Paige had discussed it with Watson before leaving New York. Judging from the analysis of the collected intelligence, in addition to the old rival Hydra, the attackers are likely to include other forces.

The scenery outside the window remains the same.

The deformation on the surface of the clouds is so subtle that if you don't look carefully, it is difficult to detect any difference. This also means that the enemy may not be able to hide his form well, but Watson's mood does not relax much. Hydra has many black technologies to solve these difficulties. For example, appearing from an altitude of 10,000 meters and launching an attack from top to bottom.

During World War II, bombers that could deliver bombs at ultra-long distances were developed, and Watson believed that Hydra had enough technical capabilities to do this. Even if someone did come later and the radar system showed no response from the beginning to the end, he wouldn't find it strange.

"I can stay here forever, but what if they crash the plane?"

"That's the risk, Watson."

Old Mrs. Carter took a sip of tea with a calm expression.

"I still prefer to eliminate the threat as soon as possible. There are several parts of this aircraft that must not be occupied or destroyed." Watson touched the gun and scanned the aircraft area map on the desktop: "If it really If you want the plane to arrive in London safely, then I need to protect not just you, but the entire plane."

The two are now in a VIP room near the rear half of the fuselage. In combat-related fields, the word 'VIP' usually refers to important personnel who need special protection. A combat team has been deployed in the outer corridor, but if they want to join the battle, it means that the enemy has reached the last line of defense.

Watson wished that those people would be annihilated by missiles in the sky before they even touched the plane.

But this is probably unlikely.

I'd better find a chance to recruit a few fighter pilots next time.

Picking up the object in his hand, Watson opened the door and walked out. Several guards looked at him with appreciative glances. This was all because the size of the weapons on his body was so terrifying. A .1AE (50mm

This weapon was actually developed by Russia in the early 90s. Although it looks like a black-toned AK47, it is really a semi-automatic shotgun. The custom-made wide and long magazine is filled with 20 rounds of shotshells, which is enough for Watson to output firepower at close range.

If that's not enough, Watson has a specially customized AR-15 on his back:

.50 Beowulf Rifle.

In the original world, this weapon was launched after 2001 by a company founded by Federation man Bill Alexander. Although its name is confusing, this thing belongs to the same huge family of AR guns as the M4A1 carbine, and there is no obvious difference in appearance. Most AR rifles can become a 'Beowulf rifle' by simply replacing the receiver. It got its name essentially from the .50 Beowulf cartridge it used.

A heavy rifle bullet with a diameter of 12.7mm and a length of 42mm.

It can be loaded directly into the magazine of the M4 carbine. Because the projectile is too fat, a standard 30-round STANAG magazine can only load 10 rounds of Beowulf ammunition. Mass-produced versions of conventional weapons always require a balanced compromise between performance and cost. But Howard Sr. kept improving, investing in a lot of expensive materials and optimizing them with Stark Military Industries' cutting-edge technology.

It can be said to be a substantial comprehensive upgrade.

Since Watson has repeatedly emphasized that there is no need to worry too much about the overall weight and gun recoil, the designer is less constrained by human body function limitations; therefore, this other-world version of the Beowulf rifle completely surpasses the original version in terms of cost and performance, and its supporting equipment The bullets have also been specially strengthened, and the final test results can only be described as terrifying.

Of course, given its equally terrifying weight and recoil, this weapon would be difficult to use in the hands of an average person.

The main intention of Watson selecting it is actually very simple:

Directly penetrates enemies hiding behind cover.

Howard Sr. also built more weapons, but Watson did not take them out. They were not suitable for the combat environment of such a narrow cabin.

Walking slowly in the passage, the pictures seen from the structural diagram are becoming reality scene by scene. Watson plans to go through all areas of the entire aircraft now, so that if a battle does occur, he can familiarize himself with the terrain in advance.

Many people along the way looked at this strange, heavily armed guy, but Watson didn't care at all. Now he was completely in standard soldier combat attire, with his face covered by a gas mask and a heavy bulletproof helmet. , no one can see his face.

About 5 minutes later, Watson started his third 'patrol'.

"The Vulture fleet is preparing to return, Agent Zero."

The voice in the combat command room suddenly came from the earphones. The female signal soldier was calling the code name Watson had made up temporarily last night: "It will take a few minutes for the Black-backed Falcon fleet to arrive."


Watson leaned over and looked at the sky outside the window. Several F-15 fighter jets began to deflect and return to their original route. This was completely Paige's deliberate attempt to create a loophole. The command plane had been in a 'defensive state' for a few minutes. If the attacker wanted to start taking action, this was undoubtedly the best time.

Of course, the escort fleet changed a total of 4 times during the entire flight, but no one thought that Peggy Carter would foolishly follow the original route if she successfully survived the first attack.

It soon became completely quiet outside the window.

The hour hand on the combat watch was still beating, but the entire atmosphere had obviously become tense. Watson even had the illusion that he was back on the Umbrella train. At that time, he was huddled in the women's bathroom, waiting for the swarm of biochemical leeches that were about to pounce. But the difference is that this time he doesn't know when the enemy will appear.

There was silence in the cabin.

In a nearby cubicle, soldiers went about their work in silence. A female soldier walked by carrying a briefcase, and the sound of the soles of her boots on the soft carpet was clearly audible. Watson leaned against the bulkhead and stopped moving. At this time, his position was exactly at the intersection of the channels in the center of the fuselage. If there is anyone who is likely to report the anomaly first, it will definitely not be Watson, but the group of people in the combat command room who are staring at the monitoring equipment.

All you have to do is figure out the enemy's location, then rush over and kill them all.

When his thoughts turned to this, Watson suddenly missed his teammates. At least if they were all here, Luper would surely be able to plan some additional defenses. However, there was no attack until the second convoy arrived a few minutes later. Night gradually covered the sky outside the plane window, as if a large thick black cloth was covering the surroundings.

"The Black-backed Falcon fleet has returned, and the Mage fleet will arrive in 5 minutes."

The voice of the female communications soldier sounded from the earphones again.


Watson glanced at his watch, then returned his attention to the floor in front of him. He had been bored for a while and even considered taking apart the gun in his hand to play with it. If only the rest of the journey would be this boring, nothing would happen and we would arrive in London safely.

Thinking like this, an obvious feeling of weightlessness suddenly came from under my feet.

"We are experiencing airflow turbulence, and no abnormalities have been found yet."

The response speed of the combat command room was very timely.

But Watson always felt that something was going to happen.

After quickly checking his weapons and equipment, he pulled the bolt action of Beowulf's rifle hard and fed a bullet into the chamber. Several guards around looked over, but no one said anything. After being on duty here for most of the day, they had begun to get used to the various actions of this 'Agent Zero'.

"The monitoring screen of the BE-24 cabin failed, the personnel did not respond to inquiries, and the second level alert procedure was initiated."

Then came the bad news from the earphones.

Holding the rifle's magazine with a few fingers, Watson turned around and walked directly to the BE-24 cabin. That place is located on the underside of the tail of the entire aircraft. To use a more understandable term, it should be called the cargo bay loading and unloading port.

He felt that someone had broken in.

Just after walking through two doors, a loud siren sounded throughout the cabin.

"The guards on the ground floor witnessed an unidentified enemy."

The voice of the female communication soldier on the other end of the earphone became obviously serious: "She looks like a human female, wearing a black full-coverage tight-fitting suit. She moves very fast. It is impossible to determine the situation of the people inside the BE-24 cabin. The cargo door may have been opened, but it is safe." There is no alarm in the system and the enemy may have electronic intrusion equipment."

Yes, that's what I'm worried about.

Watson began to run quickly, passing through several busy work areas filled with instruments. The body rose slightly at the top of the stairs, avoided the top ceiling with a clever gesture, and landed gently on the ground below. There are no carefully designed wall decorations here, and there is a cold metallic sheen everywhere. Several gunshots echoed in the ears, mixed with hysterical shouting.

But just seconds later, everything went quiet.

The light embedded on the top of the bulkhead began to flicker, making an electric buzzing sound like a bad contact. The loudspeaker that was still playing the alarm was completely silent. The front hatch was open and there was no more sound.

"Are you here? Agent Zero?"

The female voice in the earphone was a little anxious, and it could be heard that the female communication soldier was trying her best to stabilize her mood: "Group A-6 in the bottom cabin...has lost its response...the enemy may...infect... .....”

Communication is interrupted.

Picking up the Beowulf rifle in his hand, Watson gently stepped towards the hatch. The black light virus is fully exerting its buffering effect in the body. Carrying dozens of kilograms of equipment, the soles of the shoes made no obvious sound when stepping on the metal floor. The only thing that can clearly reveal his position is the shadow cast by the light.

But he was not that stupid and directly chose to face the light.

The eyes behind the mask have entered another state. The bacteria in the air and the temperature area appear alternately in the field of vision. It took Watson several seconds to adapt to this state again. Soon, he discovered a cluster of bacteria that had turned over significantly from the upper side of the edge of the hatch. They are blown by some kind of air current, rhythmically maintaining a changing rhythm of rapidity and slowness.

Watson was familiar with this, the shape of breath.

Judging from the height of the air mass, it was obvious that the man behind the door was standing close to the bulkhead. After estimating the position, Watson raised the Beowulf rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Poof! ! !

There was a loud bang in the quiet cabin.

A conspicuous round hole appeared on the metal bulkhead. Watson then aimed at the position next to it and fired a few more bullets according to the distance between the human body. In less than two seconds, five series of small holes were poked out of the flat and clean bulkhead.

A tactically gloved forearm fell from the side of the hatch.

Without any hesitation, Watson immediately threw a flash bomb. After the dazzling white light ended, he picked up the Saiga-12 and stepped in while his eardrums were so painful from the shock.

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