The court of Beichuan used more new people, which improved efficiency. Local officials should not only use more young people, but also pay attention to their personal conduct and cultivation. They are in contact with all kinds of trivial matters in the lives of ordinary people. If they do not have a strong sense of responsibility and a kind heart to love the people like their own children, it is impossible for local officials to achieve results. The emperor is far away from the mountains. Local officials at the border are more likely to breed corruption.

After this incident, local officials in remote areas of Beichuan carried out another round of major purges.

It's not just the ones on the coast. There are also existing government offices. There are also other areas where various malfeasance and corruption problems may occur. Therefore, after some discussion, the officials in the court decided to re-evaluate these officials at the border.

If local officials are honest and upright, perform their duties conscientiously, and have made achievements, they will be rewarded. The vacant positions will also give young officials the opportunity to take office.

Those who do not perform well will be punished according to the law, and the vacant positions will be given to those who have just passed the Jinshi and Juren examinations, and they will be assigned different official positions based on their abilities.

By rescuing abducted children, the administration of Beichuan has become more people-friendly. When people encounter problems, they will go to the county magistrate to report the situation. These young officials are ambitious and energetic. They will quickly handle some not-too-difficult cases. Conflicts between the people can be quickly mediated and resolved by the county magistrate. Social conflicts have been greatly reduced.

Such a great achievement is attributed to the seven princesses and princes, as well as the soldiers of Prince Duanjing's Mansion and the animals in the space who acted with them.

The soldiers and animals were all rewarded. The soldiers mostly received money, while the animals received elixirs.

The palace soldiers returned to the prince's palace, and they were extremely envied by the other palace soldiers who did not participate in the operation.

There are also several thousand ambushed soldiers. In order to get the chance to go on the next mission, they compete with each other secretly and work hard to improve their abilities.

Going out with the masters to complete an operation, the reward you get is more than five times more than staying in the mansion. This is really a lucrative job.

The soldiers and servants of Prince Jing's mansion originally received three times more monthly wages than those of other mansions.

When going on a mission, the original salary will be increased fivefold. What a mouth-watering reward. In order to appease the soldiers who did not receive the mission, the young princess and the princes promised them that they would rotate others to take the mission next time there was a mission.

The soldiers were thinking about this matter. They thought it would take a long time before they could get the mission, but within half a month, there was really a new mission. The young princesses and princes needed them again. However, this mission did not need to be kept secret like the last one.

This world is still related to the last drought. The drought in the Beichuan border and the subsequent locust plague. Xiao Yinyin and his wife and eight children worked hard to properly solve the problem. Although the people lost some food, there were locusts. They could sell food to the people at a very low price in the elevated and affordable granary, so the people's lives were not seriously affected, even for some families with poor conditions. Xiao Yuyan and others also sent their men to deliver enough food to be consumed before the next season's grain production.

But the people of Beichuan easily got through the hard times, but the people of other border countries who were affected were miserable. Although their lives were much better than before with the help of Xiao Yunyan, and their farming skills were much better than before, they were still unable to cope with natural and man-made disasters.

For this reason, they asked for help from Beichuan. The people who had no food to eat had nowhere to dig for wild vegetables, because the locusts had eaten up all the green plants.

They asked for help from the local government, but the local government could only open the warehouse for use. Zheng Jiliang from the government treasury cooked porridge to help the people get by. However, the next season's grain had not yet been planted in the fields. It was not the right time yet, and even if they rushed to plant late-maturing grain, it would take at least four months before they could eat the newly harvested grain.

The reserve grains of other countries on the border are not that much. The border is also in urgent need of help like the capital, but it takes time to mobilize grain. In addition, when the disaster area is large, the grain reserves in the national treasury are not enough. Therefore, when the people on the border cannot wait for relief food, they think of asking Beichuan for help.

Most of these people are border residents, and they can only go to the granary to ask them to open the granary and release grain. In fact, the guys at the granary have already started making porridge to help the victims.

However, the people hope that the affordable granary can distribute some food to the people for free, otherwise at least one or two laborers will be needed to line up around the city gate every day, which will particularly affect labor efficiency.

They now need to rush to plant another crop so that they can at least have some food to eat in the winter. Even if the late-maturing food is not as mature, it is better than having nothing to eat.

Therefore, almost the whole family went to work together to grow food again and line up to receive relief money. Although it can ensure that all ten people in the family are well fed, it is short of two laborers.

The owner of the affordable granary cannot make decisions on his own. He needs to ask Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan for instructions.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan immediately told their sons and daughters the news, asking them to find a way to transport a large amount of food to the granaries in various border areas in a short period of time to distribute relief food to disaster victims in other countries on the border.

Because the area involved is so wide, it is most efficient to directly use the palace soldiers to transport the food. Although the space transportation speed is faster, the ten members of the Duan Jing Prince's family are all busy and have no time to transport food everywhere.

The young princes and princesses thought of the soldiers who had not participated in the mission some time ago. They looked particularly eager, so they gave this task to all the soldiers who had not participated in the mission last time. They were sent out to escort the food to various places for distribution. They also needed to assist the affordable granaries on the border and the affordable granaries on the borders of neighboring countries to allocate food. They also had to ensure that the food was distributed to all the victims. More importantly, because of the sudden drought and locust plague in these places, the people who had no food could not even afford to buy seeds.

Originally, when the grains of this season matured, farmers would automatically use the grains that grew well as good seeds for the next season.

However, there was no harvest this season, so when we wanted to plant next season, there was no grain seeds to be found.

Xiao Yunyan asked the children to take out many small packages of grain seeds from the space and distribute them together with buckets of relief food to the disaster-stricken people.

Because these seeds are cultivated in space, they have strong resistance to diseases and pests and high yields. In order to ensure that these seeds are planted in the fields instead of being sold as fine grains for money, the soldiers who go down to distribute grain also have a responsibility to ensure that the people have a deep understanding of these fine seeds.

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