Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 463 The sinister intentions of the world government

Wano Country, Jiuli, Bianli Village.

By the time Sami and the others said goodbye to Kinemon and others and rushed to the beach here, the Sonny had already been waiting on the sea for a long time.

"Look, it's the Sonny!" Franky shouted happily, "Why is it here?"

Sami smiled and said: "I asked Robin to find someone to drive over. She has already prepared all kinds of supplies and is waiting for us to set off now."

When Luffy heard that he was able to set off immediately, he happily waved to Robin on the deck and shouted: "Thank you! Robin!"

Robin heard the shout, smiled and waved to him in response, and immediately lowered the rope ladder from the bow.

Everyone immediately climbed up the rope ladder.

Sammy was the first to jump on the deck and asked before he could take a breath: "Robin, have everyone else been notified?"

"We have all been contacted, and they have all set off for Eggjian Island."

Sammy nodded with satisfaction.

"They? Who are they?" Luffy asked curiously.

"Of course they are partners who can fight with us." Sami smiled. "The navy has almost been mobilized. How can we fight alone?"

"Hey, Sammy, our goal this time is to rescue Sabo and the others. Do we need so many people? Is the goal too big?" Sanji said with a frown.

Sami shook his head and said: "Of course we have to rescue Sabo, but I don't intend to do just this one thing."

He raised his head and looked around, and then said firmly: "This time, I will catch all the navy in one fell swoop!"

"What? Catch them all in one fell swoop?" Jinbei was shocked and immediately changed his color and said, "Sammy, are you serious? Don't underestimate the Navy and the World Government. How can we destroy them all on our own?"

"That's right, Sammy, that's the navy! In eight hundred years, I haven't heard of any group of pirates that can defeat them!" Nami also said quickly.

She looked at Sami worriedly, fearing that he would become arrogant and arrogant because he defeated the Three Emperors Alliance.

Robin saw that everyone was opposed to Sammy's decision, so he stood up and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, Sammy is not crazy. This matter was not decided by him on the spur of the moment. In fact, he had already planned it two years ago. alright."

"Two years ago? Did Sami predict what was going on two years ago? Is that a lie?" Usopp said with his mouth wide open.

"Hehe, Sammy is so awesome!" Luffy smiled without any doubt.

Sami waved his hand and said, "It's not that exaggerated. I'm just used to being prepared for anything."

"I joined the Revolutionary Army two years ago, so the World Government has become my biggest enemy. Therefore, in order to defeat them, it is natural to make some preparations in advance."

"What have you done? Sammy?" Zoro asked, "I have been a pirate hunter for a while, and I know a lot about the navy."

"Based on the strength of the Revolutionary Army alone, even with your help in the past two years, I'm afraid they can't be the opponent of the World Government, right? They have eight hundred years of heritage."

Jinbei nodded frequently.

As a former Shichibukai, he has a deeper understanding of the world government and navy than Zoro does.

That's definitely a behemoth.

Over the years, strong men have emerged in large numbers on the sea.

Rocks, Roger, the Golden Lion, and Whitebeard emerged one after another; there were numerous opposition organizations and pirate groups, but none of them could threaten the rule of the World Government.

This is a true manifestation of their power.

But now Sami really wants to catch them all. In the eyes of the cautious and steady Jinbei, this is nothing more than wishful thinking.

However, according to Jinbe's understanding of Sami, he is definitely not the kind of arrogant person. Why would he have such a bold idea.

Seeing that everyone was still worried, Sami sighed and slowly said: "Everyone is right to worry. In fact, I don't want to go to full-scale war with the World Government now, but the situation is urgent and I have to consider it like this."

"The situation is urgent? Mr. Sami, what have you analyzed?" Brooke asked quickly.

Sammy asked everyone to sit down and then began to talk.

"Everyone, don't you think the timing of the attack on the Revolutionary Army was too coincidental?"

Everyone was stunned and frowned.

Franky touched his chin and said, "You think it is true. If the World Government really wants to prevent the Revolutionary Army from contacting Vegapunk, then they should have stopped them halfway."

Robin continued: "But they just watched the dragon and Vegapunk come into contact, and then waited until a large number of revolutionary army personnel set foot on Eggjian Island before they chose to take action. This is terrible."

"Doesn't this mean that the Navy is actually using Vegapunk as bait to lure the Revolutionary Army into taking the bait?" Usopp was shocked and blurted out.

"No way?" Nami couldn't believe it. "Is it possible that the revolutionary army came to the island in large numbers and made too much noise to attract the World Government?"

"This speculation is not consistent with the facts." Sami shook his head and said, "New Marineland is too far away from Danjian Island. Even if they rush at full speed as soon as they receive the news, they will not be able to block the revolutionary army."

"That's right." Robin nodded. "I'm afraid it was because of Long's estimation that he agreed to Vegapunk and mobilized a large number of people to land on the island to help him relocate. Unexpectedly, he was plotted by the navy."

"Well, I have a question." Brooke raised his hand and said, "Is it possible that Bega Punk is an undercover agent of the government, deliberately using relocation as an excuse to lure the revolutionary army, and that everything was planned by him and Wulaoxing? "

"This is absolutely impossible!" Franky said immediately, "Vegapunk is the scientist I admire most, and I believe someone like him would never do such a thing."


As soon as Usopp opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Franky: "It's nothing, don't forget that Sami said that Vegapunk was also on the death list of the Five Old Stars, and he would only help them if he was crazy. "

Usopp spread his hands and said that he was just guessing and did not want to quarrel.

Sami said: "We have no way of knowing whether Vegapunk is a spy, but the ambitions of the World Government have been revealed, and we cannot turn a blind eye."

"They are very aware of my relationship with the revolutionary army, and they are also very good at seizing the opportunity. The time of the sneak attack happened to be at the same time as we were fighting with the Three Emperors Alliance, so that we could not rush for reinforcements."

"Once Sabo and the others are unable to withstand it, the revolutionary army will inevitably suffer heavy losses and will no longer be a threat to the world government."

"After solving this serious problem, the eyes of the Five Old Stars and the Navy will inevitably turn to us. By then, we will really be passive."

"I understand, Sammy." Jinbei said, "Saab and the Revolutionary Army must be saved. Saving them is also saving ourselves."

"That's right." Sami smiled, "I'm afraid the Five Old Stars would never have dreamed that we would defeat the Three Emperors Alliance so quickly. Then we will take advantage of them and launch a counter-attack on them to see how they respond. ”

"Counter sneak attack? This is quite interesting." Zoro grinned.

"When those guys are inextricably linked to the revolutionary army, we'll kick their butts hard. I believe the Five Old Stars' faces will look very good by then." Sanji said with an evil smile while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"In this case, let's set off immediately without further ado." Nami stood up suddenly and said.

"I'll take the helm!"

"I'll hold the sail, Chopper, you come with me."

"Okay, Zoro."

"Usopp, come with me to the power room to add energy to the Sonny. I think it must be starving after so many days."


Soon, under the leadership of Nami, everyone got into their positions with great enthusiasm and started working in an orderly manner.

After a while, the Sunny set sail amid a burst of cheers and headed quickly towards Eggjian Island.

Sammy walked to the end of the deck and looked at the setting sun in the distance, with many thoughts in his mind.

Robin came over and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"You've been waiting for this day for a long time, haven't you, Honey?"

"Yes, it's been a long, long time." Sami said with blurred eyes, "It's been so long that I thought it would take many years for this day to come."

"Fortunately, we have all waited, and everyone is supporting you as always."

"I know, I don't believe anyone but you."

Robin smiled and asked again: "When this matter is over, is there anything else you want to do?"

"Of course, Rafdrew, haven't you forgotten?"

"Of course I remember. I asked Raph Drew, what do you want to do after the adventure is over?"

Sammy immediately turned around and looked at Robin seriously, his eyes as bright as stars at this moment.

"You're wrong, Honey, the adventure never ends!"


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