
Dalton repeated, convinced he had never heard the name before.

So the young man in front of me must not be a big pirate.

But how can a little pirate have such a big tone?



It must be that he doesn't even know how powerful Wapol is.

If he thought that he could be driven away from this country by Blackbeard, he must be a guy who can be bullied.

But is Wapol?


He is a stupid and cruel person who does all kinds of evil, with pus on his feet and sores on his head.

But he is also a powerful person.

Not only does he have nearly a thousand standing troops from the original kingdom, they are all equipped with the most advanced muskets and cannons, and are well-trained and disciplined.

And he was also followed by the two Hengha generals.

One named Jace is good at bow and arrow, and can hit the bull's-eye with three bows and arrows at once.

The other Chromamon is good at boxing and can attack with fur balls charged with static electricity.

As for Wapol himself, he is a user with the swallowing fruit ability and is stronger than his two subordinates combined.

Can this pirate group of less than ten people be able to deal with such a force?

Dalton's hopeful eyes gradually dimmed, and his heart that was beating happily just now slowly calmed down.

Sami seemed to read his thoughts and said firmly again: "Mr. Dalton, please believe my words."

Dalton didn't know what to say.

Zoro had been sitting on a chair by the wall with his eyes closed, and he didn't speak until now.

"This guy never says he can't do it, and you better believe him."

Weiwei also supported: "Yes, Mr. Sammy is the smartest person I have ever met."

"That's right, that's right. As soon as this guy rolls his eyes, countless treacherous plots will appear in his mind. A sneer means that a large group of people will be unlucky."

Usopp also nodded frequently, "Every day when I'm with him, I worry that my head will move at any time. Even when I'm sleeping, I have to keep one eye open, otherwise..."

Sami slapped Usopp: "Am I what you say?"

"What's the matter? I'm not flattering you."

"Are you praising me? You are saying bad things about me!"

"This is what I say from the bottom of my heart!"


Dalton saw that Sami and Usopp were almost fighting, and he immediately asked Vivi with his eyes: "Is this the smartest person you have ever said?"

"Mr. Sami does sometimes do things informally, haha..."

Dalton covered his forehead, thinking that this was a group of funny pirates.

Sammy coughed a few times, cleared his throat and said, "Let me tell the truth, Mr. Dalton."

"What will happen to this country has nothing to do with us. We want to help you just because we think you are a good person and we have received your care and want to repay you."

Sami took a step forward and said seriously again: "Although our Straw Hat Pirates are still not as good as Blackbeard's gang, we are not small players."

"The three-sword swordsman over there is our combatant, the pirate hunter Zoro, with a bounty of 2000 million beli."

"Captain Straw Hat Luffy has a bounty of 3500 million Baileys."

"As for me, Ragnar Sammy, I have a bounty of 3000 million beli."

"I think our bounty is enough to illustrate our strength."

Every time Sammy spoke, his momentum increased.

By the time he finished reading the long list of bounties, Dalton was already as tall as a mountain in his mind.

"This, this little brother, I didn't expect your bounty to be so high. It's really, really true. I believe you."

As soon as Sami heard this, he immediately turned to Weiwei and the others and smiled proudly, indicating that it was done.

In fact, he didn't have to help Dalton, but the other party's distrustful attitude and contempt made Sami quite dissatisfied.

"Boy, if I can't even scare you, I, as the future vice-captain of the Pirate King, should not be the Gemini of the new era."

Usopp looked at Sami's smiling face and immediately shouted to Sami deliberately pretending to be quiet but not at all quiet: "Hey, Sami, you forgot something very important."

"what's up?"

"You forgot to introduce your nickname, the God of Slaughter!"

"I ride a horse..."


Weiwei asked curiously: "Mr. Sami, from what you just said, it seems that you know Blackbeard's group very well."


"Can you tell me more about it?" Dalton asked quickly.

After all, Blackbeard's invasion left a very deep impression on him.

Five people.

one day.

The Drum Kingdom, which had been established for hundreds of years, was completely destroyed, and Wapol, a arrogant and misbehaving guy, fled without a fight.

How powerful such a pirate group must be.

Sami pondered for a moment, as if thinking about where to start, and soon he said: "Do you know the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"The Four Emperors?" Zoro, who had been closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

"That's right." Sammy nodded.

Judging from Dalton's face, it seems that he also knows what the Yonko is.

"Blackbeard is a member of the original Whitebeard Pirates."

"What? He was actually once a subordinate of the strongest man in the world!"

"The strongest man in the world?" Usopp trembled, "What kind of monster can get such a title?"

"Not a subordinate. Whitebeard likes to call his crew members his son, and the crew members also call him daddy."

"Although they are not related by blood, they are as close to each other as father and son, and they love each other as brothers and sisters."

Sammy said, smiling.

To be honest, if there were no Straw Hat Pirates in this world, Sammy would definitely join the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because that man's personal charm is really too great.

"In that case, why did Blackbeard quit the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Because of betrayal. Blackbeard betrayed Whitebeard."


"Betrayal?" How dare he betray the strongest man in the world? "

Zoro was also shocked by Blackbeard's courage. Betrayal of the Four Emperors was no joke.

Challenge Hawkeye, and even if he fails, he will just die happily.

Betraying the Four Emperors would be a slap in the face, and it would not be something that could be solved by death.

"How did he betray Whitebeard?"

"He killed Whitebeard's other son."


! !


Dalton quickly stood up to stop Sammy from continuing.

This kind of scandal of the four royal families is not something that a small person like him can know about.

The more you know, the sooner you might die.

Seeing him like this, Sami could guess the reason, so he said no more.

As for why Blackbeard came to trouble Wapol, he probably took a fancy to his ability to swallow fruits.

This perverted fruit ability was used to shame in Wapol's hands.

If it falls into the hands of Blackbeard, it will definitely become a big killer.

Just as Dalton was about to ask Sammy how to deal with Wapol, the door was suddenly opened.

A member of the temporary residents' self-defense force ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Dalton, Wa-Wapol is back! That evil guy is back!"


Dalton jumped up and stood up.

"That guy, that guy started killing civilians as soon as he landed on the beach! We, we killed a lot of people!"


Dalton almost lost his mind and flashed out of the room in one step.

He transformed into a majestic bull and rushed towards the dock.

"This is...the Niu Niu Fruit·Bison Form!" Weiwei seemed to recognize Dalton's true identity.

Sammy didn't expect Wapol to come back so quickly.

He turned and walked towards the door, saying as he walked: "Let's go, Zoro, let's go and see who this despicable Dalton is."

Without saying a word, Zoro stood up and walked out of the door.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Sami, I'm going to help too." Weiwei followed suit not to be outdone.

Only Usopp shook his body and said stumblingly: "Otherwise, I'd better stay. This kind of small scene doesn't require me, Captain Usopp, to intervene."

"Yes, but we won't come back to rescue you if you are in danger."

"Hey, hey, Sammy, don't say such terrible things. Haven't you seen that I'm shaking with fear? Hey, wait for me! Wait for me!"

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