The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 160 Miss Watson’s Melancholy

A bald guy…

Two bald guys…

Oh, this is a bald head.

In a restaurant on the streets of London, Miss Watson sat by the third-floor window, holding up half of her face and observing the passers-by below with interest. The proportion of male baldness in the UK is actually not that high, and there is no strong scientific evidence. It is not much different from what she has seen elsewhere. However, purely based on popularity and circle, a considerable number of British celebrities are indeed suffering from hair loss. This has also made the argument that "British men have a high proportion of baldness" increasingly popular after the millennium.

The first transfer arrived this morning and Miss Watson began enjoying her holiday.

Renato Dodd is very efficient.

When she looked up this name on her phone before, Miss Watson really didn't remember who this person was. It wasn't until she browsed the transfer records that she remembered that the other party had helped her handle Bruce Wayne's $400 million a long time ago. of checks. So after a phone call, Mr. Renato flew directly from Le Havre, France, to London to handle this large and rare sum of money.

The bearer bonds needed to be arranged first, but the gold nuggets had other places to go.

In the late 90s, affected by a series of factors such as the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the price of gold fell all the way to less than one-tenth of its previous peak, which can be called the financial tragedy of half a century. It was not until the turn of the millennium that the price of gold in London gradually recovered and has continued to rise since then. Miss Watson knew about this, so she followed Renato's advice and kept most of the gold. Anyway, she now has more than 500 million US dollars in her account, and she has nothing special to spend money on at the moment.

Besides that there is some good news.

Part of the funds Mrs. Viper had left in London were successfully used.

For security reasons, the money obviously cannot be transferred directly into your own account, otherwise traces of the transfer will easily be detected. This requires a series of turnovers, so all these operations are handed over to Renato. As for Miss Watson herself, she took advantage of her free time in the past two days to visit all the major tourist attractions in London.

In fact, the main thing is to eat and drink.

Eat wherever you go.

The restaurant is currently located on the Thames River, not far from the sightseeing cruise ship. As the sky gets darker, soft light spots illuminate the street, revealing a slightly quiet prosperity. This made Miss Watson feel comfortable. After staying on the battlefield for a long time, she became more and more fond of such a calm and peaceful atmosphere. She didn't need to think about things or pay attention to dangers at all times, and she could just stay in a daze for a few hours.

The sound of the piano floats in my ears, flowing like a river.

I have made every effort, it has been almost 2 years since I traveled back in time, and I have really experienced a lot of things. Scenes of battles and faces that I have seen before are constantly appearing and changing on the window glass. Finally, the flames of war and the glow slowly dissipated, leaving only the reflection of the appearance in front of him. Miss Watson held her forehead with one hand, lifted her bangs, and looked at her eyes quietly.

So familiar.

so strange.

Do you still remember what you looked like in your previous life?


A drop of rain hit the glass and slowly slid down, followed by the second and third drops. Soon the world outside the window was divided into multiple small vertical blocks. Pedestrians on the road held up umbrellas and danced strangely among the rain streaks, which was very interesting.

This scene seems familiar.

Miss Watson recalled her previous trip to Japan, where she dined at a fugu sashimi restaurant in Dotonbori, Osaka. What a coincidence. At that time, the location was also by the window, opposite a river, and it was still raining lightly. My companions who were traveling with me ran out halfway through their meals because they needed to do some shopping on their behalf. The old man patrolling the store with a stethoscope thought the two had quarreled, and Watson had to explain the reason to the other party in broken English.

That meal took a long time.

Bored Watson looked around, and the Japanese service industry was indeed very considerate, even a little uncomfortable. For example, the old man with the stethoscope smiled in this direction once he looked at him, which made Watson have to look out the window. Sitting alone in a store in a foreign country is a rare experience. Just like now, everything that was once familiar seems so far away.

There's no going back...

"You two, please come this way!"

At this moment, the waiter's greeting reached his ears, interrupting his thoughts. A middle-aged man and woman walked by arm in arm and sat on the table on the right. Miss Watson glanced sideways. The two people were talking and laughing, fiddling with the napkin on the collar and taking orders from the waiter. She suddenly realized that she had stopped breathing.

However, the suffocation feeling that he imagined did not come.


The air was breathed back into the body, and the long-lost loneliness filled my heart.

There should be someone opposite him, Mrs. Carter, Michela, or Nissa, whoever is there is fine. This idea made Miss Watson feel a little uncomfortable. Anyway, I was used to living alone in my last life. When did I need someone to accompany me? Every time you feel this way, just find a way to divert your attention. How did I do it before? Well...listen to music, play games, and maybe drink some wine...

Miss Watson realized she had to change places.

She was going to go find a bar, play guitar, sing, etc. The environment of this restaurant is really not suitable, and there is a man with a very high hairline in the other corner, who has been quietly looking at himself for several minutes.

Please, sir, you are also out for dinner with your female companion. Is it really okay to stare at other women?

Although most of her face has been covered with bangs, her body curves cannot be completely hidden after all, and she often attracts some attention. Miss Watson has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, and she has received this kind of treatment in almost every restaurant in the past two days. After eating the last piece of snail meat, Miss Watson wiped her lips, put on her mask, and prepared to pack up and leave.


"Damn it! Looks like she's leaving!"

In the corner of the restaurant, the man saw Miss Watson's movements and couldn't help but look anxious. Across the table, his girlfriend sighed heavily. The expression on her face was unclear whether she was angry or helpless: "I feel like I'm so stupid. Not only did I find a talent scout as my boyfriend, but I also had to endure him. Chatting up other women.”

"Don't do that, Khalida."

The man grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth without hiding it. He pointed directly at his girlfriend's back: "You must look at her! I swear you will like her! Oh my god, don't look like that. Being a star is just... like, a crime!"

"Really? Mr. Kelly, the last time you harassed a young lady like this, you were almost caught by the police and imprisoned." His girlfriend Khalida rolled her eyes, turned her head to look for a while, and then turned back: "This woman The outfit is a bit...weird, and her hairstyle...wait, she didn't even have her hair styled, right? She really didn't..."

Khalida wanted to say 'tasteless', but was interrupted by her boyfriend: "I know, she covered her face with her hair on purpose, but just now she lifted her hair up when she was eating! That is simply the face of an angel ! Believe me, my vision is not wrong!"

After that, he stood up and walked towards the window seat in small steps.

Why should I trust you on this kind of thing? !

"Madam, please wait!"

Miss Watson had just finished checking the weapons when this man with a worrying hairline appeared opposite her, speaking quickly and urgently: "I'm sorry to bother you, but please listen to me, it only takes a minute!"

"Are you a talent scout?"

" did you know?"

You've already started taking out your business cards, what else could it be for? Miss Watson said nothing, but continued to raise half of her head and gave a death stare to the man in front of her. Today she was wearing jeans, canvas shoes, a white shirt, and a dark blue plaid suit jacket. She showed an indifferent temperament inside and out, and with her disheveled hair, she looked very difficult to approach.

"Okay, then, please think about it!"

Those eyes were hidden in the hair, and the trace of melancholy that quickly converged made people's hearts tremble. Kelly just felt that his previous rhetoric had completely lost the opportunity to appear. He could only open and close his jaw for a while, then stretched out his hand to hand the business card forward: "Your appearance and figure are so perfect. I promise that as long as you are willing, our company can let you..."

"I'm not interested in."

Miss Watson interrupted the other party, but still accepted the business card: "Thank you."

After saying that, she stood up and left without giving Kelly a chance to continue the conversation. At this stop, the eyes of the audience were once again focused on Miss Watson. The high breasts pushed up the shirt and caught every man's eyes. The women were different. Most of them were paying attention to the two round and slender legs. The jeans were ordinary, but they felt like they were stretched out of stockings.

"Hey! Come to your senses, idiot."

Khalida came over and slapped her boyfriend on the head hard: "I think you only asked because of her big breasts!"


Ding Dong!

Early the next morning, outside the Carter Manor, Watson, who had resumed his men's clothing, rang the doorbell, and the bald old butler Griffith was waiting for him. The sky in the early morning was thick with fog, giving it a sense of déjà vu like Silent Hill. Walking on the cobblestone path, trees were planted on both sides, making the manor gate in front look a bit deep.

"Is she awake?"

"Having breakfast, Mr. Watson, would you like to come over?"

"No, I'll sit down for a while first."

Letting the old housekeeper leave first, Watson began to wander around the living room. On the east wall hang many photos of members of the Carter family, some even portraits. Peggy Carter, who was still a little girl, appeared in the picture, holding a boy's hand and standing in front of a middle-aged man and woman.

This should be Michael Carter, Paige's brother.

In the Marvel TV series "Agent Carter", Michael died on the battlefield of World War II, which made Paige, who was still worrying about whether to live a ladylike life, resolutely join the army. If it hadn't been for this, Ms. Paige would probably have become an elegant British woman, never set foot on the battlefield, and would never have met Captain America Steve Rogers again.

But there is a problem with this person's identity.

Michael actually faked his own death and joined a secret organization. At the end of Season 2, he kills members of the Strategic Science Corps and takes away Peggy Carter's files. Therefore, Michael's actual identity and the origin of the mysterious organization are the suspense content left for the third season of "Agent Carter".

Maybe it's Hydra.

Unfortunately, the third season has been cancelled.

Watson actually has no impression of Michael Carter. This person is completely a character who appears at the beginning, appears at the end, and occasionally has flashes of memories in between. Of course, it was impossible for Watson to find Peggy and directly say, 'Your brother is actually not dead.' He could only investigate it when he had the opportunity in the future.


Peggy's voice came from the door: "When did you come to London? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, I just happened to come over and had some time, so..." Watson turned around and wanted to say a few words, but the old lady had already hugged his body and cut off the rest of the words in her mouth. . The kind and joyful tone and emotion, without any concealment, crashed into his entire chest.

Watson's lips moved a few times, but in the end he made no sound and silently put his hand on the old man's shoulder.

"Look at you, you haven't even tied your hair."

The hug lasted for a while. Mrs. Carter let go of the beautiful boy in her arms and reached out to fiddle with her light golden hair. Watson's head shook, and he immediately exerted force on his neck to stop his subconscious reaction of turning his head. The old man's palm gently rubbed his face, which was a little rough but very warm. The scratches on the joints were particularly obvious due to the hard calluses that had grown from holding weapons.

"What's going on here this time?"

"...Nothing, I just wanted to come and see you."


The old lady smiled, looked at the lavender eyes in front of her for a while, and then asked: "You seem to be in a bad mood. Did something happen to you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"It's written in your eyes."

She took one of Watson's hands and walked out: "How about staying here for a few days? You said the sea bass tastes very good last time. We can buy more this time and eat as many as we want."

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