The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 162 Tauren warriors are never afraid

There was a church standing in the north of the cemetery. Watson clung to the spire of a building and raised his binoculars to look at it for several minutes, but he didn't see any patrols. This St. Duma Church is either very low-key, or it is really no one uses it. However, judging from the setting of the comics, this church, which originated during the Crusades, has indeed lost its talent in modern times.

Take a look at Gotham City’s ‘peers’, the Court of Owls. Let’s not mention the power and influence for the moment. The number of assassin killers ‘Claws’ under their command is in double digits at least, and all of them can match the combat power of the Angel of Death. And for the Church of St. Duma, the Sorrow Armor and the Spell Sword, which can enhance combat power and control, have been burned. How many chips do they have left?

So what does Lady Death want?

Watson moved forward in the shadow of the moonlight, climbed up the outer wall of the church with his hands and feet, and peered inside through the window. The church is not large in area, and the inner hall is empty. Except for a few rows of prayer chairs and altar sculptures, not even a single person can be seen. Everything around him was quiet except for the scattered chirping of insects.

Feet landed lightly.

After getting into the window and observing the ceiling for a while, Watson decided to search. Holding a saber in one hand and an FN P90 submachine gun with a silencer in the other, he inspected the church several times and finally aimed at the basement. Someone's voice came faintly from the old and heavy wooden door, like a whisper or some kind of spell.

This door is really broken, and the hinges connecting the door frame have been completely corroded by rust. Watson has no doubt that as long as he pushes it gently, the old guy will make a harsh "rattling" sound. He grabbed the entire door panel with his tentacles, while he took out the crowbar and pried open the hinges and hinges bit by bit.

There was no sound during the whole process. After the door panel was removed, the outside air immediately poured slowly into the passage. Watson turned on his thermal vision and continued downward, and an underground tomb appeared in front of him. The dim firelight was just ahead, accompanied by a strong smell of corpses. For some reason, Watson suddenly felt that this scene was very similar to "Dark Soul".

He walked down the stairs a few steps further and saw the body around the corner.


Are these people performing some kind of soul-calling ritual?

There were more and more corpses on the ground, and finally, the outline of a living person with a warm orange color appeared in the field of vision: a dozen people gathered in two circles, and several sets of armor were placed on the altar in the center. Now Watson understood, corpses, altars, souls and rituals, the people from St. Dumas Church wanted to recreate the 'Sorrow Set'.

In addition to the traditional training and brainwashing from childhood, another method used by the St. Duma Church to control the Angel of Death is this full-body armor called the 'Sorrow Suit'.

During the Crusades in the 14th century, which lasted for more than 200 years, a large number of soldiers who claimed to be fighting for their faith also committed many unforgivable crimes such as robbery and massacre. Therefore, the cultists collected some armors of 'sinners' and successfully created the first-generation grief suit. Just like the Lich King's Helm in World of Warcraft, the Suit of Sorrow also exerts a mental influence on its wearer. In fact, most of the people who later wore the suit did suffer mental breakdowns.

Apparently, the Church of St. Dumas is ready to recreate it.

After mentally calculating the order of attack, Watson put away the dagger, took out another P90 from his back, and then assumed a fighting stance towards the altar in front.

Before anyone arrives, the light comes first.

Poof! ! ! !

Two flash bombs were accurately thrown towards the center of the altar and exploded in mid-air. A thick layer of soil ash was immediately shaken by the sound waves and fell from the roof of the cave. However, a smoke bomb followed soon after, but unfortunately, the believers who were covering their ears and eyes and wailing could no longer notice it. Next came the fixed target shooting without difficulty. Two P90 bullets were used up more than half, and Watson knocked down everyone on the field.

After refilling his gun with the remaining bullets, he came to the survivors he had deliberately left behind. This guy looks a lot like a priest, with a classic Mediterranean hairstyle and a cross necklace around his neck.


As soon as the priest uttered a word, the tentacle pierced his chest.

The entire underground tomb was completely quiet. The skulls piled around were illuminated by the firelight, but were quickly hidden in the smoke screen. The smoke bomb made a "chichi" sound, and it took several minutes before it died. But the smoke screen would not dissipate for a while. Watson felt the still strong burning sensation on his hands and began to rummage around the altar.

The priest's memory showed that St. Duma's Church still had a base camp in Switzerland, located somewhere in the Alps. Watson wasn't going to care. No matter what Lady Death wanted, it would be great if it ended up in this London tomb.

As his fingertips touched the broken Crusader armor, whispers began to surround him.

The sound of killing gradually started.

Suddenly someone shouted in my ears, ‘For Jesus! ! ! ! ’, Watson couldn’t help but shake his head, but the shouts of death became louder and louder, quickly surrounding him into a strong battlefield atmosphere, as if there were really a group of Crusader knights charging beside him.

No wonder the Angel of Death is so stupid. Who can stand this? Watson had not touched these armors for a long time. He took two steps back to see if this could alleviate the auditory hallucinations. But at this moment, his back hit a cold and soft body. Watson turned around, and Lady Death's iconic skull head was right in front of him.

"...Then, this matter is over, right?"

Watson turned over his left hand, and the cat paw mark was indeed gone.

"Okay! Then you can continue to stay here! I guess you may be interested in these armors, but what does it matter? I don't want to know at all." Seeing that Ms. Death remained silent, he didn't care. , immediately began to check whether there was anything dropped on him, and was about to leave: "I will leave first, remember what you said, we will never see each other again!"

He took one step, but he didn't make it.

The skeletal palms grasped the waist, seemingly without exerting much force, but the whole body could no longer move out.

The cold breath was close to the left ear. This time it was no longer the teeth of the skull, but the delicate and smooth skin. Two hands painted with black nail polish hugged the waist and then slowly moved up and down. In the thick fog, the female body was close behind her. This was an embrace from death. Watson clearly felt that the previous shouts of killing were quickly disappearing.

Everything is calm again.

Like an illusion, the woman's body then dissipated like mist. Watson turned around and saw Lady Death sitting on the altar, her slender, white and alluring legs stretching out from the black robe, overlapping and gently swaying back and forth. Continuing up the neck, the hood was finally lowered, and he saw a charming face, looming in the thick fog.

When it comes to being attractive, it is mainly due to the makeup.

Lady Death's face is more girlish, with delicate features and soft lines. But she used black eye makeup and lip makeup, combined with her long ink-colored hair, which made the whole pure temperament mixed with charm. She looked like a girl who had just emerged from adulthood and deliberately chose some sexy outfits in order to show maturity. That way. Slightly abrupt, but with a unique charm, people can't help but feel a kind of...

Addictive guilt.

What's even more fitting is that there is a large circle of corpses lying around the altar, as well as the remains of countless dead people who have lived long ago. Combined with the woman on the altar, they give the whole scene a strong mythical atmosphere. Watson didn't know how to describe this scene. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it 'death art'?

His focus doesn't stop there.

Could this woman just be wearing a robe?

Well, I can learn this trick next time I seduce someone.

"...come closer."

Lady Death finally spoke her first words tonight. Her lips didn't move at all, but her voice already sounded in her mind. As soon as her red-white eyes looked over, an inexplicable sense of depression filled her chest. Especially those two places were still belching out fire, which looked exactly like the scene where evil gods appear in movies.

That's right, she was originally a god.

"Is there anything else you can do?"

Watson didn't need to breathe now anyway, so he turned around and took a few steps forward, taking a broad look at the face in front of him. Changing forms is easy for Lady Death, but she doesn't do it lightly. The other party's appearance is indeed beautiful, and Watson doesn't mind admiring it for a while: "As I said just now, this order should have been concluded, right?"

"Yeah...let me see your face."


Watson took off his mask, revealing a terrifying crack: "I guess you want to see this."

The woman in front of him said nothing and kissed his fangs. Watson felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, completely losing all mobility. He could only let the tip of his tongue, which had no warmth, lick back and forth on the roof of his mouth, sliding over the sharp tips of his teeth bit by bit. Lady Death put her bare arms around her neck like a lover, and even closed her eyes slightly.

But Watson couldn't feel any emotion related to happiness.

There wasn't much fluctuation in his heart——

The face of Thanos even appears.

You should still be thinking about how to flatten more planets and kill more creatures to gain favor, right? But you never imagined that the goddess you have been chasing so hard to find is now licking my teeth. And what else can you do? You won't even know about it. Maybe after killing a lot of people tonight, you will lie in bed and feel happy, feeling that you are one step closer to the goddess.

To be fair, Lady Death on the Mad Titan's Thanos stand is unlucky as hell.

As an abstract concept, or a key step and tool that maintains the cycle of life and death in the universe, 'death' should be emotionless and perform its duties like a machine. But it shouldn't, it has self-awareness, and even has hobbies. For the entire universe, this is actually a disaster.

Isn’t Lady Death clear about the Mad Titan’s thoughts?

She knew it, but she didn't care.

She doesn't care if she has the strength.

The magnitude difference between the two parties is too far. This woman just wants to do this, who can force her? Even in Ms. Death's view, raising a Mad Titan is like raising a dog. If you can raise a dog, you can raise a cat. If you can raise the first one, you can raise the second one. As it is now, Thanos' infatuated love is, to a certain extent, irrelevant to her, just a 'fun thing'.

So, I am also a ‘funny thing’ now.

And there must be more to her.

But fun is fun, fun is fun, and Ms. Death still knows how to perform her duties. Watson suddenly began to hope that this woman had better not understand what love is. An abstract concept of the universe that understands love is no longer enough to be described by the word 'disaster'. Thinking of this, he completely let go and allowed this woman to do whatever she wanted.

No matter how you do it, I won’t lose anyway.

But maybe she was tired of it, so Ms. Death let go of Watson. The freezing feeling quickly weakened, and her body regained control.

" this a reward?"

"What do you think?" After hearing Watson's words, the woman tilted her head slightly.

"I think I have to thank you." Watson took out the two P90s again and slowly changed the magazines: "I have been struggling with certain things in the past two days. Strictly speaking, they are meaningless, but they are indeed bothering me. Me. But... you came here to kiss me today, and I have figured it out a bit, thank you."

Lady Death turned her head to the other side.

"So, that's it." Watson turned around and strode out: "I hope we will never see each other again before I die."

This time the woman made no move to stop him. She watched Watson's back disappear into the darkness, and her face turned back into a skull. The firelight and mist quickly dissipated, and several soul fires emerged in the air. The enchanting body slowly stood up and completely disappeared from the spot together with the entire altar.

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