Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 227: Collect seafood and make cans, which are delicious and best-selling. Punish bullies and

Where they're going next. It is the nearest neighbor to the Lanyu Dynasty. It takes about two days to sail at sea to reach the other party's port - Yuhuigang.

This place is famous because there is a bay in this port, which is the only place for fish to migrate. Fish is very abundant, both dried and salted.

Because fish are abundant here, the people's life is not difficult, and they mainly eat fish. There are also kelp and other algae in the sea as non-staple food.

Fishermen also hunt larger sharks, which become a particularly famous local food. Many merchant ships from surrounding countries come here regularly to buy fish ingredients.

When Xiao Yunyan and the others arrived, they saw someone selling dried sharks at the port, as well as large sharks that had just been slaughtered. It can be seen that the folk customs here are strong.

Originally, Xiao Yunyan and the others came here mainly to collect some special varieties of live fish.

After the overall upgrade of the space, there are more food processing machines, including a canning processing workshop. Canned fish is also one of the categories.

Xiao Yunyan saw canned fish in a small porcelain jar. I think this thing can be sold in this era. The top is covered with several thick layers of grease. Finally, it is sealed with wax, which is in line with the packaging habits of this era.

Xiao Yunyan wants to develop several flavors of canned fish and sell them in her business system. Especially if you go to inland countries where marine fish are not produced in your own country, even if you bring fresh marine fish for sale, no one will buy it. Because they don't know how to cook.

Although fish is a good thing, if it is not cooked well, the fishy taste will make it difficult for inland people to eat it.

Xiao Yunyan now had time. She watched the vendors at the port carrying basket after basket of freshly caught fish. She generously bought a few baskets.

After being moved onto the big ship, it was thrown directly into the space to be processed. Xiao Yunyan pressed the button all over and made a portion of each flavor.

Because there are different types of fish, it took her about a quarter of an hour to enter the processing category.

When she got out of the space, she saw many fishermen in shorts next to the big boat carrying loads of marine fish and asking them if they wanted to buy more marine fish.

Xiao Yunyan asked the crew members who had lived here for a few days. How were they doing when they came here to sell food?

The crew reported what they saw to Xiao Yunyan in detail.

There are two groups of people in the port, one is the nobles or the wealthy businessmen whose families have money. When they saw such polished rice and white noodles, they all came to inquire about it. Afterwards, many people came one after another to buy food, mainly polished rice. That is, the precious food produced in space.

And the civilians saw that there was food for sale. But he didn't dare to come forward and inquire. It was the crew who marked the price. The price of ordinary white rice and white flour is already very affordable. However, the local farmers looked at the crystal white rice and snow-white flour eagerly, swallowed their saliva, but turned around and left.

The crew found it strange and asked the fishermen nearby.

Later I found out the reason. Because the taxes paid by the people here are very high. Rarely can I accumulate extra money in my hands. Even if you earn some new money from selling things, after deducting daily expenses, you still have money left over to pay taxes.

Local officials only collected silver money as taxes. It is not possible to offset tax in kind. Therefore, when people have a little money in their hands, they are not willing to spend it.

The price of grain is marked in silver coins, so people are reluctant to spend the money they have, so they dare not come forward to ask for prices.

Xiao Yunyan understands that situation. The poor people only have a few copper coins in their hands, and they dare not ask the price of the meat buns in front of them that are so greedy that they can make people drool. The principle is the same. If you have money in your pocket, you won't panic. If you don't have money in your pocket, you will panic.

The crew also said that in order to allow ordinary people to eat some food, they could also use seafood to barter to buy food, and the exchange ratio was also marked.

Therefore, in the past few days, more and more dried seafood, especially dried fish, have been collected on the big ships. The smell of dried seafood wafted throughout the ship, and the crew was waiting for the owner to come and collect the dried seafood into the space.

Xiao Yunyan put her hands on her forehead after hearing this. Isn't she afraid of the smell of dried seafood in the space?

However, she thought that these dried sea fish could be further processed into fish floss, grilled dried fish in various flavors, dried fish in sauce, smoked fish, or dried raw and packaged.

Send these to places that like to eat dried sea fish, or places that are very cold and lack food in winter, and sell these dried sea fish and their deeply processed foods there.

Because they are very shelf-stable ingredients, they are especially good protein supplements in winter.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan was not surprised when she heard the crew said that they had collected a lot of dried seafood. Throw them all into the food processing area. There is also a food storage function there, and the taste will not leak out.

Xiao Yunyan asked the fishermen in front of her why they came here with fresh sea fish.

The crew members said in embarrassment: "Of course the fishermen hope that we can buy fresh seafood. This way they don't have to go back to dry the fish. And the price of fresh seafood is relatively expensive."

However, there is no shortage of seafood on our big boats. I can’t even finish my fishing and shrimping.

After these fishermen sold the seafood. In addition to leaving some as savings, part of it must be exchanged for food. The grain we sell is of really good quality and very cheap. "

The crew members are also in a dilemma. The master doesn't come, and the crew members are tired of eating these fresh seafood every day. In addition to what I catch myself, I also buy some small seafood from fishermen.

The big ship has no equipment to keep it fresh. Therefore, he just told the two fishermen that he would not accept fresh seafood.

Xiao Yuntian immediately asked one of the guards to run over and tell the two fishermen that they would start collecting fresh live fish, live shrimps, and other small seafood from today. The quality should be good, and those that are going to die or stink should not be exchanged for money. The purchase price is the same as the market price.

The fishermen were very happy after hearing this, because in the eyes of the fishermen, the purchase price mentioned by Xiao Yunyan was the retail price. Compared with traders buying fish from them, the prices given are not low.

The two fishermen happily sold the fresh fish in their hands for a high price. And he very proudly converted all the money he got from selling fish into food.

The crew members reminded them not to buy too much food because the weather on the seaside is changeable and prone to moisture.

The fishermen were worried that without this store in the village, they would not be able to buy such cheap food next time.

Xiao Yunyan asked the crew to post notices or use loudspeakers to publicize. There will also be a cheap granary here in a while.

Those fishermen who had plenty of money still bought a lot more food. Only those fishermen who are very poor and have no money at home will buy less.

The fresh live fish that Xiao Yunyan threw into the processing area of ​​the space have been turned into various canned fish.

Xiao Yunyan opened a bottle of spicy black bean dace fish and felt that the taste was very authentic. There is also a bottle of canned five-spice hairtail fish. After Xiao Yuntian tasted it, she thought it tasted really good, as delicious as the canned fish she made in later generations.

Because there are many kinds of fish, she makes many kinds according to different processing methods.

After Xiao Yuntian tried it herself, she gave the remaining ones to the crew members, asking them to taste them together and vote on which one was better.

The crew happily opened the canned fish and began to taste the freshly made canned fish with fresh rice.

The crew responded well. Xiao Yunyan asked the crew to collect another batch of fresh seafood and process it into canned products. Six categories were selected based on their preferred flavors.

As the first batch of deep-processed products of fresh live fish, they were first sold to other places for trial sale. Xiao Yunyan's business system is very large. Consider a few places as sales points to try.

You can always find your favorite flavors in different places. So the sales are very good.

Xiao Yunyan asked the crew to collect a large amount of fresh live fish suitable for canned fish. There are also some small seafood, which are also made into canned food.

The port, which was originally peaceful, suddenly became restless because the local biggest bully came with a dozen thugs to cause trouble. The fishermen who were selling fish in an orderly manner suddenly became restless.

After the crew asked about the reason, they immediately reported the situation to the steward. At the same time, reassure them not to panic.

The masters are all here. Thousands of troops and masters don't even notice, let alone a little street bully? If he dares to offend his master, today will be the end of the good life for him and his minions.

The fishermen were very afraid of this bully. Because he has thugs who patrol the streets all year round. As long as they want something, they don't have to buy it, they just rob it.

The crew reported this with gritted teeth. Showing their deep hatred for this bully and his minions.

Xiao Yunyan told the crew: "There is no need to keep such bullies. No matter how deep the background is behind them, just use your best method to deal with them severely. If they are not honest, then tie them up stand up."

When the crew members heard their master's instructions, they happily ran back and told their team. A total of ten people ran into the street and stopped the group of bullies who were running rampant throughout the port.

At this time, the bullies were snatching the live fish that had just been caught by the fishermen. Then, go to the fishing boat and sell it for money.

The crew members said: "Don't you think it's unconscionable to do this? The fishermen have worked so hard to catch the fish. You can just grab it if you want. You have hands and feet, so why don't you go fishing for yourself? Instead of doing this kind of immoral thing The smoke thing?”

These bullies showed evil smiles and felt that these people were really meddling in other people's business.

Just collect your live fish and sell your grain. Why are you nosy? Do you think you have lived too long?

So, he ignored the crew members and sent the fish he grabbed to the stall for the crew to count the money.

The crew settled the accounts normally, but the money was not given to them, but to the fishermen who had been robbed of fresh fish.

These bullies are crazy. After working for a long time, I managed to snatch it back and then send it back. Co-authoring is a waste of time.

So these dozen bullies launched an attack on the ten-man crew.

The crew has been waiting for this opportunity. After all, they came from afar, so it would not be good if they took action first. So the goal is to anger these bullies, and then, as long as they take action, it is a reasonable counterattack if you take action on your side.

These ten crew members are all agile, and after this period of training, their force value has been very high. These bullies are just a bunch of weaklings in front of them.

Three times, five times five times two times, these bullies who were running rampant throughout the port were all defeated.

The people who had been oppressed by them couldn't help but secretly feel resentment in their hearts when they saw that the bullies who were so arrogant were beaten so miserably.

You guys have been so tyrannical, and finally someone is here to deal with you.

But they were also worried if the crew members would be implicated for helping them. So, tell the crew the background of these bullies.

But the crew members were not afraid, it was just the son of this squire, the nephew of that official, or the prince of the local court. These are not big backgrounds, and for their master, there is no need to worry about them at all.

The bullies who were beaten down shouted: "How dare you take action! Today is the day you die."

Then he yelled for help. Those watching the excitement were indifferent. Because, except for a few of their accomplices who were beaten down, the others were either crew members or fishermen who were bullied by them. Everyone just watched them perform there quietly.

The crew laughed at these people and said: "We don't know whether it is our death day. But it is definitely your death day."

Of course, the crew will not kill them, and beating them to death is a normal result. It means that from now on, they will be lame and have broken arms, and they will never dare or be able to come to the streets and rob ordinary people's things.

When Xiao Yunyan watched her subordinates do things, they were so restrained and never caused trouble for her. Decided to give these young men a good meal in the evening.

She asked the crew to send the bullies to the local government office. If the government holds them accountable, then come to him. If the government officials take these bullies into custody normally, let them ignore it for the time being and wait and see what happens next.

The bullies were escorted away, but the fishermen expressed their gratitude to Xiao Yuntian one after another.

And told her that these people have connections in the government. Therefore, as soon as the front legs were sent in, the back legs would be carried back to their respective homes.

The government officials only protected them, and it was impossible for them to suffer any physical pain.

Xiao Yunyan listened to the common people's well-founded explanations of several recent events, and used her yin and yang eyes to look at what happened, and she was convinced.

Since the local government is so secretive, don't blame her for being rude. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan asked the crew to keep the evidence when they complained.

Xiao Yunyan wants to help the fishermen here, not just by fighting these bullies. Since government officials keep bullies, it means they are not good people, so we might as well get rid of them all.

If normal legal means can be used, there is no need for dark and violent means. If normal legal means cannot be used, then use your own methods to deal with such matters secretly.

Xiao Yunyan asked the guards to follow the crew to deal with these matters, because this was just a small episode. In addition to collecting fresh live fish and processing them into canned fish. Xiao Yunyan mainly wanted to build an affordable granary here and at the same time look for her senior brothers.

The crew members came back soon. They said that the Yamen sent the bullies to prison and then let them come back. They said that they would give them an explanation after the matter was investigated.

Those fishermen who were waiting here to watch the excitement and care about the outcome of the incident shook their heads and sighed, and said to Xiao Yuntian: "Every time we send the criminal bully into the lobby of the government office, the result is the same, he is detained first and then released.

The crew told them not to worry. I will definitely help them eradicate this bully gang.

Of course Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan knew that these people were colluding with the government locally. It's just that they must follow the procedures first, and then submit a complaint to a higher-level official after getting the evidence in hand.

If the superiors still protect you, then there is really a serious problem with the country's official system.

Xiao Yunyan didn't want to deal with such a huge and complicated matter. Li Mohan will not have nothing to do to take care of the official system of the entire country. After all, this is not the territory of the Yulong Prince, and it does not have such a deep connection with them.

The expected thing happened. Futai is still the protective umbrella of these bullies. The complicated relationship means that the local government does not really punish these bullies.

After in-depth investigation by several secret guards, it was discovered that these bullies were thugs often used by officials when they were doing dirty things. Therefore, officials usually cover them. Let them take action when doing dirty things. To put it bluntly, they are thugs raised by these officials.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan will not let these people down. Although no one would take care of those bullies locally, Xiao Yunyan had already drugged them.

Among the pile of special effect pills she made in the space, there were Soft Gold Pills. People who take this medicine will have soft muscles and bones, and will no longer be able to hit anyone.

So don't take their lives, but make them unable to do evil again. This can be regarded as the second best solution to this problem. At least the local people will no longer be persecuted by this group of bullies for a long time.

The black dragon has been very angry. She said Sister Xiao was too soft-hearted. If she were to handle this matter, she would kill all these people and throw them into the sea to feed the fish.

Xiao Yunyan teased her: "If you keep doing this, I won't dare to eat the fish in the sea. Isn't it terrible for a fish to grow up eating human flesh?"

The black dragon stuck out its tongue and said, "If you don't eat human flesh, eating other marine creatures is just as murderous.

Sister, do you know that if a big whale dies, it will support many different kinds of marine life. Even the little bits of meat and dregs left at the end were all eaten by very small fish.

What is the difference between humans and sea creatures? Aren’t they all made of flesh and blood? "

Xiao Yunyan was really impressed. The way this black dragon spoke now was somewhat similar to that of a modern philosopher. She would often say words that made people think they were very thoughtful.

Xiao Yunyan praised Black Dragon's words for being very reasonable. In fact, there is no difference. The only difference is that compared with animals, human thinking is more complex. The things you do are also more complicated and cumbersome.

Relatively speaking, the thinking of animals is very simple, and their main purpose is to obtain enough food every day. During the breeding season, they will consider seeking the opposite sex. In this process, it is the weak and the strong.

And people also do these things, but they have to think more about what they do, and it's not so direct.

The black dragon asked Xiao Yunyan: "Why does sister Xiao have to go to so much trouble? Wouldn't it be better to just kill them? Once and for all."

Xiao Yunyan explained: "Without Zhang San, there will still be Li Si. As long as these corrupt officials are there and as long as the official system is not clear, the evil gang will never be eliminated."

The reason why these people are left here is to let those who still want to do bad things see how glorious this group of evil forces once were and how miserable their end was.

A dozen grown men suddenly became helpless and unable to take care of themselves. If there are still people who want to harm the village, bully the people, and do bad things for corrupt officials, then their fate will be the same as such people.

Although death is terrible, it is temporary pain and very short-lived. If these people are unable to take care of themselves at a young age, they need the care of their families. And because they can no longer create wealth for the family, and can no longer rob other people's money and food, their family's attitude towards them will not be very good. As time goes by, they have to bear their sins, which is long-lasting pain. "

Black Dragon listened carefully to Xiao Yunyan's analysis, and suddenly understood, she asked: "Sister, you want to set an example, that is, to let those who want to do bad things see their tragic results. So they stay away and dare not go You did something bad, right?”

Xiao Yunyan nodded and praised this very smart little dragon girl.

However, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan couldn't solve the problem on such a simple level. They had to warn the local officials to stop their actions.

As a result, two days later, the homes of several officials involved in the case were ransacked. This looting was comparable to a typhoon passing through. Almost not a grain of food, not even a needle or thread was left behind.

Xiao Yunyan is not greedy for money. She treats these things as charity funds and supplies, and sends them to families who have been persecuted by these bullies at night.

Of course, he would not send marked objects to others to cause harm to them. She turned all the gold and silver she collected into small amounts of silver in space.

Each family is given a few taels of silver. She did not show up, but asked her men to knock on the windows door to door. When someone inside agreed, she hung the money bag on the door bolt and left.

The money bags were of uniform specifications. She made a batch in the space with a few words written on them, "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil."

Everyone who received the money bag thought it was a gift from the gods. I saw how pitiful they were, so I gave them some financial subsidies. They were so moved that they all knelt down and kowtowed to thank God for His blessing.

Xiao Yunyan and his men were busy with this matter, and it only took a short time. The amount of corruption committed by officials is huge. In addition to the distributed money, there are still many belongings that need to be dealt with.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to receive the goods on the big ship first, and then go to another city or country to dispose of these good things.

Xiao Yunyan briefly estimated these things and took out some money.

She asked the crew to open a cheap granary here. At the same time, in addition to providing preferential treatment to those widows and widowers living in special poverty, there are also gifts. The main gifts are relatively expensive salt, lard, and pork.

These things are very valuable to ordinary people.

Salt and lard are used very sparingly, and meat is even more precious, and can only be eaten a few times throughout the year.

Especially seaside countries do not produce these things. The main food is usually fish from the ocean and various other seafood.

Therefore, when the poor people got these precious oils and meats, their eyes were filled with surprise.

Although there is no shortage of salt at the beach, Xiao Yunyan gave them fine salt, which is precious. What if there is an injury? Cleaning the wound with fine salt water will prevent infection.

Xiao Yunyan exchanged some more medicinal materials. Because pills are being processed in her space all the time. The quantity can fully meet the demand.

These poor people often get sick and cannot get treatment. So, here, Xiao Yunyan asked the crew to distribute some of the most common medicinal materials to these poor people.

For example, they are used to treat enteritis, colds, and cough due to wind and cold. These pills are easy to take and have significant effects.

In particular, some people who are sick take the pills on the spot after getting the pills. It didn't take long for my body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

They told everyone on the spot that they really got better after taking the medicine. Especially patients suffering from cold and cough cough one after another. I wish I could cough up the fat man.

I really don’t cough anymore after taking the medicine. The effects are so obvious that everyone can see them with their own eyes. The common people took these pills with both hands as if they were magic medicine and kept them in their arms.

The crew members who distributed the pills told them that these were life-saving and not harmful to the body, so they must keep them.

And the shelf life of this pill is very long. It won't break within ten years. Be sure to keep it well.

The people who sell grain on the big boats at the dock give out free medicine, and give away good things like lard, pork and fine salt when you buy grain. The good news spread quickly in all directions as if it had wings.

Many people came one after another. Xiao Yunyan's principle of giving is that no matter how much food you buy, you will get it as a gift. Her purpose is not to sell food, but simply to return all the money these corrupt officials have taken from the people to the people. Turn the stolen money into charity and give it to the people.

Originally, this matter was very simple. After Xiao Yunyan took care of those corrupt officials, she also threatened and warned them, and this matter should be over.

But what Xiao Yunyan didn't expect was. She was like poking an ant's nest, and the officials who were being governed did not stop there. Instead, they sent a lot of thugs and government servants to collect a round of charcoal from shops and shops. This was an open robbery. The purpose is to transfer one's own losses to the merchant.

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