It's a little embarrassing to say.

There were so many people present that they couldn't even find a working satellite phone.

The Wolf Pack team itself is not needed, nor is it a big team or company. Mercenaries are like wild dogs on the battlefield, not to mention that sometimes they have to go deep into places like the Congo jungle. If something goes wrong, no one will come to rescue them. It was useless to call anyone; and Yuri, as an arms dealer who handles transoceanic business, although a satellite phone is a must-have, it would have been lost in the attack on Lake Utunaiba, otherwise there would be no need to borrow a Hooper aircraft. communication radio station. Andre, the fifth boy, does have one, but no one knows where it is hidden. As for whether there is one on the freighter... A communication station using an antenna has already been installed. Do I still need to buy a satellite phone?

Well, this brain circuit is very Russian.

The last satellite phone was on the old man Hobo. The guy had thrown it into the plane when he was changing clothes, and now it sank to the bottom of the sea. Although Watson himself also has a Mrs. Carter satellite phone, considering that he is often rained by bullets, he usually does not carry such important items when he goes on missions.

It's bad luck.

"Two o'clock direction, about 2 nautical miles." After confirming the aircraft's position, Luper called Watson: "Your turn is up, gunner."



After checking the guns of the two KPVs, Watson turned the wheel, slowly raised the muzzle of the gun, and pointed it in the direction of the helicopter. Combined anti-aircraft machine guns such as ZPU cannot be turned directly by hand, and there is no trigger button. They must rely on gears, crank handles and foot pedals to complete direction adjustment and shooting.

Fortunately, he had devoured several experienced soldiers, and coupled with the double buffs of Clockworker and Deadshot, Watson completely skipped the novice stage. After reviewing the operation, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the bridge. Except for the old men Hobo and Michela who continued to stare at the deck, the other team members had already found their positions in advance, preparing to seize the only opportunity for a sneak attack.

This is the battle plan discussed by Wolf Mother and others.


Simple, direct, fast and effective.

You can't be moral at such a critical moment.

Since the seriously injured are in urgent need of medical treatment, the two helicopters will most likely try to suppress the scene and then land quickly. This usually means two results: first, the pilot has to take a relatively radical approach to further shorten the distance between the two parties; second, even if the aircraft is equipped with guided missiles, rockets and other weapons, they will not use them easily to avoid injury. Comrades in the freighter.

But no matter how close you are, you can't touch your face easily. That's a scene that only appears in movies. Neither RPG nor AT-4 are specifically designed to target air targets, especially the former. As long as the distance is one or two hundred meters, whether you can hit more depends on luck - and the SA-7 "Holy Grail" individual missile was launched as early as the 70s. It has been mass-produced since the s. Although it has undergone some upgrades, it will be difficult to gain an advantage if it cannot attack modern thermal decoys, jamming bombs and infrared countermeasures systems.


Suddenly a gunshot rang out.

"At 11 o'clock, two people, at the stairway of the green container on the port side." This was Michela's voice: "They showed up."

"Copy that, keep it down."

A few seconds later, Miss Butterfly Knife reported again: "The enemy is throwing smoke bombs, green smoke bombs, they are marking the position of friendly forces."

"That's true, Captain."

"Received, give it to me." Not long after Hobo finished speaking, two more gunshots were fired. Upon hearing his captain's order, Watson quickly dropped a green smoke grenade he looted from the fallen enemy. The thick smoke screen began to obscure his vision. He switched his eyes to thermal imaging mode and regained the two blurry points of light in the distance.

According to memory fragments, the SEAL team had previously set off from the destroyer USS Heller.

A TM Spruance-class destroyer.

Therefore, in addition to two SH-2 "Sea Hawk" helicopters, the supporting force this time also had several armed boats, all filled with Marines. The sea is still calm now, which shows that the helicopter pilot has no intention of waiting for his teammates on the water. In addition to rescue, this group of people is probably determined to win the game.

The noise of the rotors began to reach my ears.

Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

Watson stepped on the shooting pedal, and the entire ZPU-2 began to shake instantly. The two KPV heavy machine guns each use a 150-round 14.5x114mm machine gun magazine with a volume that can be called a "square barrel". Not only does the recoil are amazing, but the firepower is equally deadly. Through the muzzle flash, Watson could also faintly see the trajectory of the bullet heading towards the target in two curves.

"He's firing, stay concealed!"

With the wolf mother's voice echoing in his ears, Watson kept a close eye on the target and quickly speculated in his mind on the evasive maneuvers the opponent might make. There is also an advantage to having large recoil, that is, violent vibrations will cause bullets to scatter, and as the distance increases, this dispersion area will become larger. As long as the weapon's rate of fire is fast enough, it can objectively increase the probability of hitting the target. After all, the "Sea Eagle" is also a general-purpose helicopter, and there are too many places where it is not bulletproof.

"The enemy plane is approaching! Stay hidden!"

Sure enough, the two "Seahawks" took evasive maneuvers, one to the left and one to the right to avoid the freighter. Watson continued to fire at the target on the right, and the bullet chain at the predicted position once sparked on the "Seahawk". The pilot carefully maintained a distance, which happened to prevent the helicopter's flight path from deviating from the ZPU-2's rotation speed. But just as the enemy planes were flying over the front and rear of the freighter, the ammunition for the KPV heavy machine gun had already run out. Watson left the shooting seat, roughly took off the two magazine boxes, and turned around to grab the spares that had been placed next to him. .

After passing by the freighter, the two "Seahawks" pulled away slightly and began to turn around. The one attacked by Watson had to spend more time to complete the turn due to its continuous evasive maneuvers.

"Ready! Infrared lock activated!"

The wolf mother was still warning loudly in the earphones.

Michela then intervened, and the enemy on the bow container used a red smoke bomb to remark their team's position. Although Watson also picked up two, he did not intend to use them again this time. His bait had successfully attracted attention, and the next step was the critical moment.


After changing the ammunition for the two KPV heavy machine guns, he forcefully pulled the ZPU-2 to the side and moved it a few meters, and at the same time, he turned the muzzle of the gun that was originally aimed at the other side. At this time, the enemy aircraft in the distance had completed the U-turn, separated the two elliptical lines on the left and right, and began to suppress fire around the freighter. The front section of the slender fuselage in the field of vision lit up with a flash of light, and before the sound could be heard, a dense rain of bullets was already rushing towards them. The blackened body was hit several times immediately. However, Watson was also someone who had been taken care of by the Deshka heavy machine gun. He immediately judged the approximate caliber of the weapon based on the pain. After all, there were only so many types of machine guns on the Federal Army helicopters.

Now we can directly rule out the .50 caliber M2 Browning heavy machine gun.

"Keep track! Get ready-!"

Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

Watson was not afraid at all and opened fire again. After the shooting just now, this time he had a new understanding of the movement of the enemy aircraft. He mechanically turned the turntable slowly and evenly with his palm, and sparks finally exploded on the "Sea Hawk" fuselage. The weapon that was still firing simply misfired.

Did I hit someone?

Clap clap clap!

Several more warheads passed through the green smoke screen and hit Watson on the shoulder and back. The other "Sea Hawk" was not attacked, so it was still trying to eliminate the air defense force on the freighter. Just as Watson turned his head, he heard Wolf Mother yelling "Launch!". A moment later, three "Holy Grail" missiles flew out from the bridge area. The rocket booster at the tail end ignited and accelerated against the missile head. towards the target.

The pilot of the "Sea Eagle" helicopter responded quickly and immediately dropped the heat decoy bomb while maneuvering the aircraft to avoid it.

"(Russian) God bless!"

Yuri's slightly sick voice came from the earphones.


The first "Holy Grail" missile directly hit the butt of the helicopter. In the flash of fire, thick black smoke emitted from the "Sea Hawk" fuselage, mixed in with large orange-red heat decoys. The last two missiles followed closely, but their sight was disturbed by the numerous infrared radiation, and they flew away from the target one after the other.

"(Russian) URLA!!!!!"

Yuri didn't shout this time, he howled.

"Shut up! It hasn't even fallen yet!" Mother Wolf opened her mouth and cursed. This "Sea Eagle" was surprisingly strong. It was clearly hit by a "Holy Grail" shot, but it was still flying unsteadily in the air. However, it can be seen from the sudden drop in height that its condition is actually very critical. In this case, the driver should not dare to try to attack and rescue. Sure enough, the two enemy planes did not turn around again, and were gradually sent away by the gaze of the wolf team.

"This is your Russian stuff."

Beltway finally found a chance to talk.

"...At least it hit one!"

"Okay, the battle is not over yet." The same Wolf Mother said with the familiar indifference: "This is actually a good thing. If the seriously injured plane crashes on the way back, it will involve more rescue forces from the enemy. Now we You’ve bought time, machine gunner, go find those little mice below the deck, do you need me to send someone to support you?”

"No, I can do it."

Watson came to the sandbag bunker and took out his hidden weapon from the crack. The armed boat from the destroyer has not yet arrived, so teammates had better continue to guard the sea. But having said that, it was a good thing that there were still surviving SEALs on the freighter, otherwise he was afraid that the destroyer would choose to directly launch anti-ship missiles.

Although he has memory fragments, this SEAL is more of a follower of orders and is unclear about a lot of information outside of the mission, so the whole thing is still confusing to Watson. For example, who did this arms dealer Yuri offend? Does he still have something in his mouth? It is now at least two and a half hours before Hooper's seaplane arrives. What will be the subsequent reaction of the federal army?

In the worst case scenario, the "Heller" wouldn't come directly, right?

If that's the case, am I going to blow up the battleship?

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