Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 449 The end of the serpent

The capital of flowers.

On the road leading to Youguo, a group of people were running.

The leader was Kinemon, followed by Robin, Akiku, Ashura Doji, Neko Viper, Inuarashi and Shinobu.

"Hey! Kin'emon, are you sure this news is accurate?" Asura Boy asked as he ran.

Kinemon nodded and said, "It's absolutely true. Hiyori-sama informed me of this personally."

"Hiyori? I seem to have heard Momo talk about it." Robin seemed to have thought of something and said, "He also has a sister named Mitsuki Hiyori."

"You are right, Miss Robin." Cat Viper smiled, "Hiyori-sama is Momo-sama's biological sister. When she was born on my father's ship, I was the first one besides Oden-sama. The one holding her."

"You still have the nerve to say that, it's obviously you who is cheating, otherwise I would be the first one to hug her!" Inu Lan scolded.

The two looked at each other unconvinced, and then turned their heads to the side.

Kinemon continued to explain: "When Orochi burned Oden Castle, we chose to be teleported by Mrs. Toki in order to protect Lady Momoko."

"In order to prevent the transmission from failing, Mrs. Shi decided to keep Hiyori-sama in case of unexpected events. Unexpectedly, more than twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye."

"I really don't know how Hiyori-sama has survived all these years! When I think of the pain caused to her by the destruction of her country and her family, I just..."

When Kinemon said this, he was already moved to tears, and the others were also filled with tears and excited.

Unexpectedly, Oden and his wife died tragically, but their children were saved. It was really a blessing in misfortune.

Robin asked again: "I remember that Hiyori was only 6 years old when the accident happened, right? How did she survive?"

"Not all of Oden-sama's retainers like us followed the teleportation. There were also Kawasatsu, Asura and others who stayed behind."

Asura Doji said: "In order to cover Kinemon and the others back to Kuri, Denjiro and I stayed together to block the pursuers. After the battle, I was seriously injured and had to flee back to the mountain to recuperate, but Denjiro was nowhere to be found. ”

"At that time, Kawamatsu was taking care of Hiyori-sama. Unexpectedly, Hiyori-sama left Kawamatsu without saying goodbye seven years later, and his whereabouts are unknown ever since."

Asura Boy said this, an expression of disbelief began to appear on his face.

"Until yesterday, I didn't know that Hiyori-sama was lucky enough to be adopted by someone after he left Kawamatsu. And the person who adopted him was Denjiro, who I thought had been seriously injured and died."

Kinemon took over the conversation and said excitedly: "What's even more unexpected is that Denjiro has been lurking around Kuotan Orochi under the alias Kuroshiro. Not only does he serve as his bodyguard and money changer, he also completely acquires his of trust.”

Although this was not the first time they heard this news, when Kinemon said this, others still looked shocked.

There are really too many coincidences in this world, and many of them are just like making them up out of thin air, and they are so clever that it is hard to believe.

Xiao Ren smiled and said: "This news is really good for us. We have just eliminated Kanjuro, the spy, but we have gained Denjiro, the spy lurking in the other party's place. It's really..."

"Xiao Nin!" Kinemon suddenly shouted, "Stop talking."

Xiao Ren suddenly lost his voice.

Because she had already seen Aju biting her lips with a sad expression on her face.

The other members of the Nine Red Scabbards also looked livid and sad.

Just yesterday, under the pressure of Robin and Luo, Kanjuro couldn't bear the pressure and directly revealed his identity, leaving everyone present stunned and in disbelief.

Especially Aju, it seemed as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling, and she almost fainted.

As a result, while everyone was stunned, Kanjuro actually dared to directly take Taozi hostage, intending to escape.

If Luo hadn't taken action at that time, Tao Zi might have been kidnapped by now.

Seeing that he had no way out, Kanjuro simply broke the jar and threw it.

Not only did he tell all his experiences as a spy over the years, he also severely laughed at the Nine Red Scabbards present.

He even used his fruit power to draw Oden in a desperate struggle, hoping to use everyone's feelings for Oden to kill everyone.

As a result, Robin easily eliminated the fake Oden, and Kanjuro was beheaded by the angry Asura Doji with a knife, and his body was dismembered.

Although Kanjuro is dead, the pain of betrayal he brought to everyone cannot be dissipated in a short time.

After all, as one of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, he has been brothers and brothers with everyone for decades.

Those precious memories, those past events of life and death that once moved everyone, have now been discovered to be all fake!

How could Kinemon and the others accept this!

"Kin'emon! Kanjuro deserves to die! He betrayed Oden, betrayed everyone, and wanted to hurt Momo. This is the fate he deserves!"

Robin looked at the people who suddenly lost their will and comforted them: "There are more important things waiting for us to do now. You must cheer up!"

Kinemon looked up and saw Robin's sincere eyes. He couldn't help but open his mouth. For a while, a mixture of emotions came to his heart.

"I understand! Miss Robin! You are right! We have more important things to do, and we don't have time to grieve for a traitor!" Kinemon said firmly.

"Aju! Did you hear that? Cheer up! In order to fulfill Oden-sama's last wish, we don't have much time left!"

Aju gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears, and then forced a smile and said: "You are right, Robin, I am too affectionate. Hiyori-sama and Denjiro risked their lives to provide us with the information, I It will definitely not be disappointed.”

The others nodded in unison. They had calmed down and regained their morale.

"Good! You have lived up to Oden's expectations, and you have lived up to the name of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes!" Robin said with approval.

As she has been a queen for longer and longer, Robin has gradually lost her original sinister character, and has become better and better at praising and motivating others.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will repeat the next battle plan!" Kinemon said with high morale.

"According to the information from Hiyori-sama and Denjiro, Heotan Orochi was deceived by the two of them this morning to hold a banquet in Yuguoli. Now, except for the Orochi Imperial Court Fans, he no longer has any other guarding force around him. ”

"Moreover, the banquet has reached its climax now. Everyone is drunk and their sense of defense has already been relaxed."

"So, this is the best time for us to work together to kill Orochi and avenge Lord Oden. You must not miss it!"

"Understood!" Chi Sheath and the others replied solemnly.

Some of them have been waiting for this opportunity for twenty years, and they are almost going crazy!

Now, this predicted day is finally coming, how can we not be excited? disregard?

Seeing Xiao Ren's face sweating nervously, Robin smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, don't be nervous, we will definitely succeed."

"That's right." Kin'emon said, "Kurotan Orochi relied on Kaido to kill Oden-sama, and he also played tricks. This shows that he himself is not worth mentioning at all."

"Now we not only have Ms. Robin to help, but Sir Luo's Heart Pirates group also ambushed Yu Guo in advance. Therefore, we can definitely take down the Orochi's head in one fell swoop."

Kinemon cheered everyone up confidently.

In his opinion, since Sami tried his best to hold back Kaido's Three Emperors Alliance, he and others should take this opportunity to kill Orochi and liberate the entire Flower City no matter what.

Because only in this way can he rally the people of the entire Flower City and even the entire Wano Country, and then lead them to fight against the Rabbit Bowl Prison to help Sami.

The opportunity is rare and the benefactor is in trouble. No matter which reason is enough, Kinemon and the others will fight to the death!

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