Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 87: The Gratitude Report

Just after the afternoon of the next day, Usopp's surprise shout came from the deck: "Sammy, everyone, Drum Island is here!"

Hearing this, Luffy was the first to rush out.

In the distant sky, a snow-capped island can be seen hanging above the sea.

Like a cloud of milky white ice cream floating in a blue cup.

More than a dozen snow-capped mountains like chimneys tower into the clouds, quietly standing between heaven and earth.

Cigu Island, the long-awaited destination.

Usopp drove the Merry slowly into the river mouth, and everything around him was eerily quiet.

"There won't be anyone on this island, right?" Zoro said.

"Huh, is it really a desolate place? Then I'm relieved." Usopp breathed a sigh of relief.

The strange disease that "will kill you as soon as you land on the island" finally didn't happen.

Sanji stopped as soon as he heard this: "Hey, what do you mean by this? Have you forgotten that the beautiful lady needs a doctor now?"


"Who is it? Come out!"

They were about to argue when Zoro suddenly put his hand on Scar and his face tightened.

A large group of people suddenly appeared on both sides of the river, wielding swords and guns, and looking at the Straw Hats with disgust.

"How, how could it be possible?" Usopp's expression suddenly became tense, and he backed away again and again, clutching his chest.

Others also saw that the person was not kind, and they all stared without saying a word.

"Get out of here quickly! Pirates, you are not welcome on this island."

Weiwei quickly put on a kind smile.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to intrude. One of our companions is sick and needs medical attention."

"Stop blabbing, you pirates like to lie the most. If you don't leave, we will shoot you."

Another person refused verbally. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone raised their muskets.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Hey, listen to me, we..." Sanji was about to explain, but before he could finish speaking, he heard a crisp gunshot.

A bullet hole suddenly appeared on the deck of the Merry.

"Want to fight?" Sauron made the first move and immediately pulled out his weapon.

Weiwei suddenly knelt down and put her head on the deck with a very humble attitude: "I'm sorry, we didn't lie. One of my companions is dying and really needs immediate treatment."

Luffy also knelt down: "Please, I beg you."

The originally excited crowd on the shore suddenly fell silent, and everyone was stunned by the sudden kneeling of the two men.

Soon, a tall man wearing green armor and carrying a shovel-like weapon on his back came out. He was the leader of the opponent.

He glanced at the Straw Hats carefully, then stared at Vivi, and then said.

"In that case, then come up. I'll make it clear in advance that if you dare to cause damage, don't blame me for being rude."

"Thank you."

The man seemed quite authoritative, and no one objected to his words.

After he turned around and left, everyone on the shore followed him and gradually left.

The Straw Hats quickly packed up and headed to the island. Sanji was carrying Nami on his back, and someone caught up with the green-armored man within a few steps.

Weiwei quickly asked: "Hello, uncle, where is the doctor on this island? My companion can't hold on any longer."

"Just call me Dalton. As for finding a doctor, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"It's not easy? Why?"

"This island was originally a medical powerhouse and once had many excellent doctors, but now there is only one left."

Sami didn't want to hear him recall history, so he quickly asked: "Where is that doctor?"

Dalton glanced at Sammy, surprised that the man wasn't curious about what he said.

So I had to point to the tallest snow-capped mountain behind the town and said, "Live there."

When Luffy heard this, he couldn't wait any longer and shouted quickly: "I'm going to find her now, and I must cure Nami."

"Straw Hat Boy, let me remind you, that doctor has a weird temper. If you go to her carelessly like this, you will be rejected." Dalton reminded.

Sami immediately turned back: "Sanji, you go with Luffy, remember to be polite."

"Okay!" Sanji nodded without saying a word.

Sammy snapped his fingers, and two giant wolves with snow-white fur suddenly appeared.

Dalton was startled when he saw such a scene for the first time. He subconsciously took out the shovel behind his back and stood ready.

"You two ride on direwolves, they can run very fast in the snow."

"Ouch!" Luffy excitedly jumped on the back of a direwolf, touching, scratching, and hugging it.

Sanji carefully helped Nami sit on the wolf's back, then climbed up and hugged her from behind.

Sami finally warned: "The snow-capped mountains are so tall and towering, there might be strange creatures in them."

"If you encounter any obstruction, don't stop. Leave the direwolves behind to deal with them."

"I know, you're really thoughtful." Sanji nodded.

The two men quickly flew away on direwolves.

Only then did Dalton realize that it was Sammy who had summoned the direwolf.

"Your skills are really amazing, little brother, are you a devil fruit user?"

"Well, I am a werewolf who ate the wolf-controlling fruit."

"It's an amazing ability."

Sammy smiled and asked instead.

"Uncle Dalton, you just said that this country used to be a big medical country, but now there is only one doctor left. What's going on?"

Dalton's face darkened and he said bitterly: "I thought you were no longer interested in what I said."

"How come? I really like listening to stories."

"Really? A story?" Dalton murmured,

"It's just a story to you outsiders, but to the residents of Cigu Island, it's a real disaster."

"Please be sure to explain it in detail. Thanks to your care, if you really have difficulties, we may be able to help."

Dalton didn't take this seriously at all.

In his opinion, how could a pirate group like Sammy and his group, which had less than ten people in total and whose ships were small and broken, have the ability to help others?

But he still politely led Sammy and the others to his home in the town.

While entertaining them with hot tea, he told them the whole story about Drum Island.

"I see." Zoro asked after listening to what he said.

"So that guy named Blackbeard did a good thing and helped you drive away the cruel king, didn't he?"

Dalton smiled bitterly: "To a certain extent, this is true, but Blackbeard also killed many innocent people, leaving them with their families broken up and homeless.

"And the Wapoles were just driven away. One day they will come back."

Weiwei suddenly realized: "No wonder you hate pirates so much. I see there are many people patrolling with weapons on both sides of the river mouth."

"Yes, because we have received information that Wapol did not leave after escaping, but instead formed the so-called White Iron Pirates."

"He is wandering in the nearby waters. Once he learns that Blackbeard has left, he will definitely come back."

Usopp asked strangely: "Even if he comes, why don't you just drive him away?"

"That won't work," Dalton said, shaking his head.

"Wapol's men are all the elite standing army of the kingdom, and our people who only rely on temporary armed forces are no match for him. What's more, what's more..."

"What's more, the Drum Kingdom is a member of the World Government, and the royal family's right to rule is protected by the navy. Once Wapol requests support, it is likely to attract assistance from the navy."

Sammy explains the biggest difficulty in one word.

Dalton held his head in his hands and looked lifeless.

Weiwei said angrily: "What's going on? As a king, he doesn't want to protect the people, but always hurts them. It's unreasonable that such a person is protected by the World Government."

Weiwei couldn't help but not be angry.

His father is so kind and righteous.

He loves his people like a son and works conscientiously, but he is about to be plotted to take away his throne and his life is in danger.

However, a faint king and tyrant like Wapol can enjoy protection and can make a comeback even if he loses his throne.

What's the point!

Sammy patted her shoulder, then put down the cup and said to Dalton seriously.

"Mr. Dalton, as I just said, we are grateful for your care. Since you are in trouble now, we will not stand idly by."

"You, what do you mean?"

"Help you completely eliminate the tyrant Wapol."


Startled, Dalton stared at Sammy and then glanced at everyone else in the room.

Except for the strange swordsman with three swords hanging on his head, the rest of the group didn't look like any powerful guys at all.

How dare you boast about this kind of Haikou?

But the look in their eyes was so relaxed, as if they didn't care at all.

Dalton looked at Sammy and asked calmly: "Who are you?"

"My name is Ragnar Sammy, and I am a pirate."

Sammy grinned, showing his white teeth.

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