However, due to drought, insect plague has already occurred. If this problem is not solved immediately, I am afraid that the people’s grain this season will be in vain. The fruits of half a year of hard work will become food for locusts.

However, locusts are not as easy to control as droughts. Throughout the dynasties, locust plagues have always caused a total crop failure in thousands of miles.

The various methods used by the common people to control locusts can only be used to control small areas. However, for large numbers of rapidly multiplying locusts, people's methods of catching locusts with bare hands or using smoke to fumigate locusts are not very effective.

Just as the people living on the Beichuan border were worried about the increasing number of locusts and their inability to control them in time, the gods in the sky were also trying to find a solution to this problem.

They wanted to use a labor-saving method to solve this disaster that should not have existed. However, although using divine power was fast, it could not be done in front of the common people. The gods in the sky suddenly appeared and used magic and magic weapons to help the people control the locust plague.

So the Emperor of Heaven asked the gods to think of a way to control the locusts.

Several babies discussed it and Jixiang told the Emperor of Heaven that they had a way to completely control the locusts in a short time.

The Emperor of Heaven and the gods wanted to hear the details. The other gods also wanted to hear what good ideas they had.

The children spoke out their ideas one after another. First, in their space, there was an army of birds led by the Phoenix and the Miemeng Bird. They could go to the human world and call on the birds in the human world to gather at the place where the locusts gathered.

Large birds eat locusts very quickly. Even small sparrows can eat locusts quickly. As long as there are enough birds, the locusts will be quickly turned into food by the birds. In this way, some locusts can be eliminated.

In addition, they can call on the people to make large nets with cotton cloth, rattan and long poles to catch locusts in the most rampant areas.

Although these locusts are pests, they are also a rare delicacy for the people.

Since the food harvest might be lost, it would be better to store these locusts as part of the food. After the locusts are fried and dried into locusts, they are a delicious side dish for drinking.

The children spoke very convincingly, and the gods in the sky felt a little hungry as they listened, because the fried locusts, spicy locusts, and dry-fried locusts described by the children sounded so delicious.

The children said that these two measures would reduce the number of locusts. The locusts formed a plague quickly because of the drought. As long as the dragons can bring more rain to the area, the movement speed of the locusts will slow down. After a few pincer attacks, the number of locusts will become less and less in a short period of time.

Although the children's method was feasible, the Emperor still felt that it was a little unreliable, but it was better than waiting. So he asked the babies to act separately.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan got to know about this. After discussing it, the couple decided that besides birds in the sky, frogs on the ground could also be experts in eating locusts.

There is a giant toad in his space. If this giant toad leads its toad descendants to help local people eliminate the locust plague, the number of locusts may be reduced rapidly. The effect will be more obvious.

The couple reported the results of their discussion to the Emperor of Heaven, and their proposal was approved by the Emperor of Heaven and the gods.

So, Xiao Yunyan returned to the space and discussed with the big toad about helping to eliminate the locust plague at the border of Beichuan.

The big toad was of course very happy, as locusts were very good food for toads. Its descendants are still in the Taixu Heavenly Prison.

If it has the opportunity to bring its offspring out to help its master complete tasks, it can accumulate a lot of merit and also gain a period of freedom.

Therefore, the big toad cooperated very well, and Xiao Yunyan sent all his descendants to several prefectures on the border of Beichuan.

There was an infestation of locusts there, and even with the help of birds and the people catching them, there was no significant reduction in the growth rate of the locusts.

The dragon clan's cooperation with rainfall only slowed down the movement of the locust army, but because the number of locusts was too large, it would not be possible to completely solve the rapid spread of the locust plague to other areas in a short time.

When the giant toads appeared, the local people were so scared that they couldn't believe there were such big toads. They thought they were monsters.

What the people saw were the descendants of the giant toad. If they had seen the toad itself, they would probably have been scared to death on the spot.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan came along, and asked the children to tell the local people that both the birds and the toads were the helpers they had found to help eliminate the locust plague.

When the people saw that the toads were concentrating on dealing with the locusts and did not harm them, they were no longer afraid.

With the addition of the big toad, the locusts were cleared much faster.

Because these big toads can stretch out their long tongues and roll them lightly, dozens of locusts will enter their stomachs very quickly.

The toads from Taixu Tianyu are large in size and consume energy quickly, so they are like machines that devour locusts.

With the concerted efforts of the people and animals, the number of locusts was gradually brought under control.

During this process, although the people's food supply was greatly affected this season, and even production was completely cut off in many places, they still had food in their granaries, and they would not be left without food because of this locust plague. The food shortage needed in the later period could also be partially replaced by the dried locusts.

Xiao Yunyan told the people not to worry. Even if there was a shortage of food, she would help them solve the problem. The affordable granaries in various places would remain open and the food prices would remain unchanged. The people had some savings at home. Therefore, there was no need for Xiao Yunyan to distribute food for free.

Because every family has stockpiled dozens or even hundreds of kilograms of dried locusts.

Although this thing is delicious, you will get tired of eating it every day. It will become soft and moldy after a long time, so it is better to dispose of it as soon as possible.

The affordable granary buys dried locusts from the people at high prices. The people can exchange one pound of dried locusts for fifteen pounds of rice or eighteen pounds of flour.

Ordinary people usually keep two or three pounds of it for their children as snacks, or for their men as a side dish.

The remaining locusts were carried to the parity granary and exchanged for some grain, and the rest was converted into silver. In this way, the people had an extra income, which made up for the loss caused by the failure of the grain harvest.

Because the number of subsequent locusts has become smaller and smaller, the people hope that the giant toads and birds that devour the locusts can leave.

They use net bags to catch these locusts and thus control their numbers.

Xiao Yunyan knew that the people wanted to earn more money because they saw that the price of dried locusts was very high, so she took the children and the animal army to temporarily stop the activities and see if the people could control the number of locusts.

Originally, only farmers were diligent in catching locusts, but now the whole nation is catching locusts. The people in the city also went to the countryside in groups to catch locusts. This thing is not only expensive and delicious, but can also be exchanged for money and food. Those who have nothing to do, children or old people, go to catch locusts in groups, but they have a lot of delicious dried locusts.

After a while, the locust plague on the border of Beichuan was successfully extinguished. People came to the temple to thank God for his protection. However, they knew that the quelling of the locust plague was due to the young princesses and princes of Prince Duanjing's mansion, as well as their animal friends.

Xiao Yunyan looked at the lively scene and felt relieved. She knew that this experience made the people more aware of the importance of cherishing and protecting natural resources.

As time went by, the Beichuan border gradually regained its vitality. The fields were green again, and the crops were thriving. The locust plague also became an unforgettable memory in people's hearts.

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