The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 245 Before the Black Hawk Falls

Luper was a little excited to see this powerful two-gun anti-aircraft machine gun. After all, it is always good to have an extra safety net, not to mention that with Watson, a superhuman who is not afraid of bullets, he can safely output the weapon just by sitting there. Firepower. Unfortunately, arms dealers' cargo ships are also cargo ships after all. In order to face various inspections, they cannot blatantly pile up large quantities of weapons. They are well hidden along the way and unloaded immediately when they arrive at the destination. Most of the arsenals only have conventional weapons for guards, and this ZPU-2 is considered the only one.

But not long after, arms dealer Yuri embarrassingly said that due to long-term lack of maintenance, there may be some problems in the operation of the weapons. As if in response to his words, when Watson loaded the magazine and pulled the bolt, one of the ZPV machine guns actually jammed.


Watson pulled gently and finally reset the ZPV's bolt... But resetting the bolt is one thing, and whether it can fire normally is another.

Unexpectedly, it makes sense.

Russian style.

"If it doesn't work, just use it as bait and push it to the most conspicuous position." In such critical moments, the wolf mother never hesitated. She looked at it for a few seconds and then said: "It doesn't matter if they are seen by the surviving enemies on the ship. If they It would be better to notify the helicopter. As long as we attract the opponent's attention, we can buy more time for the Holy Grail missile to aim."

"You're right." The arms dealer sighed: "At least our tough guy took the lead in seizing two AT-2 anti-tank launchers. It's better than nothing."

"Hey! Russian guy!"

Beltway came over: "Why did you run away suddenly? I haven't learned it yet! Where is the infrared aiming button?"


Yuri was startled, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the fat man didn't carry out the Holy Grail missile: "Stop talking, I'll go over now."

"Good news, guys!" At this time, the voice of the old man Hopper sounded in the team channel: "The communication station has returned to normal. I have just contacted my seaplane. But it will take almost 3 hours for it to fly over. My men We are already making preparations, and I hope we can survive until then."

"Wasn't your seaplane destroyed?"

"I have one more."

"Oh, this is great." Although Beltway has already walked far away, he is still making his presence felt in the communication channel: "It would be great if you could call another destroyer over. Then we won't be afraid of any helicopters."

"Stop chatting, be aware that there are enemies on board."

Wolf Mother ended the game with one word.

"This is the machine gunner. I'm free to deal with it now. Report the enemy's position. Over." Watson parked the ZPU-2, turned around and picked up his FN Minimi. The SEAL team returned to strength, but that also depends on Compare with whom. Moreover, this type of soldiers also has flaws to some extent. For example, they will not abandon their teammates easily. Now that the entire team has suffered heavy casualties, the two surviving guys are probably focused on moving, placing, and hiding the wounded.

The arms dealer Yuri's cargo ship has many passages, and you can get down to the cabin from both front and rear. To be honest, although Michela just reported the location of the last enemy sighting, Watson feels that there is a high probability that he will not find anything in the past. . In fact, he was more concerned about Andre's missing mole. Who knew if this person would suddenly do bad things.

Running past the piles of containers, the sea breeze was warm and calm.

From Watson's perspective, you can just see the sunlight passing through the dense gaps in the box, one by one like a stop-motion animation. This reminded him of Umbrella's African base, where he was fighting a USS team in a pile of containers, and then used a black light hammer to destroy some armored vehicles. Compared with that time, today's black light body is more powerful, not to mention the floating cloak hidden inside the heavy body armor. If Watson really wants to imitate the protagonist of "Prototype" and fly into the sky and fight a helicopter, he can actually do it. Do it.

But it was too conspicuous during the day.

I'll try it again if I have a chance in the evening.


Military boots made a sound on the metal deck. Watson looked at the temporary bunker in front of him, and sure enough he didn't see any living people. In addition to the bodies of several SEALs, there were also many used bandages and disposable medical equipment on the ground, and a large amount of blood spread toward the stairwell of the inner cabin. He stepped forward slowly, his eyes scanning every corner and dark place. Fortunately, he didn't see any booby traps, nor any common pressure-type booby traps.

"The machine gunner reported that the enemy had taken refuge in the inner compartment of the hull."

"The enemy helicopter may come at any time. Don't go deep. Make sure you can return to the deck quickly." The wolf mother said in a helpless tone, but now the team is seriously short of manpower. Let alone enter the cabin to search for enemies, they even go to the bottom to search. Possible trapped crew members must be careful about being ambushed.


Watson was about to follow the blood trail, but his ears heard the sound of gunshots.

from outside.

"Report the situation!"

"(Russian) Communications antenna under attack!"

"What did he say? VIP? Translate? Is it a communication antenna?" Upon hearing this unfamiliar Russian, Luper guessed that it was the two bearded bodyguards stationed at the communication antenna, and immediately called Yuri's code name: "Ask them each other What location? How many people are there? What kind of weapons?"

"...No need, it's solved."

After a few seconds of silence, Yuri suddenly said: "It's Andre, my people have..."

boom----! ! !

A violent explosion suddenly boomed into the stairway. Watson rushed onto the deck and saw that the location of the communication antenna behind the bridge was completely shrouded in black smoke. He paused for a moment, and the voices of Wolf Mother and teammates were heard in the earphones. Another half minute passed, and Yuri yelled: "cyka6лrдь! Damn Andrei! That traitor brought a bomb!"

Brought a bomb?

How much does Andre earn per month? So desperate? Watson was distracted. Things had already happened, and it was useless no matter how anxious he was. He couldn't choose between guarding the antenna, setting up positions, or searching for remaining soldiers. The wolf mother chose not to waste time with Yuri, and instead called Hobo's code name: "The team that suppresses the deck, one person will take the captain up to confirm the casualties. Call captain, captain? Do you receive it? Bridge It’s of no use for now.”

"Damn it, my ears..." It took more than ten seconds before Hobo's voice joined the communication channel: "This is the captain, the communication station is completely disabled. Although the communication has been completed just now, but now In this situation, if anything changes, we have absolutely no way to notify the aircraft."

"It's about three hours before your plane arrives. We'll figure it out later. Come back, machine gunner, don't be lured away by the enemy."


Watson broke into a trot, casting his gaze out to sea.

It has now entered the morning, and the azure sea and sky merge together, vast and pure, even more beautiful than the scene that I smuggled from the Federation to the port of Le Havre in France a long time ago. In this kind of weather, you should set up a few deck chairs, organize a seafood barbecue party, chew abalone and drink beer, and go for a walk with the sea breeze in the evening. Thinking of this, he began to miss his girlfriend's fiery body. He had to admit that he was not a stoic person in his previous life, and his sudden death at a young age was not entirely due to staying up late.

This primitive desire is like the forbidden fruit described in the Bible.

Eat the marrow to know the taste.

Love to eat, then indulge in it. If you eat it again, it will gradually become fatal.

Thinking about it carefully, if I were still in the body of an ordinary human being, my hands and feet would have become weak after a few nights of tossing. On the one hand, Watson enjoyed this feeling; but on the other hand, he subconsciously resisted. Just like losing weight, I try my best to suggest that I eat less, sleep more and exercise more, but when it comes to a sumptuous meal, I can't control my mouth and can't resist the temptation of the little devil in my heart. Although these two things are at different levels, they can be said to be essentially the same.

Okay, don't think about it.

Shaking his head, Watson reported his position, and then quickly ran back to the temporary air defense position. After this short run, the casualties of the sudden explosion were confirmed. The communication antenna was destroyed, and one of the two bodyguards of the arms dealer Yuri was killed and the other seriously injured. The "goat", covered in burnt black and blood, was lifted down and transported to the cabin below the bridge. Michela had already put on her surgical bag and disappeared into the hatch. The next scene was probably going to be tragic.

"Take it."

Mother Wolf stuffed a military telescope into Watson's hand, turned around and walked towards the cabin: "Go up to the bridge and observe the sky. I have to discuss with Hob and the others what to do. In the worst case scenario, if the enemy is 3 hours old The threat from the other side is still very high, and we may have to escape from the cargo ship in a small boat, and then call the aircraft through smoke grenades and flare guns."

What would happen if the plane didn't see it?

Watson didn't ask this question. Looking at the woman's face, he also knew what would happen if the boat ran out of fuel and floated on the sea. Watson actually had a backup plan in mind. If he tried to get as close to the coast as possible before then, it would not be impossible to use his own body to drive the boat and cover the remaining distance with the boat. When Miss Watson absorbed the "fish man" Moro Salvador in a Romanian village, the smelly fish was indeed disgusting, but it actually enhanced the black light body's ability to move in the water.

However, this ability has never been used.

Because the fish-man Moreau was so disgusting, Ms. Watson didn't even plan to change it. I don’t know if this ability will eventually turn me into a fish, a mermaid, or whether my hands and toes will have webs growing between them. If the final form is as full of eyeballs and acid as the fish-man Morrow, then Watson will definitely not want to be seen.

Hope we have better luck.

The clouds in the telescope are very delicate, and every change is very clear. This is still due to Watson's eyes. Although he cannot directly enlarge the picture, his ability to observe the details of the object's surface is far beyond the scope of humans. Even if he takes a few steps back to observe a small ant, it will not prevent Watson from counting the number of hairs on the opponent's body.

Then he looked and saw two little dots.

Watson held the telescope sleeve, and the two small spots were getting closer and clearer. He finally twitched his eyebrows and quickly tapped the call button with his palm: "Friends, I seem to see two helicopters!"

"Merde (French: shit)! Get ready to fight!"

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