The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 161 The Horrible Love of the Dead House

It's sizzling!

When the egg liquid comes into contact with the surface of the pan, the unique aroma soon spreads out. Add a bowl of peeled shrimps, add a small amount of shredded ginger, stir-fry briefly with a spatula for half a minute, and it is ready to serve. This is the classic Cantonese style shrimp and scrambled egg bibimbap. As the first dish Watson has made in his life, it tastes pretty good.

"Where did you learn this?"

Seeing the chopsticks spinning between Watson's fingers again, Mrs. Carter couldn't help but be curious. Although she can use this kind of tableware herself, she is not so skilled at it. Among the most difficult cultural skills to learn in Dongguo, chopsticks have always been in the top ten levels, followed by various Dongguan dishes and crafts. When Paige was young, she encountered some Korean and Japanese tourists who pretended to be Dongguo people with a pair of chopsticks.

"I was from Dongguo in my previous life."

Watson blinked.

"Really? Then you can work hard in this life."

The old lady smiled and picked up the tea cup: "It has always been difficult to apply for Dongguo nationality."

The room gradually became quiet, leaving only the crisp sound of tableware touching cups and bowls. The early morning sunshine happened to shine on the table, and neither of them spoke anymore until they finished eating the staple food. Watson did not find this atmosphere awkward. Compared to the first time he visited here, he no longer felt too restrained. This feeling is a bit like being at home. Even if you don't talk, you won't feel anything bad.

"So, you really don't want to talk to me?"

Watson lowered his gaze to the table, avoiding the concerned look in front of him: "What would you do if... you met a scumbag?"

"What does 'scumbag' mean?"

"Well, he's just a man with bad character, cheating, cheating, trying to get into trouble, and so on."

"Oh, I will break his forehead." The old lady's answer was very simple, and her whole person's aura suddenly changed, showing a faint sense of sharpness: "Then draw the gun and point it at the guy's face, let him get away as far as possible How far."

After a few seconds of silence, Watson curled up half of his lips and nodded.

"Is this what you told me on the plane last time? Do you want to do something bad?"


Watson began to stare at the dead fish head on the dinner plate. Seeing this, Peggy couldn't help but chuckle, and changed back to a gentle and kind look: "Of course I understand, you are so cute, you must be liked by women everywhere, right? No one likes you That’s abnormal.”

The old lady babbled and stretched out a hand to stroke Watson's hair.

"Wait, why are you talking about this?" The beautiful boy turned his head.

"Just saying it, forget it, forget it!"

After laughing for a while, Paige looked into Watson's eyes: "So, what do you think?"

" be honest?"


"I want them all."


late at night.

I really want to take a nap.

Watson leaned on the deck chair on the outdoor balcony and stared at the night sky in a daze.

January is the month when the temperature is the lowest in London. It is rare that there is no rain tonight. The cold moonlight shines on the manor, casting shadows on the statues and trees. It feels like the haunted murder case of the wealthy old house in "Sherlock Holmes". This kind of English garden has two completely different styles during the day and at night. Now it feels eerie and weird no matter how you look at it.

The outcome of that table chat earlier was a little surprising. After hearing Watson's words, Mrs. Carter looked unsurprised. After further questioning, the answer was also classic: "I have met many powerful people over the years, and I am engaged in intelligence work myself, so this is not unusual at all. Pretty boy, you can't even imagine the tricks played by those men and women. arrive."

Okay, you are still knowledgeable.

Of course, Paige also didn't give any advice on this matter. Even if the old lady didn't say it directly, Watson could already tell through her expression that the other party had completely entered 'that state'. That is to say, middle-aged and elderly people will unconsciously feel emotions, aftertaste and implicit contempt in their hearts when they see young people falling in love.

It can only be said that this time I found an unsuitable person to talk to.

Good thing I'm not in Gotham, Wayne Manor is definitely scarier.

As he thought about it, his mind inexplicably tilted towards Batwoman. Watson turned his attention to the night sky again and tried to yawn like a normal person. However, his mind was still clear and his tiredness was not at all visible. To be honest, even now, he still longs for the unique sense of peace of mind that comes from deep sleep. I haven't slept for more than half a month. Although my body is fine, my mind always feels that something is wrong.

Logically speaking, I have long been used to it.

But maybe it was because I had too much 'cannibalism' during this period and I was a bit indigestive. Various memory scenes appeared in front of my eyes from time to time. Compared with the day at the Sutong Umbrella Company's African base, the current situation has actually improved a lot, but Watson feels that if he can sleep to death for a few days, his body's recovery speed should be much faster.

How about trying to faint?

After thinking about it, Watson pulled out the M9 pistol, loaded it lightly, and then put the muzzle of the gun into his mouth. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this move at all, and was even thinking: If a pistol bullet couldn't break the roof of the mouth, what weapon could penetrate the brain and cause consciousness to fall into coma? Anyway, my body will eventually recover, and there should be no side effects.

As long as the gun goes off, nothing will be known for the time being...

After a while, Watson released the gun again.

ok I admit it.

This is still bothering me.

Living in a peaceful environment, the thinking state of normal life once again occupied the brain. Naturally, things that I deliberately did not think about gradually came to light at this moment. After these few days of rest, Watson gradually realized that the things he was worried about were actually deeper than moral issues.

He never forgot Michela's previous statement.

Admittedly, if he were a normal man, he would definitely be happily getting ready to go to bed - as for what happens next, who cares? Of course we can consider the future matters later!

Of course, falling in love must start from the starting point.

Whether they will quarrel in the future, break up, or develop for the better, get married and have children... these are all things for the future. The more important thing is to enjoy the present. Even if they are worried about what will happen in the future, most people can control their mentality appropriately and will not think about the possibility of breaking up in the future on the first day of dating.

But there are always people who can't do this.

The love psychology of these people is different from ordinary people, and Watson even panics about it.

Especially the sentence at the beginning of Michela:

'No matter what we will be separated from in the future...'

It completely pierced the fragile nerve in his heart that belonged to the otaku.

What are the differences between otakus and normal men? One answer is obvious: it's easier to escape reality. The reason why many otakus are addicted to virtual worlds is, to a large extent, because the contents of those things are fixed and completely controllable.

You can control everyone in the virtual world.

There is no betrayal or harm in this world, as long as you want it.

When the favorability reaches the full value, the NPC will always greet you with a smile; when the romantic stars are maxed out with one click, the heroine's love for you will be written into the game save file, and it will be read out at any time, and it will be eternal. Attachment. This can be said to be limited by the game mechanism. After all, 1 is 1 and 2 is 2. The computer is not the human brain, it can only recognize this fixed value. But precisely because of this, long-term exposure to this model has also rooted the pathological desire for control deep in the hearts of many otakus.

Many of them are even keen to break the rules of the game and give themselves more control——

For example, developing cheats and plug-ins.

As long as you study a little and know how to unpack files and code, the data in the game is no longer a secret. Everything can be modified, everything can be controlled. The so-called 'random events' and the so-called 'force majeure ending', you can completely control everything in the virtual world. The only difference is whether you want to and whether you are willing to devote the time and energy.

But real world love…

It's not controllable.

This should be common sense. Not only is love uncontrollable, it is also illogical. It is inevitable to exercise moderately to keep fit; it is inevitable to improve your academic performance; even when a basketball is shot and a few cherry blossoms fall, the trajectory of the movement has already been answered. But love - who knows what it will be like tomorrow.

I don't want this kind of love.

I want Michela’s love for me to be constant forever, that we will never quarrel, argue, or have periods of fatigue and indifference, and that every day will be blissful. Just like in movies and novels, nothing unexpected happens. Even though I would be lazy, lose my temper, and do all sorts of bad things that I wanted to do, she still loved me as deeply as she did yesterday.

But is this possible?

......This is impossible.

Watson realized the real problem: deep down in his heart, he was rejecting everything that was unknown and uncontrollable.

He panicked.

The good thing is that I have experienced a lot since traveling through time, and I am unlikely to be trapped in the state of mind of an ordinary person again. But the bad is also here. It is difficult for ordinary people to break through the difficulties in life. Most of the time, they can only choose to endure it - being late for work means being late. If you don't have a pair of wings, you can't fly no matter how anxious you are; if she doesn't love you, she doesn't love you. I don’t love you no matter what. As a human being, there are too many helpless things that we cannot do.

But I can.

There are so many magical things about this magical comic book world that Watson vaguely feels like he's touched a 'game cheat'. How to make sure a person is loyal to you? Transform him into a Black Light Attendant; how to make a person obey your words? Absorb that disgusting guy 'Purple Man' and take away his ability to control human actions...

What about love?

Actually there are.

Thanos has a brother: 'Star Fox' Eros, who can control emotions to a certain extent and make any two people fall in love with each other, or fall in love with himself. This guy is the universe's version of a playboy, and he's romantically involved with many of Marvel's heroines - most of whom are obviously not consensual.

But if you take away the abilities of the above-mentioned characters, and then find ways to continue to upgrade and improve them, you may not be able to control a person's body, mind, or even soul. And if you are lucky enough to touch the level of power of Lady Death in the future, you will probably not be entangled in this problem again. After all, you can destroy entire planets with just a wave of your hand. Is it necessary to restrain yourself like this?

In this world, strength is the greatest rule.

Watson expressed concern.

Because he understands that he is really likely to do that.

So it's easy to be a woman, but with so many rules and regulations, it's really tiring to be a man. After continuing to give up on himself for a while, Watson decided to stop thinking about these problems and find something else to do. It was just after midnight, and everyone in the manor had gone to bed. He went downstairs to pack some equipment, and then drove a motorcycle to downtown London.

Kill the Church of St. Duma tonight.

When I was traveling around for the past two days, I had a long-awaited reaction to the cat scratch mark on my palm, which is located near the Willesden District Cemetery in the northwest. Most of London's urban areas are very old, and Watson has also specifically observed that it is not difficult to avoid the surveillance systems in the streets and alleys. Moreover, the buildings of different heights also provided him with great convenience.

After stopping the car a few kilometers away, Watson pulled his tentacles and shot up into the night sky.

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