Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 448 Strong reinforcements arrive

Kaido and Big Mom looked at each other, activated all their domineering energy, combined the mace and the long knife into one, and struck Sami fiercely.

"Hai Hai!!!"

Sami broke into cold sweat instantly.

This combination of four emperors is so powerful that it has wiped out everything within hundreds of kilometers in front of it.

In the original work, Zoro only tried to block the move for a moment, and was seriously injured and almost killed.

The injuries on his body have not been fully healed yet, so he will definitely have a narrow escape from death with this move.

However, if he doesn't take this move forcefully, then the Straw Hats behind him may all be doomed.

"Sure enough, I still can't face two Yonko at the same time?" Sami gritted his teeth and cursed, "Damn it! I have to fight hard!"

"Secret Skill·God·Exquisite Pavilion and Five Clouds Rising!"

A huge wall of fire rises from the ground, flying over the eaves, creating intrigue.

Ba Hai collided with it instantly, and within a few seconds of the stalemate, it broke through the wall of fire. Then, with half of its power left, it still slammed straight towards Sami.

"It's over! I'm going offline." Sami couldn't help closing his eyes, "Ace, why are you..."

"Mirror Flame!!!"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Another huge wall of fire suddenly formed in front of Sami, completely blocking the remaining Bahai.

Sammy's face lit up and he couldn't help blurting out: "It's just the right time!"


The flames shrank, and a shirtless young man appeared in front of Sammy. He was wearing a cowboy hat and a string of beads hanging on his body. It was Ace.

"Hey, Sammy, long time no see!" Ace said with a faint smile.

"You guy, if you don't come here, I really won't be able to hold on anymore."

"Sorry, sorry, I was delayed for something." Ace smiled, "Because I have a friend to meet."

"Idiot! Can any friend be more important than my brother? Have you forgotten who changed your diapers when you were a child?" Sami cursed.

Ace shrank his neck and smiled sheepishly.

"Hahahaha, Sammy, you are wrong to blame Ace. His friend is very important." A big blue bird fell from the sky and said with a smile.

"Margao, long time no see." Sammy greeted quickly.

"There are us, Sammy." Bista and Jozi also came around to say hello.

Sami met them one by one, and then said: "It's really troublesome for you to come over and help. And Ace, thanks to you for taking care of him in the past two years."

"Don't be so open-minded, Sammy." Margao pretended to be dissatisfied, "You helped us a lot with dad's incident. Besides, Ace is not only our brother, but also our son." As for the captain, it is our duty to protect the captain."

"That's right! Don't make it sound like we are outsiders." Bista laughed.

"We have been holding back for a long time in the past two years. Today's battle should be regarded as a battle for the revival of the Whitebeard Pirates!" Jozi shouted, "Young men, show your momentum and don't let the enemy attack you." We are disappointed!"


Jozi gave the order, and more than a thousand people from the Whitebeard Pirates headquarters immediately cheered loudly, and then, under the leadership of their respective division captains, they immediately attacked the Three Emperors Alliance.

The enemy's defense line, which was still struggling to support itself, was immediately destroyed.

You must know that the Whitebeard Pirates are the oldest of the Four Emperors, and their personnel quality is among the best among all the Emperors. The 16 division captains are all famous pirates in the New World.

With their addition, the enemy may not be able to hold on for long before it collapses.

Qiaozi saw the fierce fight between them and immediately said anxiously: "I'm going to join him too. I'm exhausted from not fighting for two years."

As he said that, he turned around and rushed towards Big Mom's children, shouting: "Bramanke! Lakyo! You two, wait for me, that guy licking the lollipop" He doesn’t look weak, give it to me!”

Bista watched Jozi run away in a hurry, smiled slightly, turned around and asked Sami: "I heard that the green-haired guy in your group is a swordsman? Where is he? I want to meet him."

"What? Are you interested in him?"

Bista drew out his two swords and said with a smile: "All ambitious swordsmen in this sea regard Hawkeye as their goal. Since I have met someone who has the same dream as me, I naturally want to meet him."

Sammy pointed back with a thumbs up.

Bista's eyes lit up and he rushed over immediately.

Margao saw everyone leaving one by one, so he didn't stay any longer. He fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, leisurely sending a shot of healing flame to every wounded person passing by.

In the end, only Sammy and Ace were left here.

Sami walked over, hugged Ace and said with a bad smile: "I heard what Margao said just now, your friend is very important. I said, it can't be a woman."

Ace's face turned red and he was about to speak when Sami immediately exclaimed exaggeratedly: "You're blushing. It's indeed a girl. Come out and see her."

"Stop slandering me, Sammy, she is my friend." Ace shouted, "That guy's dream is to become Kozuki Oden, and she is Kaido's daughter."

"Oh? Is there such a complicated inside story?" Sami smiled, "Hey, Ace, are you talking about that guy?"

Sammy pointed.

I saw Kaido fighting with a white figure in human-animal form. The two were fighting inextricably.

"Thunder gossip!"

"Thunder gossip!"

"Hot breath!"

"Wu Attendant Bingya!"

Watching the two people fighting in full swing, Sami touched his chin and said, "You said they are father and daughter? No wonder they even use the same moves."

Ace quickly said: "Although Yamato is Kaido's daughter, their father and daughter have always been at odds, so she is on our team now!"

"I didn't doubt her, why are you anxious?" Sami asked suspiciously.

"When you rolled your eyes just now, I thought you were planning some bad idea..."

"Idiot! Am I the kind of person who plays tricks all day long?" Sami punched him, "You have to respect your brother, you bastard!"

"Private Marseille!!!" Ace quickly begged for mercy.

The two people were laughing and playing around when Big Mom saw it and became furious.

"Asshole! Two brats! Do you think I don't exist? You two have been chatting for too long!"

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot about you." Sammy apologized quickly.

Big Mom looked Ace up and down, and then sneered: "You are the kid who was caught by the navy two years ago, right? Huh, you are still alive, it's really fate."

"My name is Portcas D. Ace, please give me some advice." Ace said politely.

"Stop pretending to me, kid!" Big Mom scolded, "I know your identity. You are Roger's son, right?"

As soon as Ace heard the name, his face turned cold. He raised his eyes and stared at Big Mom calmly.

"What? Are you angry? Well, well, well, you are right to be angry. After all, anyone will be angry if they mess with such an irresponsible father."

"It's not your turn to dictate Ace's life experience." Sami sarcastically said, "I don't know whether Roger is responsible or not, but I have seen it with my own eyes as you abandoned your children to escape for your life."

Sammy's complaints were always so accurate, and Big Mom suddenly turned pale with anger.

"Stop talking nonsense, Ragnar! Do you think you can defeat us with such a helper? It's a daydream!"

Big Mom cursed angrily: "This kid killed Whitebeard two years ago because of his impulse, and he will kill you today too!"

"We are all going to die today! And we will die even more cowardly and miserable than Whitebeard!"

"Roger, Whitebeard, or you are all idiots, and you will all die worthless."

"Shut up! You bastard old woman!"

"You are not allowed to insult daddy!"

Ace's roar pierced the sky!

The next second, he hit Big Mom with a fire fist.

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