The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 251 Return the original words

Fierce gunfire penetrated the bulkhead, hurting everyone's ears. Before Comran could ask a question, a voice sounded from one of the communicators on the table: "This is the ammunition depot! We are under attack! The enemy is too fast! We can't... Damn it! Medic! Medical!" Soldier! Pull him down! Pull him down quickly!"

"Let the garrison and Group 2 move."

Comran patted the signal soldier on the shoulder: "Follow the plan and outflank the enemy from the rear."

"Yes, sir."

After a few orders, the gunfire became more intense. Captain Comran held the communicator, but no one spoke anymore, and the explosions below became louder and louder. After ten torturous seconds passed on his watch, he picked up another communicator and called the crew member responsible for monitoring the internal probe: "Control room, report the situation."

"The screen is full of thick fog, sir." The other end of the communicator replied: "The enemy released a large number of smoke bombs at the beginning. Now nothing can be seen clearly on the surveillance screen, and she seems to know the position of the probe very well. We have lost the main All images of the passage are gone.”

"Got it, keep monitoring."

Comran took another puff of cigarette and turned to the communications soldier: "Call the captains."

"Yes sir."

The smoke from the cigarette filled the air, causing the signal soldier to cough violently. Then he stretched out his hand to hold his headset microphone: "Bridge call, bridge call garrison, bridge call garrison, Sergeant Jacob." ,can you hear?"

Dead silence.

"Second Lieutenant Ron? Second Lieutenant Ron? Do you hear that, Lieutenant Ron? If you hear me, please reply!" Seeing no response, the young communications soldier quickly changed the channel and called the Marine Corps captain deployed at the ammunition depot. After some useless attempts, he looked up at Captain Comran, took two deep breaths, pressed a few blue buttons hard, and even his voice trembled slightly when he spoke: "This is the bridge, and there are also weapons near the ammunition depot. Is anyone here? Any combatants? Any crew! If you hear me, please talk back!"

The sound of gunfire still rang out below, but it had become sporadic.

"Cough cough..."

A hoarse male voice suddenly came from the communicator: "Oh God..."

"Hey! Who are you? Who is talking? Where are you?" The communications soldier tightly held the long handle of the microphone next to his ear, as if doing so would make him feel more at ease: "Are you injured? Hold on, we ..."


Captain Comran put his right hand on his shoulder: "Get ready to launch Harpoon missiles, wait for my command."

This hand was extremely heavy and cut off the words "Yes sir" on the edge of his mouth. The communications soldier raised his head slightly and looked at every familiar face on the bridge. Most of them had actually not been working for a long time, and fear was written deeply into their eyes. At this moment, there were no more gunshots coming from below, only deathly silence. According to regulations, the bridge entrance in case of emergency has already been closed, but this does not give the young soldier much comfort. He gradually fixed his gaze on the cabin door and never moved away.

The enemy seemed to be outside, ready to come in at any time.

"Lieutenant Colonel Bellamy."

At this moment, a female voice sounded from the communicator. Although the volume was a bit loud, it was as low as a devil, startling everyone on the bridge. More than a dozen eyes focused on the communicator, and then the woman was heard saying: "Captain Colmran Bellamy, I know you are listening. Tell your people to stop chasing the freighter, otherwise I will detonate it." Ammunition Depot."

Everyone looked at the captain.

The wrinkles at the corners of Komlan's eyes twitched slightly. He took another deep breath of cigarette and slowly picked up the communicator: "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know, now, stop the pursuit, immediately." The female voice said every word slowly, and the content sounded very familiar, almost exactly the same as what Komlan said when he threatened the arms dealer Yuri. This absurd scene was staged on the bridge, but no one felt relaxed. The powerful weapons given to this destroyer by the US Federation had been easily bypassed by the enemy and failed to play even a single role.

Now, the roles of both parties have been completely reversed.

"...I was ordered to pursue Yuri Vostov. As a soldier, I am doing my duty." Komran held the cigarette and cast his eyes on the table, as if there was something there: "I am aware of the mission I bear, and so is everyone on this ship. We also have enough capabilities to ensure that the missile can be launched immediately. Even if you really detonate the ammunition depot, you cannot save your employer."

"Oh, you are such a tough soldier."

In the ammunition depot, thick red smoke still enveloped every corner. Miss Watson, who turned into Spider-Woman Jessica Drew, stood in the middle of the corpses on the ground. While looking at the M9 pistol she picked up in her hand, she leaned sideways on the iron frame: "But if you insist on doing this , I would also be happy to go up and find you one by one and kill them. I hope all of you are ready.

But to be honest, Captain Comran, I think enough people have died today, and it is not your fault that things have come to this point. Your confident and proud boss has no idea what enemy he is facing. , I will send you here in a hurry. After all, you know, we're all just...

Follow orders. "

Miss Watson said those last words very strongly.

She paused and continued: "Most people on this ship don't know the secret of this mission. It's just an order. You and your guys have to come here and die. If you all die here today, guess what? Will the federal government say to the outside world that you sacrificed your life for the country, or will the whole thing be blamed on a military exercise accident?

An ill-conceived order turned us both into enemies, but now you have a choice to stop this fight for now. It's not good for anyone to continue like this, so, Captain Comran, I personally hope you will think about it carefully. In this case, you can still go back alive and ask your son-of-a-bitch boss what's going on. . "

The communicator fell silent.

Miss Watson was not in a hurry and picked up another smoke bomb from the ground.

It's a bit strange to say that she has killed at least 50 people since the invasion began, but now she feels very calm, as if she had done nothing just now, and she can still negotiate word by word with clear thinking. Raccoon City, the Congolese Jungle in Africa, Albania, Romania... Maybe I have experienced too much. No matter what expression the dying person in front of me shows or what words I beg for, it is difficult to touch Miss Watson again. . She didn't know when she had gradually become numb. There was no pain, no self-blame, and no fluctuation.

But this is only for Miss Watson.

If it were Mr. Watson, his sympathy and guilt would be quite sufficient.

Maybe I really have a split personality.

"…What exactly do you want?"

Just when Miss Watson was distracted, the communicator finally rang: "You want me to give the order to stop the pursuit and wait for the freighter to leave? With all due respect, the anti-ship missile I fired earlier was aimed at your power system. Your ship should be disabled by now."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that."

Miss Watson looked at her watch. It was already 9:12 a.m., and the plane was about to arrive as planned. She checked the canister bombs for the last time, ignored Captain Comran's inquiry, and continued: "You just need to give the order to stop the pursuit and wait, and you shouldn't have to wait too long. By the way, I'm in the ammunition department. Curry left some small gifts for you, I suggest you wait until the smoke clears before you come in to look for them, otherwise you may step on these little cuties."


"Don't worry, they are not very sensitive, they just... like to play hide and seek with people." Miss Watson walked through the damaged watertight door of the ammunition depot and took two more from the tactical lanyard of a corpse. The smoke screen opened, and fresh white smoke suddenly began to spread in the passage, and the field of vision returned to a vast expanse. This was her way of speeding through the ammunition depot. She sealed the smoke first and then turned on the thermal imaging. As soon as she hit the crowd, the enemy defenders fell into chaos, and half of the bullets even hit her own people.

The incident occurred so suddenly that many soldiers did not have time to suit up. The equipment level of the Marine Corps in 1998 was indeed not very good, not to mention that it was difficult for everyone to have a thermal imager. Even though the Marine Corps has a "team" in its name, you might think that they are really just a small team. But in fact, this unit has hundreds of thousands of people, and even has its own tactical aviation squadron, otherwise there would be no May appear frequently in various actions.

After several inquiries to no avail, Captain Comran on the other end of the communicator made no move.

Miss Watson squatted on the ground boredly, counting the time while pulling apart the smoke bombs she picked up and throwing them out one by one. The floating cape turned into a one-piece swimsuit shape is not conservative, but it is not to the point of high slits. Spider-Woman's figure is far less exaggerated than Miss Watson's, but even so it is already above a high level. The round and slender thighs were fully exposed, and the black skin was slightly hazy in the mist, but still showed graceful lines.

It's a pity that the ground is full of corpses.

No one can appreciate it.

"Does it hurt?"

Miss Watson touched her chest, and a wave of waves surged on the surface of the floating cloak, before quickly returning to her swimsuit appearance. From the beginning of the war to now, Miss Watson has been hit by at least dozens of bullets. If she had been wearing an ordinary swimsuit, it would have been rotten. However, the levitation cloak is still in good condition, and it is worthy of being a magical object.

"Good boy, great!"


She pulled up her levitation cloak and kissed her fiercely. At this moment, Captain Comran's voice came from the communicator: "A seaplane? Is this your escape route?"

"Oh, it seems you don't have to wait any longer. I will go to the port side now. I suggest you broadcast to the crew to avoid taking action if I encounter someone on the road." Miss Watson stood up and walked out, while Captain Comran Although there was no reply, the ship's announcement sounded honestly: "The bridge is announcing to all crew members that if you encounter suspicious persons, do not take any hostile actions. Repeat, if you encounter suspicious persons, do not take hostile actions, and do not try to stop them." , to avoid unnecessary casualties."

This was not Komran's voice.

Miss Watson walked slowly up the stairs to the upper floor, as if taking a walk. This was the place where she had encountered the garrison soldiers for the first time. Several soldiers above the stairs cast surprised looks, but Miss Watson did not feel strange at all. Instead, she behaved like an elegant lady: "Let Jean , you’re blocking the way.”

The soldiers carrying M16 automatic rifles moved to the sides, but their eyes were still fixed on her face. After touching the tight mask, these gazes moved towards the chest in unison, until the distance between the two parties gradually widened, Miss Watson could still feel the gaze from her butt. Crew members appeared one after another in front. They had either hidden well before or were not involved in the battle at all, so their eyes were full of suspicion. They couldn't believe that this hot woman had just killed her way through the lower cabin. .

She doesn't even have a gun now!

The blue sea soon appeared in sight. Compared with the previous way, it was much faster to walk up from the lower level. Miss Watson soon saw a tall, middle-aged man with a solemn expression standing on the port side with his hands behind his back, followed by several officers. Seeing Miss Watson approaching, the man glanced at her several times and said in a complicated tone: "I didn't want to believe it at first, but now it seems...this is all true, dozens of well-trained , heavily armed soldiers, couldn’t stop a cover model in a swimsuit.”

"I just thought you were complimenting me." Miss Watson glanced at the seaplane flying towards the horizon, and then turned her gaze back to Captain Comran's face. Now that the plane had not flown far enough, she was ready to continue Stalling for time: "So, Lieutenant Colonel Comran Bellamy, how do you feel about this?"

"how did you do it?"

Captain Comran frowned and asked in a military style: "There are no bullet holes in your body, not even a scar. I don't believe that the soldiers were blinded by bullets. Just this one-piece swimsuit? It's Can I protect you?"

"What? Do you want to give your boss an explanation?"

Miss Watson put her hands on her hips, leaned forward slightly, and tilted her head towards Comran: "That's not impossible, you can give your boss a message."


"Hail Hydra." Miss Watson leaned close to the man's ear and whispered softly. The faint characters penetrated through the mask and were quickly blown away in the sea breeze.

"What does it mean?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Your boss will understand, or your boss's boss, there is always someone who understands." Miss Watson straightened her body: "I guess you don't want to shake my hand, so so be it. Hopefully we won’t meet again in the future.”

"Your friends flew away, what about you?"

Captain Comran asked again: "Are you planning to swim back? Is this also your plan?"

"You should worry more about this ship."

After saying that, Miss Watson lightly jumped out of the boat, dived into the sea like a high diving athlete, and disappeared into the slight ripples.

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