Bomb the destroyer.

How can a destroyer be blown up whenever it wants...

Putting aside this idea for the time being, Watson took small steps down the stairs with the FN Minimi and came to the previous cabin entrance again. The two surviving enemies just threw smoke bombs here, and the scene also saw some changes due to the new activities. First of all, more corpses were dragged in, and the blood stains became more obvious. There was a tripwire stretched under the threshold. I stepped over it gently and saw a broadsword mine hidden in the corner. Watson carefully removed the tripwire and continued following the blood trail. After being shot so many times by airborne weapons, his body was now covered with pitted marks of damage. It seemed that every time he was responsible for a frontal battle, this would develop.

This is the price of going it alone.

I am always worried about leaving traces and exposing my abilities, so I can only be limited to the roles of "rifleman" and "machine gunner" from the beginning to the end. As long as he is not powerful enough to blow up the earth with one punch, he will always have to worry about these messy factors. Just like now, if you have a few ships, a few planes, and a few missiles that can hit dozens of kilometers away, how can things be so troublesome? If you issue an order, you might be able to wait for the results.

You shouldn't waste your time like this anymore.

After Watson decided to finish this job, he would have a good chat with the wolf mother.

After all, they accidentally faced the US Federation this time. Even if the Wolf Pack team escaped successfully and killed a dozen SEALs, among other things, Watson did not think the matter would end so easily. At the end of the twentieth century, the American Federation still had unique global influence. Even if it were a strange American comic book world, it would not prevent them from sending their fleets, soldiers and agents everywhere to intervene in the regional situation. Fortunately, in 1998, the U.S. Federation had not sent troops to the Middle East on a large scale, otherwise things would have been even worse. .

"Gunner, we are entering the rear bilge."

Luper's voice came from the earphone: "We are going to look for survivors. You should also pay attention over there and call us in time if there is any situation."


After talking for a while, the French wife ended the call. Now that the enemy threat was temporarily lifted, Wolf Mother quickly took a few people to the rear cabin to search for possible surviving crew members. This was also the decision she had just discussed with Hobo and Yuri. After all, such a large cargo ship would never move on its own. The only question was whether there was a traitor like Andre among the surviving crew members.

This will be left to Yuri to worry about.

The poor arms dealer only had two bodyguards left in total. As a result, one was dead and the other was seriously injured. Now there is no one available. He had another important task when he went deep into the cabin this time, which was to pay the wolf team's bill. The agreement between the two parties at the beginning was very simple. The wolf team was responsible for dealing with enemies that might appear on the way to the ship. After the team successfully boarded the freighter, strictly speaking, the agreement had been fulfilled. Not only the wolf team, but also the contract between Yuri and Hob has been successfully concluded. Now that the arms dealer is alone, he must pay a greater price in exchange for protection.

The initiative lies with Mother Wolf and Hob.

How to bargain depends on their methods.

Watson walked along the cabin corridor. The lighting conditions here were very poor, there were many blind spots in the field of vision, and the air was even turbid. He followed the blood stains and the smell of blood to a cabin that looked like a restaurant. There were many food plates on the table, and several bloody crew members' bodies next to them, proving that there had been battles here.

A long trail of blood spread to another exit, and there was another corridor ahead. Watson temporarily turned off the team channel and listened intently to what was going on in his ears, but other than the spinning fan, he heard no other sounds. The spider sense began to faintly stimulate his scalp. He looked forward intently and moved his legs lightly. There was a surveillance probe installed at the other end of the corridor. Watson thought for a moment, then quietly touched a red smoke bomb on his lower back and pulled off the tab.


Red smoke slowly spread.

After waiting quietly for more than ten seconds, Watson continued to move forward, switching his eyes to thermal imaging mode while unfolding the magnetic field from "Magneto" Carl Heisenberg. I haven't practiced this skill for a while. The environment changed from a Romanian village to a cargo ship cabin, and I realized that the metal walls on both sides caused a lot of interference. Although theoretically, all objects on the surface of the earth are in a magnetic field, but with the current strength of his skills, it is obviously impossible to clearly feel what is on the other side of the metal wall.

But how to enhance magnetic induction?

There seems to be no mutants in this world, especially Eric Lensherr, the "true Magneto" who can pull iron elements out of the ground, otherwise he would have jumped out to cause trouble.

The bloodstain ahead turned into the left hatch.

The increasingly stinging spider sense almost made him shout out the word danger. Watson stuck to the door and raised his gun, and saw a few calves next to the shelves. His eyes scanned the dark cabin for a while, and then he looked back.


Watson turned his attention to the other two hatches next to him. The red mist emitted by the smoke bomb had completely enveloped the area, like blood. If it weren't for the thermal imaging field of view, this picture would look a bit scary. The entire corridor was still filled with dead silence, with only the smoke bomb on his waist making a faint sound. Gradually, he heard a slight wheezing, as if someone's lungs had been shot.



Ten minutes later.

"That's all?"

The wolf mother was standing by the cabin door. There were three rows of corpses inside, and in the cabin on the other side, there were two unconscious men who had been stripped down to only a pair of shorts. After a moment of silence, Kalena returned her gaze to Watson's face: "You don't look good."

"As long as you know."

Watson touched his helmet and saw that the right side had been torn open by fragments: "Originally, the enemy still had a few seriously injured people, but they deliberately planted booby traps underneath them, so... I tried my best."

"It doesn't matter, you did a great job! At least these two people are not dead, right? Now we still have two hostages, which is very important! The Federation boss is going to have a headache now!" Yuri stood next to him, his expression still a little excited. : "We have obtained the bargaining chip, maybe we can make those federal guys worry a little, and then..."

"Don't place your hopes on those who are officials."

Beltway crossed his arms, not knowing what he was thinking of, and suddenly interjected: "The toilet seat is stronger than their conscience. Just pray that there are no warships nearby, otherwise they may order the launch of missiles."

"They certainly have."

Yuri's tone was very certain: "As for the two Seahawks just now, where else can they fly from except the warship helipad?"

"Heh, your reasoning is great, keep going."

"Medical officer, your turn."

Ignoring these two guys, Mother Wolf called Bertha over the phone and asked Beltway and Yuri to cooperate in interrogating the prisoners. She pulled Watson onto the deck: "All nine crew members imprisoned in the bottom cabin have been released. Although Yuri said they have no problem, Hobo and I have reservations about this. In any case, the freighter is now heading towards the coast. Hobo just confirmed with the third officer that the direction of travel has been adjusted, which can exactly correspond to his aircraft. airplane."

Only 9 people left?

The two walked to the ammunition box, and Watson began to replace the bulletproof insert: "...are there enough people to drive this freighter?"

"It can be driven, but it can only be driven." Mother Wolf took off her helmet and tactical vest, and also replenished ammunition: "This cargo ship has been modified and can run about 23 knots (nautical miles) per hour. Now our course is about the same distance from the coast. 500 nautical miles, 477 nautical miles to be precise, and if things go well, we expect to see the aircraft in about two hours."

"I hope it's okay. Ask someone to replace Beltway. I need his help carrying ammunition." Watson sighed and began to replace the FN Minimi light machine gun. The federal army also has several armed speedboats on the way. For a battle on such a wide sea, 5.56mm caliber weapons are not enough. Fortunately, I also carry a customized FN MAG, and with a scope attached, I can shoot a target 3 kilometers away without any problem.

"...You are really willing to spend money to buy so many scopes." Kalena turned her head and glanced. Seeing that no one came out, she quickly slapped Watson on the butt and walked towards the cabin.

This moment stunned Watson.

After a while, he sighed again and silently came to the ZPU-2 to check the remaining ammunition. As we all know, most anti-aircraft machine guns are very effective against infantry, so in terms of firepower strength, it depends on this old guy. However, Watson had noticed before that the barrel heat of the two ZPV machine guns was very abnormal, and they might be about to be scrapped.

Picking up a bucket of bullets, the woman's expression just now suddenly came to mind.

That heaviness cannot escape observation.

From the incident to now, Watson has never had the opportunity to face his teammates for a long time. Although everyone didn't say anything, they were still trying to do their best. There were some quarrels, jokes, conflicts and banter, mostly just to ease the mood. Facing a U.S. federal warship on the vast sea, how could it be possible to escape easily? This is not a problem of strength gap, it is simply that the weight difference between the two sides is too far, so far that it cannot be solved with a few guns. If that warship is determined to fire a few missiles, will people like me still have the ability to stop it?

Perhaps because she was an elite soldier, Mother Wolf can always control herself. She knows that only in this way can she find a chance of survival. However, the action that shouldn't have occurred just now also proved that the woman also had a temporarily out-of-control mentality.

But where is the hope?

I hope the Brazilian navy will notice something is wrong and come to expel it? I hope the commander of the federal warship will consider the safety of his own people and not be willing to kill? I hope that when the seaplane arrives, it won't be locked by the ship's radar from a distance and shot down?

…What about Michela? Will she be afraid?

...she will.

It was rare to be calm at this moment. After leaving the fighting state, Watson gradually realized the heavy atmosphere in the team. He has many means of self-protection. His body is bulletproof, his endurance is long-lasting, and he doesn't need to breathe. Even without the suspension cloak, he can swim back to the shore, so naturally there will be no pressure. But from the perspective of ordinary people, the situation seems very desperate. To be honest, no matter how good the French wife's psychological quality is, it would be difficult to reach this point without Watson.

Watson actually knows his place in the team.

"Bridge report, heading 3 o'clock, 4 armed speedboats."

Siyan's voice suddenly sounded in the earphones.


Watson used his arm strength to directly drag ZPU-2 to the starboard side. Soon, the figures of Wolf Mother and others rushed out of the cabin and ran to their respective combat positions. After the internal crisis was resolved, the crew transported out all the equipment in the arsenal, which were basically AK automatic rifles commonly used in maritime security. The only big ones were two mortars, with only 8 ammunition left. Yuri initially wanted to use them to intimidate the pirates, but in the face of flexible surface boats, the hit rate of these mortars was extremely low, and they were quickly piled up. Eat ashes in the corner.

"Hey! Macho!"

Beltway was carrying several boxes of FN MAG machine gun bullets, and his movements were still very flexible: "I'm counting on you today!"

"There's something."


"What caliber are those mortars?"

"Oh, Yuri said it's 120mm, a very old Soviet model from World War II. What's wrong?"

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