Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 89 Sami takes the final shot

"Ha ha ha ha."

Wapol's arrogant laughter resounded throughout the port, and the people glared at the beast who had made a comeback, daring to be angry but afraid to speak.

Because behind Wapol were nearly a thousand black muskets.

"Cheer! Celebrate! Your great king is back! Hahahaha!"

"You, you are not our king!" A child retorted loudly in a childish voice.


Wapol frowned. He didn't expect that these untouchables would dare to resist him within a few days of his departure.

Really annoying!


He immediately opened fire with the golden pistol in his hand.


The child's father sensed something was wrong and immediately got down to protect his child.

The bullet hit his back, and a coquettish blood plum blossom bloomed on his clothes.

He fell slowly.


"Mr. Wilfred!"


Wapol seems to be quite satisfied with his masterpiece. This perverted guy seems to like to see others showing disgust towards him.

"Hahahaha." He laughed wantonly, "This is what you get for resisting me! Hey, Jace!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!"

"Announce to them my new decree!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!"

Jess, who was dressed like a green clown, stepped forward and carefully took out a document from his pocket.

After scanning everyone present, he cleared his throat.

"Dear citizens of the Drum Kingdom, humble servants of His Majesty Wapol:

His Majesty the King had to travel overseas to avoid pirates the day before yesterday. Now that the pirates are far away, the country is slightly safer. His Majesty officially returns to the country today.

On this occasion of national celebration, His Majesty ordered that all servants be levied a restoration tax of 10 beli per person!

You despicable people..."

Before Jess could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the already agitated people.

"What? 10 Baileys each!"

"Are you kidding me! Our family has been destroyed in the pirate attack, how can we still have money to pay taxes!"

"Even if I have money, I will not give it to this tyrant!"

"That's right!"

The more everyone talked, the more angry they became, and the flames of hatred in their hearts seemed to be taking advantage of the wind and burning brighter and stronger!

Jace looked back at Wapol.

Wapol grinned.

Jace turned back, still looking at the angry people with dead fish eyes, and said in a calm voice: "Anyone who dares to resist taxes is guilty of treason and will be burned at the stake!"

The originally bustling scene immediately froze.

Wapol said triumphantly: "Keep making noise! ​​Keep making noise! ​​Let me see who dares to resist me without fear of death!"

"Jace, drag out the one who made the loudest noise just now, yes, the one in black clothes, and burn him at the stake immediately."


Jace is a loyal and good dog, and he always follows his master's orders without thinking.

Even if this man in clothes is his best friend since childhood.

"Hey, hey, Jace, it's me. I'm the noble Barron. We are best friends."

"It used to be," Jace said coldly.

He pulled out Barron who was still chattering and prepared to hand him over to the guards.

"No, Jess, no, have you forgotten our feelings? Have you forgotten that when you were little, you had no food to eat, and it was my mother who always prepared delicious food for you?"

Jace didn't listen to anything he said and seemed to be an emotionless machine.

"Forget it, Jace," Wapol said suddenly.

The eyes of the people who were still grieving showed hope.


A gunshot rang out and Barron fell to the ground dead.

"Burning at the stake is troublesome and wastes wood. It's better to just shoot this untouchable."

"What a precise shot, His Majesty the King." Jace said flatteringly, kicking away Barron who was still holding on to his trousers.

"Hahahaha! You really know how to talk, Jace!"



"Unforgivable, murderous devil!"

"We would rather die than surrender to you!"

The people who were originally silent could no longer bear it. Hatred not only burned away their reason, but also burned away their fear.

"Oh? Then I'll kill you all!" Wapol slapped his ears in disdain.

Cromarimon immediately raised his right hand: "King's army, raise your guns!"


The spears are like a forest, and the muzzles are like holes, aiming coldly at the innocent people.



A roar came from a distance.

A majestic bison flew over people's heads and crashed into the waiting king's army, causing a bloody storm.

Dalton instantly transforms into his bestial form, wielding what appears to be a shovel but is actually a broad-bladed knife.

In a few breaths, a large area of ​​enemies was cut down.

"Stop! Dalton! You bastard, do you want to betray me?" Wapol asked angrily.

Jace immediately bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and asked in a cold tone: "Dalton, as the former captain of the Kingdom Guard, you were already punished by death for not following His Majesty the King to evacuate."

"Now that you dare to prevent His Majesty from enforcing the law, do you want to get a higher penalty?"

"Shut up! You heartless guy!" Dalton shouted angrily, "Barron is your friend, don't you have any feelings?"

"Emotions? All my feelings are only for His Majesty Wapol!"

"Well said, Jace, my loyal minister." Wapol opened his arms and said enthusiastically: "Dalton, for the sake of your many years of service to me, I can forget about what you just did."

"Come, rejoin my service, come here and kiss my boots to show your loyalty."

"I will never serve a tyrant scumbag like you again."

"What? You bastard, how dare you let me down." Wapol was furious, "Jace, kill him."

Jace, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately shot an arrow.


Dalton blocked the sword and was panting.

"Jace, shoot him!" Wapol shouted angrily.


"Ding Ding!"

Got stopped again!

"Damn it! Damn it!" Wapol couldn't bear it anymore, "Shoot! Shoot, kill them all."

"King's Army! Target civilians, shoot!"


The musketeers in the front row opened fire immediately.

The people held their heads in fear, crouched down, dodged, and ran away, forming a mess.


In the blink of an eye, a tall and majestic voice stood between the panicked people and the cold-blooded King Guo's army, blocking all incoming bullets.

It's Dalton.

He protected civilians.

"Mr. Dalton!" the cry came immediately.

"Tch, you actually used your own body to block bullets. What an idiot." Wapol curled his lips in disdain.

"Since you want to save them, let me see how many shots you can block."

"King's Army, target civilians, prepare to shoot." Chroma Mon's voice came again.


The second row of musketeers immediately raised their guns in unison.


"Dual Sword Style 72 Trouble Wind!"

The two slashes whipped up a violent whirlwind, tearing a large hole into the originally tight formation of the king's army.

"Jet Kill·Shuriken Meteor Swarm!"

Countless sharp shurikens poured in from the big hole Zoro had torn open, and then blossomed and exploded.

With just two moves, more than half of the nearly a thousand-strong King's army was already dead or injured, and the remaining half fled in all directions, as if seeing evil spirits.

"Bastard, who is it? You dare to attack my great Majesty Wapol."

Jace and Chromamon also huddled together and looked around, as if facing a formidable enemy.Big beads of sweat dripped from their faces.


A tall and straight figure suddenly appeared between the two of them, catching them off guard.

"Ox Talisman·Double Fist·Muyu!"

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