Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 231 The two sides discussed cooperation, gave in to each other, examined the old sect leader

Xiao Yunyan briefly proposed her ideas to the king.

The king of Yunfu Kingdom attached great importance to Xiao Yunyan's proposal. However, as for the matter of surrounding Yunfu Kingdom, setting up a formation on the top of the mountain, and selling tickets. Still can't bear to do that.

Because, on the one hand, doing that requires a lot of people to maintain it. He advocated that cultivators should be pure of mind and focus on cultivation, and should not spend too much energy on maintaining the magic circle and selling tickets.

On the other hand, cultivators came from far away, and many of them were penniless. If you rush to Yunfu Country, you will learn that they cannot enter the mountains to absorb spiritual energy because they have no money to buy tickets. Such a result is a blow to a cultivator with a pure mind.

Moreover, it is easy to intensify conflicts. After all, cultivators are all very powerful. If these people are dissatisfied with Yunfu Guo and a fight occurs here, it will be a very, very big threat to the public security here.

He expressed his concerns. Xiao Yunyan also understood it very well. Li Mohan felt that the king's consideration was based on kindness and consideration for the country's security, and it was very reasonable.

The King of Yunfu was very interested in making brands and bracelets from the branches of Yunfu Lengshan, but they did not have such craftsmen or technology here.

Xiao Yunyan said: "This is not a problem. Yunfu Country can let workers clean up the branches every year. She will come regularly to collect these branches, process them into finished products, and then send part back to Yunfu Country. She keeps part of it for herself as the cost of processing. .

Both parties determine a selling price, and the selling price is the same no matter where it is. No matter how many bracelets Yunfu Country sells, it is their own income. The part of the bracelet left by Xiao Yunyan will be sold by herself.

The King of Yunfu Kingdom highly approves of this cooperation model. It is both simple to operate and convenient for each other. Cleaning up the branches of Yunfu fir trees was originally something Yunfu Country had to do every year.

Some of the trunks and branches are as thick as a wrist. The thick ones are even as thick as the mouth of a bowl, which is very suitable for making signs or making bracelets.

Xiao Yunyan originally wanted to help them process it for free. But free ones always make people worry. Moreover, the king of Yunfu Kingdom does not like to take advantage of others. If he was offered to help them process bracelets and brands for free, maybe he wouldn't agree. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan proposed to use the processed products to offset the processing costs.

Both parties agreed to this method of cooperation. and. At once. As for the part left for Xiao Yunyan, the two parties made another agreement.

Xiao Yunyan originally proposed to only charge 10% of the finished product as processing fee. The King of Yunfu Kingdom said: "This proposal was made by you and Prince Duanjing. We are only providing raw materials. Processing the finished products is very troublesome, so 10% is too little as a processing fee. I propose a 50-50 split."

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan declined. They said: "Although processing is very troublesome, the value of such bracelets and wooden signs does not lie in the processing fee, but in the aura of the wood itself."

In the end, both parties gave in to each other, and the result of the negotiation was that Xiao Yunyan received 20% of the finished product as processing fees.

Another half is collected as cost of sales. Except for those sold by Yunfu Kingdom itself, half of the sales will be charged for all other finished products sold through Xiao Yunyan

The reason why Xiao Yunyan collects half of the sales is because all stores need to make profits and deduct staff wages during the sales process. The store rent, half percent is actually very thin.

However, Xiao Yunyan does not make this money. She sells these finished products in various stores just to increase the income of Yunfu Kingdom. It also provides convenience for cultivators who are searching for spiritual trees with wood attribute.

Xiao Yunyan suddenly thought that the ore body of fire chalcedony had already been derived in her own space. Do you have time to develop some fire chalcedony accessories? Compared to wood-attributed spiritual trees, fire chalcedony is a very precious fire-attributed spiritual stone.

Sold together, the effect will be better.

For those cultivators who need help with both fire and wood attributes, it is a very happy thing to be able to buy spiritual stones and wood with both attributes in one store. Fire chalcedony is a very rare jade and is difficult to buy on the market.

Of course, this is something. The most important thing for the moment is to solve the problem of Yunfu Country.

Xiao Yunyan heard that the father of the king of Yunfu Kingdom, the original leader of the sect, was now in a vegetative state. Many famous doctors were called in, but no one could revive him.

At present, he is so skinny that he only relies on a little bit of honey and liquid food every day to maintain the breath in his chest.

Xiao Yunyan proposed that she wanted to visit the sect leader. The king of Yunfu Kingdom was in a dilemma. After all, my father was unconscious and unable to take care of himself. Every day, the servants and grandma would help my father scrub his body.

However, for a vegetative person who cannot stand up and is unconscious, scrubbing the body is a very difficult task. So most of the time it is inconvenient to see outsiders.

More importantly, he was afraid that Xiao Yunyan would be frightened when she saw her father who looked like a skeleton.

Although the little girl is already Princess Duanjing, she is still young and very curious.

If such a distinguished guest was frightened, he was also responsible.

The king of Yunfu Kingdom tactfully expressed his worries to Xiao Yunyan. Xiao Yunyan comforted him: "Don't worry, I know a little bit about medical skills, and I want to take a look at it for the old sect master. What if I am the destined person who can help your father solve his pain?"

Now that Xiao Yunyan has said this, the king will no longer shirk.

He ordered someone to go to his father's yard to inform the maids, servants and nannies there to prepare.

Half an hour later, the person who went to report the news came back and said that the sect master had been scrubbed over there. It is ready and ready for guests to visit at any time.

The king accompanied Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to the courtyard where his father was, to visit. As soon as she walked into the yard, Xiao Yunyan smelled the strong smell of medicine.

Xiao Yunyan asked the king: "What medicine is the old sect master using now?"

The king replied seriously that he followed the advice of the royal doctor. Because the old sect leader couldn't eat for a long time, he had to supplement honey or goat's milk every day.

Although liquid food cannot make the patient full, it can keep him alive without the ability to eat on his own.

In addition to liquid food, three bowls of medicine are required every day. The prescription is very complicated, and its main function is to maintain the circulation of Qi and blood in the body. Helps awaken awareness.

Xiao Yunyan opened her yin and yang eyes and examined the old sect master's whole body. What makes her find it incredible is that the old sect master's soul is not in his body. That is to say, the old sect leader's body is empty at this time. But what's strange is such a broken body. After the soul left the body, he did not die.

Xiao Yunyan said to the king: "I can cure your father's disease, and it will be completely cured in less than half a month. Ask the king if he would like to let her reach out and give it a try."

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