In addition to collecting charcoal from merchants, these officials would also be charged heavy taxes even if they set up stalls on the streets. The people had a very hard life. This round of their actions caused public dissatisfaction.

It even angered Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan and Black Dragon. Originally, I wanted to give them some space for self-reflection. Unexpectedly, these corrupt officials also wanted to use this method to scream at the people who stole their property. They even want to use this method to let the people who steal their property surface.

However, what they didn't expect was that the emptying of their belongings was not the result of ordinary people rushing in, but an expert who used space to instantly transfer their wealth.

These officials acted recklessly. They didn't even know that they had offended three great god-level figures.

This time, Black Dragon volunteered to tell Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan that she would handle the matter on the condition that no lives would be lost.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan have already discussed it. If they don't use thunderous methods on these officials this time, I'm afraid they still don't know what they should do.

Since Black Dragon is so proactive, let her handle this matter according to his own ideas. As long as no one is killed, everything else will be easy to handle.

Black Dragon has the drug Xiao Yunyan gave him, as well as some of his original methods. She wanted to teach these officials some painful lessons. And he told them clearly that if they still want to survive in their official positions for a few more days, they should be honest. If these little things happen again, their whole family will become food for sharks in the sea.

The black dragon went from house to house at night to teach these unscrupulous dog officials a lesson.

Among these dog officials, the highest level is Taotai. Equivalent to the current governor. This old guy asked his men to attack lower-level officials and various merchants, making his family rich.

This time, although Xiao Yunyan eliminated both the public and private treasury of his family. But the property in his own name and the property in the name of his wife, aunt and children are countless. Restaurants, shops, fleets, mines, there are many industries involved. Even if his coffers were cleared, he would still be a wealthy man.

That night, at Daotai's house there was singing and dancing again, cups and cups were being exchanged, and the atmosphere was extravagant.

I just looted a batch of charcoal from the merchants below, and each merchant received ten taels of silver. The money came easily, and I already had two hundred thousand taels in one go. Not counting those left behind by his officials.

This Taotai and his subordinates are drinking freely. The two men scolded the poor people who stole their property. I just said, "These poor devils not only stole valuable things, but also stole pots and pans from the kitchen, large water tanks in the yard, bedding from the warehouse, and farm tools. They really didn't keep anything."

Grab it, grab it, even if you snatch it away, I will still let them spit it out, and they will spit it out to me twice as much. "

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished saying this, the wine he drank in his stomach actually vomited out, and the two of them vomited against each other. The state is very painful.

This is the black dragon's punishment for them. She used her own little magic - air critical strike. She just kept beating the two people's stomachs with her spaced fists. It's like the effect of having someone hit your stomach continuously after just drinking water.

The black dragon can do it without showing up. Implement your own boxing skills on others. And it can be played from a distance. This spell was recently discovered and I am not yet proficient enough in practicing it. Just in time to practice with these two bad guys tonight.

The two men were vomiting like crazy and finally stopped. After taking a short rest, I thought I had hit a ghost and was about to curse. The two of them found that their necks were being strangled again, and they rolled their eyes.

I was already out of breath when I vomited. This time I thought I was going to see the King of Hell, but suddenly my neck was released again. The two of them quickly gasped for air and stopped cursing.

Futai and Daotai, shrouded in fear, hugged each other tightly and looked around tremblingly. The singing and dancing dancers below had already been frightened and fled in all directions. There are two more courageous ones hiding behind the door shivering. Let's see what happened to these two officials. There was obviously no one around, but the two of them seemed to have their necks pinched. Almost strangled to death.

After just calming down for a while, Futai and Daotai, who were hugging each other, looked at each other and immediately let go. Just as he took a long breath of relief, he heard a clear and sharp female voice in the air in the room.

"Listen, you two dog officers. Today is the last chance for you two. If you don't repent, it will not be a simple lesson like today, but you will be killed first, and then your family will be killed." Kill them all and throw them into the sea to feed the sharks."

The two dog officers were so frightened that they screamed and hugged each other for comfort.

The two of them looked around the room tremblingly, but there was no one around. There was a sound, could it really be haunted?

They both just shouted "Ghost. Ah...ah..."

The voice appeared again, "Let me tell you, it is not the ghost that punishes you, but the night wandering god. I will keep an eye on you two these days."

If you, a bunch of dog officials, do anything to harm the people again, I will let you all see the King of Hell. It just so happens that the King of Hell is short of coolies, so he will let you go. I have to do the hardest work every day and don't give you food. It's good to be a ghost and you will never die of hunger. "

Anyway, the black dragon's threats scared the two of them so much that they really lost control of themselves.

Fortunately, that Taoist platform could still tremble and say, "Yeyeyeyou Shen. Let it go, don't worry, we won't dare to do it again."

The black dragon chuckled a few words, and the sound was very scary. Then he said very seriously: "I don't care if you dare or not? As long as you are doing bad things, I will make you suffer as much as you want."

As she spoke, she cast a spell, the wine bottle on the table fell apart, and the wine flowed all over the floor. The black dragon said: "If you don't listen to dissuasion, this pot will be your fate. But you will be more miserable than this lake. It will just be torn into pieces, and you will be shattered into pieces and turned into dregs."

After he finished speaking. Suddenly disappeared. Futai and Daotai. Not daring to move, holding her as quietly as a chicken. After a long time, there were two people behind the door. The frightened singer looked at the two grown men hugging each other and felt cold all over. It turned out that these two people were true love.

Finally two people. Let go of your hand and look at me. I'll look at the fear on your face.

them. I just wanted to see if I still have the 20 taels I got today? When the two of them saw the white money and a pile of banknotes, they finally felt relieved, but. Just a few seconds later, the sharp voice was heard again. I just know you two dog officers. It's impossible to be so honest. The carbon crystals you collected today are the people's fat and the people's treasure. I confiscated it if you dare to do such a thing again. There is no good thing like today. Let your whole family feed the sharks together immediately. "

These two people. heard. Black Dragon repeatedly mentioned that feeding sharks became more and more terrifying, and it felt like all the flesh on his body had been eaten by sharks. The bite makes a clicking sound. It's not surprising that they felt this way, because the black dragon used a spell to cause them to hallucinate. Just to scare them.

The two of them screamed in fright. They found out when they stopped reporting for religion. The few boxes of silver and banknotes that he had before his death disappeared.

Black dragon. While they were screaming, they put these things into the storage bag. Although he is not as able as Xiao Yunyan to transfer most of his finances instantly with his thoughts. But it works. Move a pile of items around you by touching them. He just used an invisibility charm. Xiao Yunyan gave him a lot of various charms, and now he is like a duck in water.

Black Dragon played with abdominal and reverse tires in the afternoon, and then went to the county magistrate to scare the county magistrate, the county seat and his master.

Don't underestimate these three people. Although they don't have the official status of Futai and Daotai, they are ruthless in plundering people's wealth and anointing. They are even more capable than those two people.

It was unheard of for them to go door to door to collect next year's tax burden. The new year has not yet passed, and the tax burden for the next year has been netted. This is something that has never been heard of. But these people are so shameless. The officials below are also suffering. The people hated them and used dirty water to rot vegetables and leaves. Throwing and smashing things at him and them. But there is no way. The upper and lower factions can only enter people's homes like bandits, pick up rice and grain when they see it, and take away valuable things when they see them. These people were forced to exchange a few taels of silver for food and valuable belongings.

After some searching, a small. county seat. Including the following villages, one hundred thousand taels of snowflake silver were looted. Give it to the superior. Thirty thousand taels, and the remaining seventy thousand taels. The county magistrate collected 5000 taels. On the spot, 5000 masters were collected, were collected, and the following officials sent yamen servants. and establish. All kinds. Manjusri Knife and Xiaoli shared another .

Let them do such a hugely profitable thing. I feel more and more. You no longer need to pay attention to your conscience when doing things. How much money is it worth? Carry it under your arm. Go with all your heart. Hand scrape the people's fat and the people's ointment.

When the government turns into bandits. The common people are suffering the most. However. The three people who were having a carnival didn't know they were about to do it. The good times are coming to an end. The black dragon appeared beside them again as the Night God. But these three people couldn't see him, and the same thing happened again. The three people who had just finished drinking were beaten by the black dragon again. Wu Yingquan. The shock caused vomiting in the stomach. The sky is dark and the earth is dark. Just as he regained his breath, his neck was strangled again, almost to death. These three people again. They hugged each other in fear and screamed. What's going on here? At this moment, the voice of the black dragon appeared again. "You three dog officials. I asked you to attack the people. I just taught you a lesson and emptied your belongings. Not only did you not learn the lesson, but you got worse.

Today, this god will let you taste the sweetness. As he spoke, he received another invisible punch and was beaten violently no matter where he was caught. What made these three people's scalps numb was that they could only hear the sound, but could not see the pain on the person's body, but it was real. This feeling was very scary.

Are there really gods in the world? Is there such a grumpy night wandering god? The black dragon didn't care what they thought. After beating them up, he took away their belongings and said a lot of harsh words. He smashed several cups and wine bottles and told them that if they dared to search for people's wealth and people's anointing and do such evil things, these wine glasses and wine bottles would be like their bodies. Shattered into pieces and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

The trembling three people were so frightened that they could not even speak. Promise to the Night God. There are aunties and uncles every night. Don't worry, we will never do such bad things again.

The black dragon gave the three people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang another blow. Then he left gracefully. There are also two dog officers. Although their positions are not high, they are the planners of the whole thing. One is the master of Futai and the other is the master of Daotai. These two people have no intersection, so. Then they each went to their homes. Kill them in the same way. The people's fat and people's anointing are plundered and secretly used to cause trouble. Usury for lending money. They were all looted. These two masters are. Among them, the masters not only help officials do bad things, but also their own families. Also engaged in loan sharking. However, they only got half of the profits, and of course the other half of the profits had to be given to the Shangguan.

money in recent times. The profits are all in their hands and have not been handed over yet. The black dragon happened to catch up with them to take stock. These. The money is ready to be put into the treasury. Black Dragon felt that he came at the right time today. In addition to a scare and a beating, the money was also put into the storage bag. Then he. Returning to Xiao Yunyan's place triumphantly. Li Mohan is also here, too. The men were investigating the matter, and the returning guards were all there. He put together the things he found in the storage bag. Show it in front of everyone. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were surprised. This guy was so lucky. All the money these people had just collected was taken away.

Because of the source of this money. All. Most of them are shops, and the rest are ordinary people, so it's not that easy to return them.

Xiao Yunyan and the others decided to return the money the way they came. After all, these shops are not doing so well now. But they didn't know exactly how much money each household had plundered, so the three of them discussed going to the port tomorrow. as well as. Notices are posted in various state capitals. Those ones. The common people can visit the detectives who pay homage to superior officials and various merchants who pay exorbitant taxes. Receive food from the affordable granary. Each household is given ten pounds of grain, two pounds of salt, and two pounds of pork for free.

That worked out great the next day, those that were raided were pretty much. Shopkeepers who have all the money in their hands. With a grimace on his face, he went to line up to get something. Although these things are not much, they can live a relaxed life for a few days. At least you won't go hungry.

Xiao Yunyan asked these people to first register the names of their shops in the register, as well as the amount of filial piety to the government and the amount of various offal. Then get the gift first.

These businessmen are also very honest, and they have not made any false reports or lied about them. After all, they don’t know the use of reporting these things. They also truthfully wrote down the actual amount of money they were plundered.

With such data, three days later, almost all the shops and the raided merchants and hawkers registered, and all received grain, meat and salt. Xiao Yunyan and the others asked the accountant to do statistics. The numbers are almost the same as the final money.

The notice was posted again the next day, allowing those who donated spyglasses and various offal to the government to evaluate the grain store. Get another gift.

These people who are in pain are also confused by the weird operation of this cheap grain depot. They don’t know what they are going to do. Anyway, give me something, so go get it. Winter is coming soon, and you don’t have money in your hands. , a few more kilograms of grain would also be good.

Much to their delight. The first person to receive the money shouted, and the money we were paid back came back. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan asked the crew and guards. There was a long line. Crime to these. Shops and vendors returned the looted silver coins.

this way. Just tell the officials blatantly. When you plunder other people's money, we will collect it again and return it to the shops and businesses. The traders.

While observing the coffin secretly, the government officials went back to report to the superior.

Those officials who were beaten into pig heads. He gritted his teeth, but his teeth were already loose and he didn't dare to use force, so he could only spit out a mouthful of blood. Full of resentment, but afraid to take action.

People who can accomplish these things in such a fast time must not be simple. And the people on the big ship themselves are not simple either. Their identities and backgrounds are very mysterious, and they know about the two princes and princesses. Now. They are already very famous in this continent. They are two great philanthropists who give away food everywhere. Even the price of food sold to the people and officials is not high. Unless it is a special manager. That's the price of real money. But it can be considered as a child without any deception.

The crew members and guards under their command are all martial arts masters, and they cannot afford to offend them. So I can only wait and see for the time being.

Another three days have passed, and the food on the big ship has been replenished three times. People. I have money in my hand again. Of course, the first choice is to stock up on food. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan still adopt two price systems here to sell fine grain products at high-end and luxury prices. What the people buy is still ordinary rice and ordinary white flour. A very big discount is given based on the price.

Ling Xiao Yunyan was very happy. In the process of doing these things, he actually found 12 senior brothers here. It is these senior brothers who have had a relatively miserable life. Ragged clothes, sallow complexion and thin skin. Xiao Yunyan saw the division mark hanging on their clothes. It turned out to be the golden token he gave to everyone.

Xiao Yunying was a little moved. The senior brothers were already so poor that they were not willing to exchange gold tokens for money. Save your life. It can be seen that they still have great feelings for their master. After Xiao Yunyan recognized them, she invited them to take a rest on the big ship and change their clothes. After having a full meal, after questioning, these senior brothers said that their gold tokens were also other senior brothers. exist. We met them in separate forums. Sent to them. Originally, he wanted to stay in the branch and help Shimei run the affordable granary, but. The number of brothers who are divided into groups is increasing. So they wanted to go to other places, and they also traveled around while looking for other senior brothers, thinking about changing the division mark to the division mark, and establishing more sharing things. Communicate to others.

Unexpectedly, there was such a fate, and I met Xiao Yunyan halfway. Xiao Yunyan asked him why they were so miserable? On the body. Not only were the clothes in such tatters, it looked like he hadn't eaten for many days.

The brothers said that they had just come there from another country. Passing by there. Just as there was a famine there, they exchanged all the money they had for food and rescued some people near the city gate, but they also had no money. Pitched inside. The gold token is not taken out, how many people are there? Thinking. Find other brothers. So left there. After Xiao Yunyan found out the location, he immediately sent two large ships to transport food there, and his brothers also followed the food ships there. Because there is no one around the porridge shop now. If it stops, many people may starve to death.

Fortunately, they arrived in time. After the senior brothers left, two more good people were there to follow them around. Fortunately, they were there. When the two good people were about to run out of food, the big ship arrived and the porridge shack continued to operate. Those refugees still have the last bowl of porridge to save their lives.

Although there will be a lot of food on the two big ships, the porridge shed is no longer just one pot, but has grown to have twenty pots, and firewood is set up at the same time.

Refugees from several surrounding state capitals have gathered here. This is not a good thing.

When there are too many refugees together, there will be fights, troubles, casualties, and the spread of various epidemics. If it is not controlled in time, the porridge shed originally intended to save people may become a place for killing people.

Men who are relatively strong are likely to bully women and children who are weaker. The most pitiful people are the elderly with limited mobility.

In order to improve the situation, the crew sent people back to report to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. The two of them decided to first go to the country where famine occurred, a mountainous place called Yunfu Country. Therefore, the clouds float on the mountainside and the top of the mountain reaches the clouds, so it is called Yunfu Country.

The black dragon stayed to continue to help run the cheap granary and deal with the officials. After all, these dog officials were daring and if no one was here to deter them, they might start to grow again. Do something more serious.

The black dragon reassured the two of you. She is the best at dealing with dog officers. And her targets are not just those dog officials, but also other places.

Because the official system of the entire small country is unclear, it is normal for the people to be preyed upon and bullied casually. It can be said to be a very dire situation.

The black dragon has now transformed into a little warrior of justice. She wants to wander around, and when she encounters injustice, she has to reach out and become a real night wandering god.

At her call, several guards and senior brothers also wanted to do this together. Xiao Yunyan let them go. Anyway, there are many people.

So Black Dragon had four more guards and eight senior brothers, and went to other state capitals together.

Black Dragon's team has been changed into the Night Travel God team. The leader is of course the Black Dragon. As for how they will do it, Xiao Yunyan doesn't care about them. Her main task now is to go to Yunfu Country to rescue the increasing number of refugees.

If no one cares about that place, it is very likely that only one-tenth of the people in a country will survive.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan has medicine and food in her hands. Just when the epidemic broke out among the refugees, Xiao Yunyan and the others arrived.

He added spiritual spring water and some medicinal materials to prevent epidemics into the porridge, and told the refugees that each person could only drink one bowl. Because medicinal materials have been added to it, drinking too much will harm your health. Fortunately, these people have food to eat and will not gather to cause trouble. "

After being fed porridge with medicinal ingredients for three consecutive days, these refugees found that not only had the epidemic been completely controlled, but their bodies seemed to have become stronger, and even some hidden diseases were gradually getting better. This is the effect Xiao Yunyan wants to see most. These refugees are generally in poor health. Deficiency of both Qi and blood is the most basic symptom. Gastrointestinal diseases occur in almost everyone. Hungry and full. Which one has the best appetite? And because. On the way to escape, there was no place to stay, even near Zhoupeng. It was rainy here when Feng Dian was sleeping in the open air, and everyone was wet. The sun comes out and dries it out, and when it rains it becomes watery again. so. Having a cold. It almost stands at 80%, only those middle-aged people who are physically strong. There are also some that don’t have corgis or are cold. These medicines are added to the porridge in rotation every day. Add spiritual spring water. Of course the effect is very significant.

The refugees are getting better one after another, and now it is their problem that needs to be solved. Places to go and arrangements. We cannot allow more and more people to gather here and queue up, waiting for a bowl of porridge. Even if the number of people has increased to 40, the big pot of porridge still cannot meet the needs of more and more refugees.

Xiao Yuyan asked the guards to be there. When serving porridge to everyone, ask them. Hometown and what’s going on there. I learned that there are many places that are very strange this year. Yunfu Country was originally a country with moderate rainfall, but the climate has been particularly abnormal recently. original. winter. The time is coming soon, when every household should be full of food, but. Before harvesting in the autumn, heavy rains continued for more than 20 days, and all the grain was soaked in the ground. No grains were harvested. If only one or two state capitals. This matter is easy to handle, but if most of Yunfu Country has such weather, it will be a disaster.

The king of Yunfu Kingdom now wants to raise food all day and night. But their continent itself is a very backward place in terms of food production.

It mainly relies on seafood transported from island countries across the sea, locally produced grains, and the most abundant local wild vegetables. These are the most common foods on people's tables.

Nowadays, the main food is gone. The wild vegetables have been harvested this year due to the frantic digging by the people when they were short of food and the long-term rain soaking.

Houses submerged in water collapsed and are no longer inhabitable. Dried fish dried in the house cannot be stored for long, not even a few days.

As a result, famines occurred one after another in various places, and now they are getting more and more serious.

The king of Yunfu Kingdom recently heard that someone was giving porridge at the port. There were not many people at first, but then more and more people gathered, and he was worried that these people would gather to cause trouble. I am also worried that once the porridge stall stops eating porridge, the people may riot. Because there is no food, he may starve to death. When life is threatened by death at any time, people lose their minds.

So the king of Yunfu Kingdom sent two men to open his private treasury. Sent some food over. However, this is a drop in the bucket. He usually doesn't accumulate too much food.

Part of the food in the state treasury is used as military rations for the army, and part is used as food reserves to withstand natural disasters.

Because of the continuous rains in the early stage, the food has been allocated to various places, and now the food in the treasury has long been exhausted. The little food in his private treasury is not enough for anything.

The king of Yunfu Kingdom. Send your men there to find out the news and come back. The first batch sent over. The sentry came back and said that the porridge shop there was about to stop, because the food sent by the king was about to run out, and the porridge could still last for one day.

The king of Yunfu Kingdom was also anxious, but fortunately. his queen,

The concubines, princes and princesses are very sensible. I heard that the king secretly used his own private treasury to subsidize the refugees to open porridge shacks. So they all came from their own private treasury. Save some food. They gave it to the king and asked them to take it to the porridge shed.

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