When the men of the King of Yunfu Kingdom arrived again at the porridge shed at the port with the food donated from the palace. Saw a hot scene.

It seems that the health of the refugees has become much better than before. A smile also appeared on his face.

They find it strange. We were already running out of food, so why was there suddenly such a heated scene?

They saw a row of more than forty cauldrons, steaming. And the aroma coming out of it, in addition to the smell of grain, also has the smell of some Chinese medicine.

The official responsible for delivering food quickly stepped up and walked to the official responsible for the management of the porridge shed. Ask them what happened here? Why does it seem like the crisis has been resolved? Because he saw that the porridge in the big pot was very thick.

the official told him. Prince Duanjing and his wife, who came by boat from the distant mainland of Zhongzhou, not only brought food, but also medicinal materials.

In the past few days, the refugees have not only had enough to eat, but their physical illnesses have also been treated. Nowadays, everyone feels that their body is becoming more and more relaxed.

Because there were signs of an outbreak here before, the official thought it would be out of control and planned to report it to the emperor.

At that time, Xiao Yunyan and the others arrived and donated a large amount of food and medicinal materials to solve the epidemic and famine that might destroy the entire Yunfu Kingdom.

In the process of narrating, he showed unconcealable passion and emotion. The king's men were also very curious about Prince Duanjing and his wife, and they were even more grateful.

So he walked to the big ship, found Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, and saluted them. I would like to express my great respect and gratitude to the distinguished guests.

And invited them to the palace to meet the king. They must let the king and the nobles of the royal city express their sincere gratitude for their great kindness to Yunfu Kingdom.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan asked him not to be too polite. They just came to help these suffering people. I didn’t want to get anyone’s gratitude and gratitude.

They don't want to go to the royal city yet. Instead, I want to go to a few places that were severely affected.

More and more victims are gathering at the port, which is not a good thing. It is about helping these refugees return to their homes and rebuild their houses.

Li Mohan asked the official to return to the royal city and negotiate with the king about helping the refugees build their homes again.

The king's subordinates were very respectful to Li Mohan, and he truthfully informed Prince Duanjing of the current situation in Yunfu Country.

Yunfu Country itself is weak in national power. Because after the flood lasted for more than twenty days, famines occurred one after another in various places.

The food stocks in various places were gradually allocated to the severely affected areas. Now there is no food in the national treasury and local grain depots.

This batch of food sent was food saved by queens, concubines, princes and princesses from their own private treasury. Not a lot though. It was also sent here to temporarily relieve an urgent need.

Today, most of Yunfu Country is in the midst of famine. some places. It can still barely support it. Most places have lost their harvest and there is no extra food. If the victims return to their homes, they can only survive by digging wild vegetables, peeling tree bark, and digging grass roots.

Xiao Yunyan understood clearly that if they hadn't arrived in time, the disaster in Yunfu Country would have been huge.

First, large numbers of refugees starved to death, and then there was robbery. In the end, the dead bodies of the refugees were left undisposed of, causing an epidemic. If the plague cannot be treated in time, the mortality rate will be very high, and the result of rapid spread is that it is very likely that the house will be empty.

Now that they are here, they will not let such a tragic thing happen. Xiao Yunyan asked the official to go to the king. Negotiate and send a minister. Responsible for connecting with him, he provides disaster relief supplies. Does the Yunfu Kingdom station its own troops? City yamen servant. Help distribute food. Let the refugees return to their homes first and then start repairing. Collapsed houses. After the heavy rain, although the house collapsed, but. As long as there is something to eat. It is much better for everyone to work together to rebuild their homes than to live out in the open and live hungry without a full meal.

Although this official was very grateful and believed in Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. However, although Yunfu Country is not big, there are still hundreds of thousands of people in total. Just rely on his two big ships. How is it possible to rescue all refugees?

Xiu Yin told him in order to dispel his doubts. There are eight large ships behind me that will arrive one after another, and we can use the large ships to travel between various countries to help Yunfu Country allocate supplies. Since there is no food in your treasury, I can provide food. Even if I donate this, people need money to build their homes. Buy some construction supplies. I wonder if your treasury has enough money?

This official happened to be from the Ministry of Household Affairs. He said I was. Minister of household affairs. To tell you the truth, I am from Yunfu Country. The economy has never been very good because it is a mountainous country. Food production is low, and there are no special things or resources to exchange with other countries. main. Rely on local produce. Timber was traded with other island nations. Therefore, the savings in the national treasury are simply not enough to support the reconstruction of the homes of disaster victims throughout the country.

Xiao Yunyan. To this Yunfu country. I also feel deeply helpless. It happened that a country with a very weak national power suffered such a disaster. If they hadn't come here, the country might really have perished.

Xiao Yunyan made an agreement with Li Mohan. Li Mohan followed this official. The royal city of Yunfu Kingdom negotiated with the king for donation and peace. help. People rebuild their homes. Yun Fuguo could contribute as much as he could, and Xiao Yunyan decided to donate the rest from his own private treasury.

The clouds are gone, and I don’t plan to waste time. He wanted to go to other places immediately to see the victims. If there was an epidemic, she wanted to deal with it immediately.

Once the epidemic breaks out, it will not only affect the country of Yunfu, but also the entire continent.

The name of this continent is Shantau Island. And this Yunfu Country is located in the middle of the Shanyu Island continent. The highest altitude, with high mountains and no coastline. It is precisely because of its geographical location that if an epidemic occurs, it will spread very quickly to other areas. In addition, the Xiayi Kingdom is very close to the Yunfu Kingdom.

The official heard Li Mo yelling to discuss the donation with the king. A heart full of gratitude. For the sake of all the people of Yunfu Kingdom, and for his family. Nowadays, his family is living a frugal life because they have to donate food, and his hometown. Not in the royal city. It also suffered from waterlogging. There is also no harvest at home.

Fortunately for them. Some time ago, I delivered some grain and dried seafood to my family. So it can still last for a while. However, it is said that few families in the whole village have enough to eat, and his family can barely survive with porridge and dried wild vegetables every day. if. If Prince Duanjing can really help the people of Yunfu Country, then his family will also be the beneficiaries. Since my heart is extremely excited. The matter was urgent, and Li Mohan did not delay. Riding with this official to Yunshan City, the royal capital of Yunfu Kingdom.

The road was relatively easy to walk at the beginning, but the slope became higher as it went on. That official. The introduction said that their country is built on a hillside. The royal capital is in Yunshan City, the highest city. therefore. Common people rarely go to the royal capital. They are difficult to say the least. The slope is too steep.

Li Mohan finally knew what a mountain city was. It turned out to be a winding mountain road. He was wondering why this king was built at such a high location? It is very inconvenient for people to travel.

The official said that originally this was not a country, but a country. A centrist. It's called Yunshan Sect. Later, there were more and more disciples and disciples, more and more people gathered, and a city was gradually formed. With the reproduction of future generations. With a large population, it becomes a tribe. Um. The founding of the Yunfu Kingdom was only about fifty years ago.

Yunshan City is the former site of the Yunshan sect. Now it has become a royal city.

Li Menghan asked him if the king was the leader of the Yunshan Sect? The official shook his head and said that there is no Yunshan Sect anymore.

Before Lin Mohan could ask why? The official said to himself. All glory has passed. Once the Yunshan sect. Particularly famous throughout the continent. Even neighboring continents have them. Disciples from wealthy families came to learn skills.

The entire Yunfu Kingdom is full of cultivators. It was once glorious. later. Because of the instrument. A big competition in the world of cultivation. The leader of the Yunshan Sect was seriously injured and poisoned. Now he has become a vegetative state.

His son is not a cultivator. He is the current king. He said that since the sect leader has become a vegetative state, the Yunshan Sect will disappear from now on and everyone can live a good life. If someone doesn't want to continue living here, they can go somewhere else to make a living. Therefore, Yunshan Sect was disbanded from then on.

but. In Yunfu Kingdom, most people are former disciples of the cultivation world.

Li Mohan was very curious. Since the clouds had floated before, why was it so glorious? After the old king fell ill. If his son takes over, will it quickly decline like this?

Could it be this new king? Is it because the ability is too poor that the economy here is backward?

The official shook his head and said, "Our State Grid." He has always been considerate of the people. Because these common people were once our brothers and sisters.

The main reason is that although these cultivators have lost the blessing of the sect, they still continue to practice. A slightly higher level of cultivation requires the purchase of a large amount of spiritual stones and medicinal materials.

Therefore, most of the family's savings are used to repair needles. Daily life requirements are very simple, that is, having enough to eat and a place to sleep. Now, in a year of famine, they did not expect such a thing to happen.

Xiao Yunyan sighed that the people here were all former cultivators, but now they can live here in seclusion and not fight with the outside world. It is also very rare.

Smoke and smoke please. Shizhou officials sent several people who were familiar with the terrain. Go to places near several disaster-stricken areas. Check the severity of the disaster in advance. Then decide whether to let local people build it, or whether to bring your own public construction team over to help them rebuild their homes?

Xiao Yunyan will be attracted by this place wherever she goes. The extent of the damage was shocking. It’s just over 20 days. If it rains continuously, why will the house collapse? So serious. This is a mountainous area and the foundation should be hard. How come the house is so unsafe? Houses have collapsed in many places. Xiu Yunyan walked closer and took a closer look before discovering the problem. The houses they built were half wood and half mud and grass.

Because of the hillside. Uneven foundation. Not even on a rocky bottom. Find it. The wood is buried in the trench, so it can only be built on the ground.

And the buildings of these cultivators. The technology is really worrying, the house built. He seemed uninhabitable.

Just a few big logs. Tied into a frame. Then take some finger branches and tie them to the wood. It forms the skeleton of the house. Then use mud and hairy grass to tie these wooden sticks. Mud up. It became four walls. There is a door in the front and two windows in the back. There are two more windows on either side of the door. The house is ready. The roof is also made of thatch.

When it doesn't rain, this house is warm in winter and cool in summer, so it's very comfortable to live in. But when it rains, the mud cannot withstand it for a long time. Even if there is thick grass on it, the mud wall will be washed away over time.

I'm thinking about it in my junior year. Even if your own public welfare construction team comes over, you still have to consider the issue of building materials. In addition to wood, there is also a mountain of stones. Good thing. There is soil on the mountains. And the soil layer is quite thick. No wonder the locals use mud to build their houses.

Xiao Yunyan asked them why when they built a house, they didn't use stones to fix it underneath. Officials say there are no skilled workers in the area who know how to use stone for construction.

Someone once built a house with stones, but when it rained. The bunba, which acted as a glue, was also washed away, and the stones were held together. Because of long-term erosion by water, the stability is not good. Without the mud, the wind and rain can no longer be blocked.

So the people behind them didn’t use stones to build their houses. Originally, it was a troublesome task to chisel out large rocks. The gaps were very large when they were built together, so yellow mud was needed to fix them.

Xiao Yunyan saw this place. He also doesn’t know anything about chiseling stone. Large rocks of various shapes are piled together. That also requires considering whether the shape fits. It's okay to use a small amount of mud in the middle to act as a binding agent. But it is better to use modern cement and sand.

Xiao Yunyan saw such a house while viewing the scene. Sighing, if help is what they need. Construction line. A house that you can live in for a long time. else if. Such extreme weather occurs again. Wouldn't it be necessary to rebuild again?

The best material for building houses in ancient times was mud bricks, which were made into mud bricks. However, the raw bricks have not been roasted at high temperatures in the brick kiln. So does the age of use. very short. if there is not. A lot of rainfall can last ten or twenty years.

However, if there is heavy rainfall, the foundation below will soon be washed away by the rain and gradually lose its strength. The house is likely to be damaged due to excessive rain.

In addition to the bricks, rectangular stones were hewn. The lower level is made of stone as the foundation, and the upper level is made of mud bricks. The roof is made of thick thatch. The usable life is longer.

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