Sami didn't care about Hyogoro's compliments, he just smiled lightly and then changed the subject deftly.

"What are you going to do with these prisoners?"

"Ah? Aren't you going to make them do hard labor?" Hyōgoro was stunned for a moment.

"Where have you finished your hard work?"


"I see you don't want to let them go, right?"

"You're right, I really don't want to let them go, but after all, I promised them just now..."

"When did I promise to let them go after they finished their hard work?"

"Huh?" Hyogoro was surprised.

It seems that Sammy did not agree to this condition.

To be precise, Sammy never made any promise at all.

Hyogoro suddenly took a breath of cold air. Did Sami not want to let these people go from the moment he persuaded them?

This is too terrible!

They are simply deceiving these people to death!

"Lord Sammy, they have laid down their weapons. As warriors, it is really..."

"I'm not a samurai." Sami interrupted, "What's more, Oden let the Black Carbon Orochi go more than once because of his soft heart, which ultimately led to this disaster. I hope you can learn a lesson."

"Of course, what you do in the end is your business. I'm just giving you a suggestion." Sami patted him on the shoulder, "After all, we are leaving soon, aren't we?"

After Sami finished speaking, he grinned at Hyogoro.

Obviously his smile was so warm, but Hyogoro couldn't help but shiver, and his back was soaked in an instant.

It was only now that Hyōgoro realized that he didn't seem to understand Sami at all.

His sunny youthful appearance and his true soul hidden inside are not the same creature at all.

Hyogoro wanted to say something more, but a sudden movement interrupted his speech.

There was a boom.

The already tattered door of Rabbit Bowl Prison was completely blown open.

A large group of Wano warriors wearing different clothes, stepping on wooden clogs, holding long swords, and shouted loudly rushed in.

There are thousands of people.

The leader was none other than the Red Scabbards led by Kinemon.

This group of people rushed in shouting and killing, everyone was excited, and their mouths were filled with all kinds of warm greetings to Kaido.

"Kaido, get out of here!"

"Where's that old lady Big Mom? Call her out, I'm going to challenge her!"

"Barrett! I, Ninelett, must kill you today!"

A group of people were yelling and cursing, as if they wanted to tear down the entire Rabbit Bowl Prison.

But soon after they saw the scene in front of them clearly, those dirty words that they had not yet cursed were swallowed by themselves.

Everyone fell silent.

Because the battlefield of mountains of corpses and seas of blood originally imagined did not exist at all, and none of the three monsters Kaido, Big Mom, and Barrett were seen.

There was only a large group of pirates who looked like the Three Emperors Alliance. They were tied up with chains and handcuffs in dejection, and were driven into the prison cells one after another.

"What's going on?" Kinemon was stunned.

He was hurrying slowly, bringing reinforcements all the way, fearing that if he was too slow, Sami and the others would be completely wiped out.

Why now, it seems that I have done something unnecessary.

Kinemon was still in a daze, and a figure suddenly appeared, interrupting his daze.


"Rai, Raizo!"

The two people immediately hugged each other and cried bitterly.

"Raizou! You are suffering!"

"I'm not bitter! For Lord Oden, I have no regrets. I..."

"Kin'emon!!" Someone shouted, directly interrupting Raizo's speech.

As soon as Kinemon raised his head and saw clearly, tears burst out of his eyes. He dropped Raizo and rushed towards him.



"He Song! You are suffering!"

"I'm not bitter! For Lord Oden, I have no regrets. I..."

"Stop talking, stop talking, it's because we arrived too late, this war failed, it's all my fault!"

"Failure? What failure? We succeeded!"

"Wow!!! Kawamatsu! You've really suffered! You've been paranoid for more than twenty years!"

"I didn't, you idiot." He Song cursed.

He hit Kinemon on the head with the handle of his sword, and the pain immediately calmed him down.

"Hiss—Kawamatsu, you...I..." Kinemon hesitated for a long time and didn't say a word. He winked and winked before he managed to squeeze out a sentence.

"Did you really defeat Kaido?"

"Yes! That's right, Kin'emon! I saw Mr. Sami defeat Kaido with my own eyes! Straw Hat and the man named Ace defeated Barrett and Big Mom respectively!"

After Kawamatsu finished speaking, he was afraid that Kinemon wouldn't believe it, so he added: "If you don't believe me, ask the boss Hyougoro!"

"Wha...what? Boss Hyogoro?" Kinemon was startled. He knew exactly what this name meant.

"Hahahaha, Kin'emon! Long time no see." Hyougoro sat on the pile of stones and smiled at Kin'emon.

Although his appearance is completely different from before, the iconic blue hair on his head and the blue star-spot tattoo on his body are still recognizable at a glance.

"Really, it's really the boss Hyogoro!" Kinemon suddenly burst into tears, "I heard that you were killed before, and... and..."

"You're still crying, right? Hahahaha!" Heigoro laughed loudly. He pointed at Sami next to him and said, "It's not your fault, Kin'emon. If it weren't for Mr. Sami and Mr. Luffy, I'd be afraid. I feel like I won’t live long.”

"Mr. Sami!" Kinemon fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed hard to Sami.

Behind him, the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, who were united for the first time, also knelt down and kowtowed.

"Mr. Sami! I didn't expect that you really succeeded in defeating Kaido and saving this country! We are really... really..."

When Kinemon said this, he was completely in tears and choked with sobs that he could not speak.

Sami could feel his excitement. He walked over and helped Kinemon up, patted him on the shoulder, and just smiled without saying a word.

Kin'emon felt Sammy's silent encouragement, and tears flew out again.

Seeing this, Luffy jumped over and said, "Hey! Kin'emon, you're too excited!"

Kinemon nodded repeatedly.

"That's not okay, Kin'emon, crying endlessly will delay business."

"Business? What business?" Kinemon was startled. He was frightened by Luffy's serious expression.

I thought the Three Emperors Alliance hadn't been cleaned up yet.

"Of course the official business is the banquet!" Luffy laughed loudly, "This is what you promised me, you won't forget it!"

Kinemon almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yuan Kai, what you are talking about is this!

Almost scared me to death!

However, Kin'emon, who knew Luffy's character, naturally knew that Luffy didn't do it on purpose, so he didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled and said:

"You're right! Mr. Luffy! It's time to have a party!"

"Have a big banquet, a banquet that the whole country will celebrate!"

"After all, we have been looking forward to this day for so long!"

"Long live!!!"

When Kinemon agreed, Luffy immediately jumped three feet into the air and cheered: "Have a party! Have a party! Have a party!"

The others laughed seeing Luffy's happy look.

Kin'emon immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone! We, the Red Scabbards, have already killed the black charcoal snake that usurped the position of general when the samurai attacked Kaido, and have supported Kozuki Oden-sama and the queen. Lord Taozi succeeds to the throne!"

"Now Kaido has been destroyed, Orochi is dead, the culprit who has poisoned Wano Country for more than 20 years has been eliminated, and the entire country is about to usher in peace."

"And all of this is the result of your bloody battles, so in order to thank you, the Flower City has prepared a grand banquet, with all kinds of fine wine and food, and is waiting for you to participate!"

"Let us return to the Flower City immediately and enjoy this banquet!"


In an instant, the cheers shook the sky!

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