"Team No. 7 is engaging the enemy!"

"Captain Red, please reply if you hear..."

In the command center on the top floor of the plane, the voices of different men and women were broadcasting information one after another. The female communications soldier who had been trying to call Agent Zero was staring at the screen tightly, sweat sliding from the tip of her eyebrows to the corners of her mouth, soaking the light pink lipstick on the edge. Her operation on the communication panel was relatively safe, but her slightly trembling voice still betrayed her mood.

In fact, the heart rates of most people here have gone up a notch.

Those mysterious enemies are now located in the lower passage dozens of meters away, and they may even have bombs or something on them. Once this plane is damaged, it will be an unforgettable nightmare...

If there is still a chance to continue in this life.

"Calm down, soldier."

The commander is a strong, middle-aged white man with extremely short hair and his temples are obviously white. He walked behind the female signal soldier and stretched out his big hand to cover the back of the chair: "Are the doors to the stateroom locked?"

"Yes, sir, the system has automatically locked the entrances and exits of the communication room and power maintenance platform as soon as we sounded the alarm. There are still 4 places where the automatic locking procedures have failed, and the guards have tried to lock them manually, but ..."


"Only two teams have responded so far, and the others have still not been contacted."

After the female soldier finished speaking, she quickly began to add, as if doing so would make her feel more secure: "Two teams have already gone down to provide support, but the communications at the rear of the ground floor are still subject to unknown interference."

The commander didn't speak, he just stared at the electronic screen and started thinking.

There were some things that he did not actually disclose to the soldiers. For example, the attack was completely expected and the current development of the situation was still within control. Before the operation began, a certain general had communicated a response plan. However, the commander knew very well that his boss, who was about to retire, was most likely cooperating with Ms. Peggy Carter in the VIP room.

Use a new type of air command aircraft for the battlefield...

This is really a willful enough request.

That being said, fighting against foreign enemy invasion was originally one of the key training items for this aircraft. Although it is a decoy operation and there is currently no important information on board, the relevant electronic transmission systems have been set up. In the future, this new, completely digital air command aircraft will become an important information hub for the entire modern three-dimensional combat.

This also means that enemy agents and elite squads will consider it their first target.

A large amount of high-value intelligence information such as troop location, equipment deployment, missile auxiliary guidance, and even contact channels for ground lurkers will be transmitted in real time on the aircraft, so the enemy will inevitably try to infiltrate. After all, in modern warfare, a piece of vital information can sometimes kill more enemy troops or save the lives of a large number of own personnel than a full-scale bombing. As for the aircraft itself, it is not too important to the federal military. If it is damaged, it will be a big deal to buy another one.

However, the losses caused by the intelligence leakage are likely to be irreparable.

It may even plunge the Federation into an international scandal.

Therefore, it is just an actual battle in advance. From a probability perspective, it will come sooner or later. Moreover, Ms. Carter has taken her own life as bait, so what else can she say? If it cannot withstand even one intrusion, it proves that this project is still too risky, and the protective measures need to continue to be improved, and it must not be put directly into actual work.

The commander has been prepared for this.

As a soldier, he will never be afraid of such a challenge.

"Start phase one."

Hearing the commander's words, the female communications soldier turned around in surprise: "But sir, the escort fleet will not arrive in three minutes?"

"It won't take that long, believe me." The commander said with a faint expression on his face: "Just inform him."


It's sizzling!

A large flash of lightning flashed in the dark cabin.

Watson had just rushed out a few steps when Spider-Woman, or should I say Arachne, in front of him stretched out his hands, and two light green electric currents were stabbed into his face. Even though his reaction speed is much faster than ordinary people, this kind of electric shock to the face is really too fast. His eyes were wrapped in bright white, and aside from other things, the power of blinding his eyes was definitely enough. For the first time in his life, Watson personally experienced the feeling of being penetrated by strong electricity.

Actually it's not bad.

After all, Watson is no longer an ordinary human being.

After being dispelled by Old Howard's special protective suit, and his body enhanced by the form of giant strength. The electric current only caused a tingling sensation throughout the chest, but it was not unbearable. The most common symptoms of electric shock include blank brain thinking, muscle twitching and uncontrollable limbs, but they did not appear at all.

After withstanding this, Watson also had a better understanding of Arachne's combat effectiveness. Her bioelectricity can indeed kill ordinary humans easily, but after all, Spider-Woman is not Pokemon Pikachu and cannot generate an electric current of one hundred thousand volts. Not to mention the electric mouse, the electricity discharged by Thor's hammer must be more powerful than hers.

Arachne attacks again.

After receiving the electric shock, Watson deliberately stayed still, which caused the woman to misjudge the other person's actual state. The slender legs stepped on the top of the cabin, and the whole body quickly jumped into the air and turned upside down, and then kicked over like lightning.

With just one side of his body, Watson dodged Arachne's top-down attack. But it wasn't over yet. Spider-Woman twisted her waist, raised her other leg from bottom to top, and kicked Watson hard between the legs.

There was a muffled sound.

The instep kicked against both palms, and Watson bent his elbow joints to remove most of the transmitted force.

You're not fast enough.

From the moment he was attacked, Watson had actually been showing weakness in order to find out the strength and speed of this woman. Time is equally urgent for Arachne, who is eager to complete the task, and a series of actions by the other party also confirm Watson's guess. The attack is a killing move, be as ruthless as you want.

But in fact, based on Arachne's current physical fitness, he thought he could handle it.


The left fist hit Watson's lower abdomen. When he raised his hand to block, Arachne grabbed the opponent's collar with her right hand, picked him up and threw him hard, and Watson flew towards the bulkhead on the other side. There was a loud bang, and the combat boots made two indentations on the wall. Watson urgently adjusted his direction in mid-air, so that the AR rifle on his back was not hit.

Feeling the impact of those few blows just now, he made a judgment in his mind.

This power is not enough.

Watson has not read Spider-Woman's personal magazine, so he can only refer to the original Spider-Man. Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the speed and reaction power of Bugs (referring to Spider-Man). With the help of the spider-sense plug-in, ordinary gangsters can't even keep up with Spider-Man's movements by aiming their guns; and his power is actually very powerful. , enough to throw a truck weighing more than ten tons.

However, Spider-Man cannot use this kind of power casually. Usually only when the situation is extremely critical, he will burst out at this level driven by multiple factors such as his heart of justice, tenacious fighting spirit and strong desire to protect. Performance.

As for Spider-Woman in front of her, she's far from it.

Thinking like this, he saw lightning flashing out of Arachne's hands and rushed towards her again.

I don’t know if it was because of being brainwashed for a long time, but Watson felt that she was a bit stupid. It is estimated that Arachne has never encountered a superhuman target before, so her fighting method always relies on physical strength to crush them. Relying on the spider silk and flexible body to approach and capture the target, you can defeat all enemies with just a few punches; if there are still some lucky ones, just choose to release bioelectricity, knock them down and then hit them a few more times.

There is no difficulty at all.

This is also the wrong path that Watson has always reminded himself to avoid falling into for a long time.

Because once you encounter an opponent with a similar physical quality to yourself, this unskilled style of play will be completely non-threatening. The most typical example is that in "Avengers 3", Thanos beat the Hulk with his bare hands. Although the Infinity Gauntlet was worn on his left wrist at the time, the gem on it never lit up from beginning to end.

Thanos's subordinate Ebony Throat was not at all flustered, and even stopped other generals who were trying to rescue him, saying, "Let him have fun."

But no matter what, Arachne has spider genes in her body after all. She can still show such flexibility after being hit by a shotgun at close range. Her self-healing ability must also be very powerful. Therefore, Watson does not intend to hold back and treat the enemy as he has always done.

Zhila! !

Spider-Woman Arachne soared in the air again, and two light green electric currents hit the target, emitting a dazzling light. She herself straightened her left leg toes, trying to crush Watson's neck completely while he was paralyzed.

But just then, Watson moved.

Through the effect of the black light virus, the body that stayed in place instantly sprinted forward, brushing against the woman's straightened slender left leg all the way up. The total mass of the blackened body under the powerful form exceeds 100 kilograms. The heavy iron fist used the momentum of inertia to hit the pelvis at the base of Spider-Woman's thigh.


There was only time to let out a miserable groan from her mouth, and Arachne's body flipped forward in mid-air. But before she could fall completely to the floor, she felt a burst of severe pain in her lumbar spine, and then she completely lost consciousness in her lower body. Spider-Woman didn't just scream, she used her left hand to turn her upper body over, and the spider silk immediately sprayed towards Watson's mask.

At the same time, another spider thread also wrapped around the handrail of the stairs not far away, and Arachne was like a stone on a slingshot, quickly shooting towards the target point.

The woman's reaction was nothing short of unpleasant.

It's a pity that Watson didn't give her this chance.

Spider-webbing's face is one of Spider-Man's most commonly used moves, how could he not guard against it. Seeing Spider-Woman raise her hand towards him, Watson immediately turned his head and avoided part of the spider thread. Half of the entire gas mask was covered with paste, but this did not prevent him from reaching out and pinching one of the opponent's calves.

The force that pulled the body forward and backward at the same time instantly stretched the body, causing the broken lumbar vertebrae to be injured again. Arachne finally couldn't hold back the air that hit her throat. After a scream, she lay on her side on the ground and coughed violently. She saw the gas mask on the man's face, and his eyes half hidden under the lenses were full of cold light.

A black muzzle filled the field of vision.


A bullet penetrated the skull.

"Zi...Zi...Agent Zero! Agent Zero! Can you hear me?!"

Almost at the moment when Arachne completely lost her life, the communicator worn by Watson returned to normal. A slightly disturbing voice sounded again, and it was still the female signal soldier.

"I can."

"Zero... Oh my god, sir! Agent Zero is back in contact!"

After taking a few glances at Arachne at his feet, Watson had to temporarily give up his plan to absorb the opponent. Based on his past experience, such hero-level characters come with many memories and special abilities. Once it begins to be absorbed, there is a high probability that the body will collapse uncontrollably, or even lose consciousness, just like the time when it swallowed the tyrant Talos.

If I lay here for a long time, maybe something would happen to the plane.

I can't take that risk now.

Let’s finish things first and then talk.

Watson tucked Spider-Woman into a corner, cleaned up the webbing briefly, and then set foot on the upper level of the fuselage again.

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