The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 110 The Woman Who Can Discharge

There were several figures standing in the dim passage.

Without hesitation, Watson pulled the trigger and fired several times.

For him now, the recoil of conventional firearms is negligible. Just by tightening the left hand holding the front grip a little harder, the Saiga-12 steadily stabilized its posture. In fact, when testing equipment at Old Howard's shooting range, Watson secretly tried to operate the weapon with one hand. It was really not difficult, just use a little more force and it was done.

He even felt that he could carry a Vulcan cannon to the battlefield next time.

After spraying 5 shotguns in a row, several men in brown and black combat uniforms fell to the ground. This was not Watson's first time here. The other party's outfit was very unique and obviously did not fit any type of guard he had seen before. . And compared to the latter's all-purpose AR short rifles, the weapons on them are also very weird.

This bullpup rifle actually has two magazines at the front and rear...

The size looks completely different.

But Watson doesn't have any free time to study now, so he just raised the Saiga-12 and fired a few shots. He guessed that the opponent must have adopted some kind of precise airborne method, so the weight of the equipment was greatly restricted. Although everyone is wearing a complete set of bulletproof protective gear, the bloody bullet holes of several sizes prove that these protections cannot withstand Beowulf bullets after all.

Not to mention a Saiga-12...

All beings are equal before trolls. Don’t expect a miracle if you encounter five consecutive trolls at close range.

After walking over a pile of corpses to the rear cargo hold, as soon as I turned the rubber-wrapped door handle, a strong cold wind blew out from the gap. The entire cabin door seemed to be pulled by something, and it couldn't be pulled without any effort.

The air pressure behind the door should be very low.

Watson's eyebrows behind the mask frowned, and he understood how the group of enemies in the passage came in.

He put on his pistol and pointed it at the crack of the door, and opened the door with a little force with his left arm. The cabin was suddenly filled with the sound of wind howling. Watson poked half of his head out to look at the huge cargo door. Sure enough, a hole had been blown out of it. The nylon mesh on the bulkhead was pulled by the airflow, and all swayed toward the hole, a bit like a ghost video with twitching color bars in the background.


He let go of the door handle and quickly returned to the passage he came in from before.

Ten seconds later, the cargo hold was filled with the sound of wind.


After clenching his fist and smashing the last surveillance probe, Watson huddled in the corner next to the breach, holding two enemy corpses in his hands. He did a quick check just now and found that all the cargo hold guards had been killed. This group of enemies was very cautious, and every poor guard received a shot in the head.

No one will bother me now, let's solve it quickly.

The left hand that took off the sheath turned into a tentacle, wrapped around the corpse and activated its sucking ability. Watson hadn't done this for a long time, and the long-lost feeling of familiarity came over him again. An electric numbness spread from his left arm to the back of his head, as if goosebumps appeared on most of his body.

Along with it comes the memory of the deceased.

They are indeed Hydra.

Quickly eliminating the unimportant passages, Watson concentrated on continuing his search. Two figures soon appeared in his mind, a woman wearing a full-coverage tights, and a man with a metal left arm. Watson did not recognize the identity of the former, but he remembered the metal arm with mottled red stars printed on it.

‘Winter Soldier’ Bucky.

His full name is James Buchanan Barnes, a close friend of Captain America Steve Rogers and an important partner who has witnessed his battles and growth. In the plot of the movie "Captain America: Civil War", in order to protect his friend who had been brainwashed and repeatedly committed murder, Steve did not hesitate to fall out with Iron Man, and was even willing to confront the federal military and destroy his reputation as Captain America. , shouldering the crime of fugitive.

It can be said to be true love.

However, when Watson traveled through time in 1944, Dr. Arnim Zola had been arrested, and Bucky, who had fallen during the pursuit, was officially considered missing, so the two people had never met. And due to many restrictions such as identity at the time, Watson was unable to directly tell Steve and others that your good friend Bucky was not actually dead, but was just brainwashed and transformed into a killer.

At that time, he was more concerned about the black light virus than 'spoilers'.

As a result, as time passed, Watson forgot about the Winter Soldier. Until he was sent to 1990 by the Ancient One Master and reunited with the old Carter and Howard, this guy with a particularly low sense of existence was not mentioned. He felt that as long as he prevented Howard from being assassinated, Steve and Tony in the future would not fall out so completely. Watson would not bother to care who the Winter Soldier wanted to kill in the future.

And he also has a selfish motive.

Watson wanted to keep the information that "The Winter Soldier is Bucky" until Steve wakes up, and then find an opportunity to reveal it to him. Secrets are always valuable. I used Steve's coordinates to successfully exchange for the trust of Mrs. Carter and Howard. I should also use the Winter Soldier's identity information to exchange for further trust from Captain America Steve.

In adult terms, it's never a bad thing to have some leverage for yourself.

Unexpectedly, after a few twists and turns, Mrs. Carter became the target of the Winter Soldier.

This matter is not easy to solve.

Peggy Carter and Bucky are on the same plane at the moment, and they are hostile to each other.

If one of them really died, would Steve wake up and go crazy? If something goes wrong with Captain America, who can compete with Thanos 50-50, then my dream of being a salty fish and winning will be completely ruined. Thinking about the worst, what if he turns black?

It's best not to let these two people meet.

Stop thinking about it, Watson. Stop wasting your time. Solve the problem. Find the Winter Soldier immediately, beat him down before he takes action, and let the opponent completely escape from Hydra's control. This is the best result.

Shaking his head slightly, Watson quickly suppressed his thoughts.

The memory fragments of those Hydra soldiers just now helped again, and the general direction of other enemies has been exposed. Watson threw a few corpses at his feet out of the hole and prepared to immediately return to the upper level of the fuselage to search. Time is obviously more pressing for the enemy, so he must move faster.

He picked up Saiga-12 and trotted all the way to the stairs.

The lights that had been inexplicably disturbed were still flickering, and the metal stairs were reflected in and out, looking very strange. There was only the continuous roar of the engine, but the whole scene seemed even quieter.

This staircase is not long, and we reach the middle section in just a few steps. The muzzle of the shotgun was aimed at the side and upward. As the field of vision gradually widened, a guard's body appeared on the stairs at the end. Stretching his hands straight forward, he grabbed the nearest step. There were several dents in his forearm, and the person who killed him was obviously very strong and had frightened the guard.

The murderer is probably a metahuman.

Maybe she's the mysterious woman who partners with the Winter Soldier. However, Watson is in a hurry now and has no spare time to carefully ponder the opponent's identity. It is best not to meet him for the time being. Wait until he has dealt with the Winter Soldier, and then go back to solve it.

Before this idea stayed in his mind for long, a slender black shadow struck from above.

As fast as lightning.

Watson had a poor center of gravity on the steps and turned his head urgently to avoid the kick. The next moment, he pushed his legs forward with force, and in turn hit the attacker with a shoulder bump. Just as his whole body left the stairs, he controlled the black light virus to suddenly stop its momentum, causing the attacker to lose balance and fall over under the action of inertia.


Saiga-12 aimed as quickly as possible, and before the enemy could adjust its posture, a shot of shotgun was ejected from the muzzle. The reason why Watson suddenly stabilized his body was to seize this opportunity. More than a dozen shotgun pellets bombarded the opponent, causing sparks to fly from some metal parts that happened to be in the way, making a harsh collision sound.

But it didn't end there.

As soon as the attacker's arm rested on the ground, he quickly left his original position, as if he had not been hurt at all. Then she twisted her waist in mid-air and withstood the second shot. A thin white line shot out from her wrist and caught Saiga-12. Then the woman contracted her arm, and Watson felt a huge force trying to take the gun away from him.

Without having time to think about it, he raised his feet and stepped on the ground. The soles of his boots made a loud friction sound, but Watson finally stabilized his center of gravity. Seeing that the weapon was not torn away as she thought, the woman tilted her head, stood there and started tug of war with Watson.

It wasn't until this moment that the other party's appearance was fully revealed.

Just like the image depicted in the previous memory fragments, the woman's entire body was covered in black clothing. But even by the standards of combat uniforms, this piece of clothing seemed too tight. Most of the muscle lines on the upper arms, waist, abdomen and legs are printed, as if this dress is a second skin.

The woman's entire head is also completely covered, and her eyes are equipped with eyepieces. Combined with the move of spraying silk thread just now, she looks like a female version of the black-toned Spider-Man...

Wait, female version?

Could this woman be Jessica Drew?

Looking carefully at the opponent's outfit, Watson discovered that she was not uninjured. There were more than a dozen bleeding holes in the combat uniform, which were undoubtedly the work of shotguns. But if it was really Spider-Woman who was fighting her, then the other party's strength, agility and tolerance that were far beyond ordinary people just now would be perfectly explained.

Maybe after a few more minutes, her injury would heal.

Like DC's Batman, Marvel has created many versions of its veteran Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman Jessica Drew is one of the more successful ones. And as the number of publications she appeared in gradually increased, she also had her own story and background information, and now she can be treated as an independent character.

But Jessica Drew is also a brainwashed hapless person.

A serious Hydra agent.

Seeing the electric light emerging from the woman's hand, Watson became more certain of his guess. This was the Spider-Woman who could emit bioelectricity. When she was a Hydra agent, she once tried to assassinate Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but now her target has been changed to Peggy Carter. It has to be said that this is a very dramatic change.

But I'm really in a hurry now.

Throwing Saiga-12 aside, Watson clenched his fists and charged at Spider-Woman. The body under the clothes has completely turned black. He didn't use all his strength just now. It would be great if this woman underestimated the enemy. She was about to feel a surprise.

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