before this, although Watson was also very beautiful, the two of them had different genders after all, and they were like spinning in a box. No matter how they played tricks, they could not escape from this restriction. But now this "frame" is gone. Seeing Watson's relaxed expression as he changed his body shape several times, Michela also realized that this guy can do anything at any time, anything, and anything.

The previous way of getting along, tacit understanding and understanding seemed to be completely overturned at this moment. In the eyes of women, Watson suddenly became so strange, mysterious, and unpredictable. It was as if another savage and ruthless hand had taken away a large piece of his heart. He refused to listen to dissuasion or begging, and allowed the bloody wound to cry helplessly.

This was the biggest reason why she lost control of her emotions.

It wasn't until Luper called that the two people in the room remembered the business and had to put this paragraph aside for the time being. Now that there is no interference, Watson's mind is thinking crazily. He can also see the state of his girlfriend. He must find a way to let Michelle pass this hurdle today, otherwise the relationship between the two will definitely be in trouble from now on. affected.

Fortunately, after the buffering conversation with the wolf mother, Michela should be calmer now.


He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Michela's eyes: "Come back to your senses, Miss Radian is so hungry, look at what you look like now? That's why I never told you about this, I was afraid that you would become like this, you You must be thinking wildly, right?"

"...Are you really not a woman?"

Michela cast a dark look.

"I'm really not, and I'm sure you've experienced it."

Watson picked up the cup and took a sip of water: "The first time I discovered that I could change my form was after the Raccoon City incident, when I followed you to the small town of Concord, Maine. Do you remember? We were there that night We had a big meal in the tavern, and Victor, Ghost, and Beltway were only focused on drinking. I saw that you were in a bad mood, so I went up to sing "Joy" to you."


The woman's eyes began to soften a little.

"I found it in that motel room." Watson leaned forward and propped up his chin with the palm of his left hand: "When those **scientists... they experimented on me, I was still a Little boy, those potions completely changed my body. I also told you that I am no longer human, I am now a creature made of viruses, and the definition of gender does not apply to me. You yourself are Doctor, don’t you know whether viruses are gender-specific?”

Seeing Michela nod, Watson continued: "But I'm actually a little panicked. Now you see that I can change my body shape, but I'm not sure... whether I can continue to remain human in the future. Look. I'm sorry for scaring you this morning, but I didn't tell anyone else about it. I just thought you should know this."

He looked into the woman's eyes: "Based on our relationship, do you think I should hide these things from you? I once thought about continuing to hide these things from you, but if I don't tell you today and you find out in the future, I feel like that The consequences will be more serious. Once trust is broken, it’s hard to get it back, isn’t it?”

Michela looked away.

Until the waiter brought breakfast, the people on both sides of the table were still silent. A light bossa nova tune floated in from outside the door, diluting some of the serious atmosphere. Michela lowered her eyes on the table, hesitated for a moment while touching the knife, but then slowly grabbed one of Watson's hands: "Sorry... I may need some time."

"of course."

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Watson pushed decisively: "No matter what, I'm grateful that you didn't pull out your gun on the spot."

"...Does Nissa know about this?"

Why did this topic take a strange turn?

"Uh, I didn't tell her."

Miss Butterfly Knife made a nasal sound and began to fork slices of meat from the plate: "Now that it's like this, why don't you tell me what Miss Watson usually does?"

"For combat, of course."

Watson said confidently: "We just want to prevent the enemy from thinking of us."

"Just lie to me, it's definitely not that simple." Michelle glanced at her boyfriend, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Don't think that I don't know your little hobby, you only use it for fighting when you look like that? I do not believe it."

Watson looked away guiltily.

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