Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 462 Sabo’s life is in danger

"Banquet! Banquet! Banquet!" As soon as Luffy heard about his favorite event, he jumped up and down with joy.

"Wait a minute! Luffy!" Sammy suddenly came over and shouted.

He was holding a phone bug in his hand and his face was very gloomy.

Luffy asked confused, "What's wrong?"

"Let's wait until later to talk about the banquet and so on. There is an emergency now!" He said and handed over the phone bug.

"What else is better than a banquet..."


A man's voice suddenly came from the phone, interrupting Luffy's words.

Luffy's expression changed: "Saab!"

He immediately recognized this voice as that of his sworn brother Sabo.

"What's wrong with Sabo?" Ace on the side heard Luffy's shout and immediately ran over.

Since the war, he has never seen Sabo again, and his thoughts have been accumulated for a long time.

"Ace! Luffy!" Sabo said, his voice sounding exhausted, "It's great to hear your voices again."

"What are you talking about, Sabo! What happened? Your voice sounds bad!" Ace asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, Ace, it's just that there are too many enemies around and I'm a little tired."

As soon as Sabo finished speaking, a violent explosion and the shouts of several men came from the phone bug.

"Surround them all, and don't let anyone go. Mr. Sakaski said that we will annihilate them all!"

"Yes! General Araki!"

"How scary! Monkey D. Dragon! I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are stronger than before!"

"Report! Wulaoxing has landed on the island!"

"Ah? Why are those old guys here to join in the fun? Don't they believe us?" The man named Araki said dissatisfied, "What did Mr. Sakaski say?"

"Your Majesty the Marshal ordered us to cooperate with Wulaoxing and CP0 to act together. We must take this opportunity to wipe out the revolutionary army in one fell swoop!"

"Hey, the government people can't sit still anymore? Okay, I got it! Get off!" Araki said impatiently, "Hey, Porusalino, I'm going to get on, do you still want to hang on?"

"Don't be so impatient, Araki, Ryu and I haven't seen each other for decades. Of course we need to have a good exchange of feelings." Kizaru's tone was still casual, and there was no hint of urgency at all.

"Anyway, we have completely surrounded the entire island, and they can't escape."

"Hmph! Since you want to play, that's up to you. I'll go and catch everyone else first. Since the five old stars are here, I have to show off, hahahaha!"

Araki said, striding towards Sabo's direction. In the phone bug, his footsteps were getting closer and closer.

"Hey! Sabo! What's going on? Who are those guys?" Luffy asked loudly.

Even as a very nervous man, he guessed that Sabo's situation was already very dangerous at this time.

Unfortunately, he was destined not to hear Sabo's answer. Violent explosions and fierce fighting sounds continued to come from the phone bug.

Sabo has been targeted by the enemy.

Sammy hung up the phone and looked at Luffy and Ace with dark eyes.

"What's going on? Sammy, what happened to Sabo?" Luffy asked hurriedly.

Although Ace didn't make any noise, he kept staring at Sammy.

"This is all my fault. I did it without thinking." Sami sighed and said, "Saab is in danger now because he followed my advice."

"What's going on?" Ace asked.

"I have been in the Revolutionary Army for the past two years. In order to help Long develop the organization, I strongly suggested that he invite Vegapunk to join and help the Revolutionary Army develop technology."

"Vegapunk? That genius scientist?" Frankie on the side asked immediately after hearing what he was interested in.

"Yes, that's him." Sami nodded. "This guy has strong inventive ability and is an important figure who can help the development of the revolutionary army, so Long quickly agreed to my suggestion."

"Wait a minute, Sammy, I don't understand." Nami asked, "As far as I know, hasn't Vegapunk been working for the World Government? He shouldn't agree to your invitation, right?"

"That's true," Sami said. "On the surface, that guy is indeed working for the World Government, but secretly, he is also conducting research prohibited by the World Government."

"These researches are very dangerous, and some of them may even threaten the rule of the world government if exposed."

"Sure enough, in ordinary stories, the ones who are least afraid of death and can cause the most trouble are these crazy scientists." Nami said, covering her face.

She could already guess where the next story would go - the World Government must have discovered Vegapunk's forbidden research, and then got furious and was about to silence him.

Sure enough, Sami's words confirmed Nami's guess.

"About a month ago, CP0 discovered clues about Vegapunk's research. In anger, the Five Old Stars decided to completely eliminate this disobedient guy."

"It was also at that time that the revolutionary army finally found the location where Bega Punk was hiding."

"In order to take away Vegapunk before the World Government, Long personally took Sabo to Egg Tip Island where he is currently located."

"For a month, the plan has been going smoothly. Facing the pursuit of the World Government, Vegapunk agreed to Long's invitation without saying a word."

"But before joining, he willfully demanded that the Revolutionary Army must help him pack up all the research machines and results and take them away, otherwise he would rather die with his own research."

"His attitude was very firm, and Long could not persuade him, so he had to agree. In order to speed up the progress, Long summoned almost all the revolutionary forces to carry out this major relocation."

"Not long after, an accident happened! The World Government and the Navy took advantage of the chaos to surround the place. They sent two generals and even prepared to activate the demon-slaying order!"

"Demon Slaying Order!!!"

The Straw Hats were all shocked.

No one present knew the danger of the Demon-Slaying Order better than they did. It was a terrorist operation that was said to be capable of directly blowing up an island.

"Sabo and the others are in danger! Sammy, we must rescue them immediately!" Luffy shouted impatiently, unable to hide the anxious look on his face.

"I'll go too! That guy Sabo is my brother, I can't just sit idly by."

The Straw Hats also nodded solemnly. Although they had just experienced a battle, they were already very tired.

But no matter who it is, it is impossible to watch Saab fall into danger.

"This...Mr. Sami, should we take a long-term approach? After all, this is too dangerous." Kinemon said hesitantly.

"According to what you just described, the current enemies of Danjian Island are not only two generals and a lot of lieutenant generals, but also the Five Old Stars and CP0, the highest authority of the world government, are involved. The enemy's power is unprecedentedly powerful! "

"No matter how many enemies there are, I will beat them all away to save Sabo!" Luffy shouted impatiently.

Zoro also agreed: "That's right, that guy Sabo, how could you just watch him die like this!"

"That's right, Kin'emon, you are too cowardly. Can the Five Old Stars and the Admiral be more powerful than the Three Emperors Alliance?" Usopp said with a proud smile.

Others also showed confident smiles. After all, in their opinion, they had defeated the Three Emperors Alliance and no longer had to fear any naval admirals.

Of all the people present, probably only Sami knew the true strength of the enemy.

In fact, the strength of these five old scumbags, Wulaoxing, may have surpassed that of the Three Emperors Alliance!

In addition to the two generals and possible additional reinforcements, even the Four Emperors Alliance may not be able to compete with these combined.

It can be said that the world government has used almost all its power to annihilate the revolutionary army.

A force ten times more powerful than the war on the top!

But even so, Sami is not afraid at all, because he is stronger than the enemy with the lv5 dragon talisman in his hand!

And after defeating Kaido and the others, he can upgrade a few more charms.

A level 5 spell can destroy the world. If you have several at the same time, who can stop it?

Sammy was full of confidence!

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