The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 244 The battle situation escalates


Luper retracted as she spoke, and Michela leaned out from behind her, holding the M4 carbine and continuing to fire. Beltway had already thrown a smoke bomb to interfere with the view of the deck below, and now the team members quickly passed Watson, the machine gunner, and approached the bottom of the stairs in front of the bridge entrance. Under Luper's order, Fatty took out another offensive grenade and accurately threw it into the window above.

boom--! ! ! !

Watson was not affected at all. There were no moving human bodies in his field of vision. Tower cranes, containers, and piles of wood on the edge of the ship's side...these positions occupied by the enemy all had limbs lying more or less at this moment. . The combat quality of this group of attackers is very high. No one was hit by bullets due to large-scale exposure of the body. It can only be said that Watson's shooting skills, which have been trained extensively by Clockwork Man, Death Shooter and others, are too outrageous. In a matter of seconds, it swept across the entire field, leaving the opponent unable to even use heavy firepower.

Seeing half of the launch tube exposed next to the container, Watson felt a little lucky. Now a lot of people from the Wolf Pack team are crowded here. It's okay for him to be shot, but it's hard for other teammates.

"Machine gunner!"

Luper's shout reached his ears.

"Copy that! Someone come watch the deck!"

The round of shooting just now was very effective, but a few enemies still managed to hide back. Watson had no time to wait for them to show up, so he could only stride towards the front of the team, preparing to physically force his way into the bridge entrance. The old men Hobo, Four Eyes and Michela near the middle section immediately raised their guns and pointed them at the deck; while the two bearded Russian bodyguards at the end continued to pay attention to the rear to prevent a sneak attack.

"Flash bomb!"

Beltway pulled off the metal ring of the flash bomb, saw that Watson was already in position, yelled and threw the metal can into the window. With a loud noise, Watson held a gun in one hand and pushed open the iron door. Before Luper could even say "Beware of booby traps", fire exploded in front of his eyes, and the shock wave carried dust and sprayed out from the bridge entrance, hitting everyone's internal organs, not only shattering the remaining poor glass, but also He also strangled his voice in his throat.

Gunshots rang out across the bridge.

Ahead, Beltway strode up the stairs. At this moment, the wall shook again, and the sound of a grenade exploding came from above. Pieces of debris rained down on him, making him shrink back. Then there was another explosion above his head, and a bloody arm was suddenly thrown out of the bridge window and hit the metal floor heavily. After a moment, the gunfire stopped suddenly, like unplugging a stalled car engine.

"It's done."

Hearing Watson's voice, Mother Wolf still reacted quickly: "Those who suppress the deck should not move yet, others get on the bridge! Move quickly!"

Several people in the front row started to move.

This step of the stairs didn't take much time. Beltway stepped in first, and saw Watson holding the FN Minimi through the porthole and aiming at the deck. There were traces of scorched remains everywhere on the ground. As a senior demolitionist, he could tell just by looking and smelling that these enemies must have laid broadsword mines. There were two corpses lying at the helm of the ship, which had been beaten into sieves; the one in the left corner was even worse, the image was no different from the skinned animals in the slaughterhouse, or even worse.

boom! Bang bang bang! ! !

There was another series of gunshots in the corridor below, and it was obvious that there was movement on the deck again.

"The enemy throws smoke bombs!"

Hopper shouted.

"I want some souvenirs, seriously."

Beltway touched his chest and shook off the heavy dust: "One, two, three...Um, does this pile of things count as one person or two people?"

"I don't really want to recall this. Anyway, I killed them all."

Watson watched for half a minute, confirmed that the situation on the deck had stabilized, and then turned back to replenish ammunition for his light machine gun. Just as expected, the last 150-round emergency ammunition box on his body had been destroyed. When he moved, scattered bullets fell from it. He turned his attention to Beltway and shook his chin: "Give me two 2-round magazines, no, take three."

The fat man didn't say anything. He pulled the ammunition bag on his waist and took out the FN Minimi's spare ammunition boxes one by one. Watching this scene, Watson felt a little emotional. He finally experienced the treatment of a normal machine gunner. In fact, logically speaking, each squad machine gunner will be accompanied by at least one teammate, who is responsible for helping carry and change ammunition or barrels. If the machine gunner himself is unfortunately injured, the teammate can also act as an emergency deputy shooter. No matter what kind of machine gun, the spare ammunition is at least five to six hundred rounds. It is also common to carry four figures at a time. It is not easy for a single person to carry it.

And most machine guns are really troublesome to reload.

That is to say, Watson can use his tentacles to help when he is alone, otherwise he will definitely stick to the assault rifle.

"I take back what I said before. The members of your team are all very powerful! Especially you! Machine gunner, you are the most powerful soldier I have ever seen!" Yuri, the arms dealer, walked into the bridge and patted Watson's hand with a smile. shoulder, and then ran directly to the communication station. But after trying a few buttons, he pounded the dashboard and started cursing loudly. The wolf mother who was taking inventory of the battlefield took a closer look: "Can you repair it? If not, look for any surviving crew members? There must be someone on your ship who can repair this thing, right?"

"Repair? I can!"

Yuri took a breath: "I'll show you how the Russians repair the machine! Drink!"

The arms dealer raised his foot and kicked the side panel of the communication station hard. The power-on instrument panel above flashed for a moment, then suddenly went out. The old man Hobo stood aside and shook his head repeatedly, and quickly ran over to stop him: "Hey! Hey! Calm down, brother! If you really kick it and break it, wouldn't our trip be in vain? Calm down, I can fix it, Let me help you take a look... Hey! Do any of you have tool pliers? This side panel is stuck!"

The two men squatted down to tinker, then raised their heads again after a while. Watson walked over, tore off the iron plate with one hand, and then approached Luper: "I'm going to return to the davit that I came up with before. Next, the enemy may send helicopters to support us. We need those Holy Grail missiles. This Do you have enough manpower now? Can two people come with me to move things?"


A few minutes later.

Looking at the wreckage of the HU-16 "Albatros" on the sea, Watson looked away, tightened the nylon straps binding the ammunition box on his back, and grabbed a box with his left and right hands. In order to ensure normal communication, the wolf team had to divide into three groups, continuously suppressing the deck; repairing the communication station; and continuing to the back of the bridge to protect the communication antenna from damage. In this situation, the priority is still to ensure communication and call for help, and the task of searching for surviving enemies can only be moved to the back.

Therefore, Watson could only come alone to collect the equipment.

Fortunately the two boats had not been destroyed.

The pile of minced meat on the bridge was a deliberate move by Watson. He actually took advantage of the chaos to absorb an enemy soldier, and only the half of his arm fell out. The memory fragments show that these enemies are indeed US Navy SEALs. They are here to capture the arms dealer Yuri Vostov. If they fail to catch him, they will be killed.

The operation started in the early hours of this morning. First, a 9-man raid team dived aboard the ship and went straight to the bridge, interrupting the crew's intention to alert Yuri. As soon as they succeeded, a 7-man fire team then approached in two Black Hawk helicopters. The rappelling team, under the suppression of heavy weapons on board, cooperated with the raid team to quickly remove the freighter's defenses and locked most of the crew into the bottom cabin.

As for that Andre...

He was indeed a paid undercover agent.

Without this powerful second-in-command on the freighter, the entire operation would not have been so easy to achieve a staged success. If everything goes as planned, Yuri will be controlled the moment he gets on the ship. It's a pity that the intelligence of this group is still not enough. Unexpectedly, the arms dealer temporarily hired a wolf team. The fighting power was so fierce that the entire raid team was wiped out. There were only a few active members of the fire team. For the time being, There is no room for attack.

Andre actually did more bad things.

For example, he deliberately drove the boat far away. The nearest coast was almost 500 nautical miles away. It was completely unrealistic to escape in a small boat.

Since it was difficult to explain the source, Watson did not disclose this information, but it did not affect Luper's decision-making. The French wife decided to move the main battle site to a container area with more bunkers. If the situation goes wrong, she can quickly evacuate to the bottom. In fact, at the same time as the "Albatross" landed, the SEAL team called for air support. Counting the time, it was almost time.

"The bridge, hasn't it been repaired yet?"

"hold on……"

"11 o'clock direction, second one."


Several people were talking in the team channel, and there were occasional gunshots from the front.

"Gunner, where are you?" Luper asked.

"We're here! Direction of 5 o'clock!" Watson sped up, crossed over the pile of obviously destroyed wooden boxes, and stepped heavily on the deck. The Wolf Pack team had begun to set up air defense positions in the front. The arms dealer Yuri could not help on the bridge, so he simply ran down by himself. When he saw Watson, he shouted: "Hey! Macho! You are finally here! I have a big The treasure is hidden under the deck! Come and help!”

After unloading several ammunition boxes, Watson walked over and took a look. There was a wheeled ZPU-2 parked under the opened iron plate. The barrels of two 14.5mm caliber KPV heavy machine guns were slightly raised, filled with a heavy feeling. And a solemn atmosphere of steel. Watson had seen this kind of weapon in Albania, where Illyrian gangs welded it to trucks. It was primitive, brutal and deadly.

Okay, he's an arms dealer after all.

"Did you see that iron ramp? Help me put it down, and then we will bring some people..." Before Yuri could finish speaking, he saw a stout machine gunner jump down and make a mess. After setting up the ramp, I directly dragged the wheeled ZPU-2 up. The arms dealer was stunned there, eyes wide open, unable to believe what he saw.

"You pull the ammunition cart yourself."

After Watson said this, he walked past the man silently.

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