The seven babies discovered more and more children in various seaside towns who looked very similar to the children who were reported missing.

They are centrally supervised and trained there, and there are also people to supervise them when they go to the beach to catch pearls.

After secret investigation, the seven babies found in different places that these children were abducted by human traffickers.

They were all poisoned and made mute. It was very difficult to get information from them. Fortunately, the seven little babies could read his mind.

In the process of communicating with the children, she was able to see their past and their family situations.

In addition, most of them had experienced a dark life. They were put in crowded horse-drawn carriages by human traffickers and taken to the seaside. Then they were imprisoned.

At first they were also disobedient, but after being beaten and tortured by hunger, the children had to give in. Finally, they received daily diving training and learned the skills of pearl hunting. Today, a large number of children can go into the water to fish for pearls.

By exploring the thoughts of these children, we learned that they were only a small part of the total, and many more children were being held in other places.

It was estimated that it was very difficult for these big jewelers to obtain these frogmen, so they were afraid that if they were exposed one day, these frogmen would be found and they would not have the follow-up digging people available, so these kidnapped children were divided into different places, with less than ten children in each place.

Although they felt that these children were too pitiful and wanted to rescue them immediately, they were afraid of alerting the enemy.

If the whereabouts of the remaining children were not thoroughly investigated and the children were rescued immediately, the big merchants would be alerted and quickly transfer the other children. This would cause trouble for the subsequent rescue.

So, they told the children who were found to be patient for a while. They would definitely come to rescue all the abducted children. They were told to take care of themselves.

Some children are physically traumatized, but they can’t speak or express it.

Even if the subordinates of those big businessmen knew that they had health problems, they would not spend money to treat them. They would just let them rest for a day or two and then continue to fish for pearls.

The seven little babies felt very sorry for these children. Although they could not rescue them immediately, they fed them body-strengthening pills to prevent them from developing serious diseases during the investigation and missing the chance to be rescued.

These children had no major or minor illnesses, and they all recovered after being treated with this body-strengthening pill.

These children who had lost hope in life regained hope. They believed that the princesses and princes would not deceive them. It would not be long before they would be rescued and return to their parents and reunite with their families.

The seven little babies led the officials to investigate further. They did not disturb the local government because they had rich experience in governing the government. They believed that the local government would not be unaware of so many children being trafficked to the seaside town. However, they turned a blind eye to these children and let them continue to live a miserable life. This shows that the local officials had long been bribed by these big jewelers.

So the seven babies decided not to use local officials, nor to let the local authorities know of their arrival.

The seven little babies, including the officials they brought with them, all changed into local clothes. They appeared in various places as merchants, openly looking for the finest pearls.

This way they could get in touch with big merchants, and the pearls they brought out always made the babies feel dissatisfied and they wanted to buy more and better pearls.

The big jewelers immediately asked the frogmen to go into the water to catch pearls.

Moreover, each baby deliberately acted very curious, wanting to watch the frogmen go into the water to catch pearls.

Because the seven babies had disguised themselves, none of the big jewelers could recognize their true identities.

The big jewelers don't want to miss out on these young men and women who can afford the prices, so since they want to see the pearl fishing scene, let them see it for themselves.

So jewelers from all over the country took the seven babies and their men to the beach to watch the pearl fishing scene.

Because the seven little babies' subordinates promised that as long as the pearls they caught met the standards, they would buy them at double the price.

With such a promise of huge profits, big jewelers actively cooperated and brought out all frogmen who were capable of diving for pearls and had them fish for pearls on the spot.

In this way, the seven babies met most of the abducted children, and there was still no news about some of the children who had not been trained and were not yet able to go into the sea.

However, since most of the children have been found, when they go back to rest, they only need to send their men to follow them and they will find the secret place where the remaining children are.

For three consecutive days, the big merchants on the Beichuan coast were so happy that they couldn't stop smiling, because the pearls caught by the frogmen were classified into different grades, and the highest grade ones were sold at a sky-high price. The rest of the pearls of superior quality were bought at double the price.

But what they didn't know was that the frogmen they trained would soon be rescued, and their pearl catching business would be hit hard.

During these three days, the seven little babies and the officials wanted to follow the frogmen who were going back to rest, but they were unable to do so. Because these big businessmen were very cautious, there were many people guarding these frogmen. If they tried to investigate by force, they would be discovered. In this way, they might alert the enemy.

So the babies let the officials have a good rest in the inn.

They acted separately and used magic to sneak into the farm where the frogmen were guarding.

They saw that these children were being kept like prisoners, with no entertainment except eating and sleeping.

The babies had no chance to be alone with them. In the room where the children slept, supervisors took turns to watch over them.

Without the opportunity to contact them alone, it is impossible to verify whether they are the abducted children.

So the babies could only use drugs to knock out those who were guarding them, and then feed the antidote to the babies who were also knocked out.

Find out what the children look like and ask for their home addresses.

When all the abducted children were found, the seven babies returned to the space to discuss a plan for simultaneous action.

Because a large number of people were involved, it was impossible for the seven of them and a few officers to simultaneously rescue the abducted children and arrest the suspects.

If they used space to transport the army, it would be a bit of a hassle, so the seven babies decided to let the animals in space complete the task.

At the same time, Jixiang, who entered the space to participate in the discussion of this matter, proposed other ideas. He said: "It may not be effective to complete the mission with only the animals. It is better to draw 400 people from the palace soldiers of the prince's mansion to participate in the operation. Each brother and sister will lead 200 people to cooperate with the animals.

The abducted children were quickly taken away. At the same time, all the big businessmen involved in the case and their subordinates who were responsible for supervising and training the frogmen were arrested.

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