Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 450: Fanaticism of Converts

After Kinemon's encouragement, everyone in Akama was so excited that they quickened their pace and rushed towards Yuguo.

Blue, blue, blue~

The phone rang suddenly, and Kinemon hurriedly answered the call.

"Moses Moses, this is Kinemon."

"Kin'emon, this is Luo."

"Ah! Mr. Luo, is the investigation going well? Orochi..." Kinemon responded happily, but was interrupted by Luo mid-sentence.

"Come here quickly, I was discovered by the enemy." Luo said crisply.

Kinemon immediately heard the sound of a fierce fight from the snails, and he was startled.

Luo was arranged by him to take the lead in lurking in Youguoli to monitor the black charcoal snake. At this time, he was accidentally discovered by others.

If this alarmed the big snake, wouldn't it be to scare the snake away?

Kinemon panicked and asked quickly: "Sir Luo, what happened? How were you discovered? Was the black charcoal snake alerted?"

He was very excited and asked several questions in a row, impatient.

"It was Bebo and the others who accidentally alerted the enemy. Now I'm really chasing them at CP0." Luo said still calmly.

"Sorry! Captain! We have caused trouble to you!" Beibo and others immediately came from the snail to apologize loudly.

"Shut up!" Luo cursed.

“Private Marseille!!!”

"The Black Carbon Orochi must have been alarmed, but he hasn't had time to leave yet. If you come here now, you should be able to stop him!"

While Luo was reporting the situation to Kinemon, he continued to activate his fruit abilities to avoid the attacks of three CP0s.

"Although my reconnaissance mission failed, at least I still got some useful information."

"What is it?"

"The reason why CP0 appeared in Wano Country was to discuss the purchase of weapons with Black Carbon Orochi."

"What?" Kinemon was shocked and immediately cursed angrily, "Damn it! That beast Orochi actually got together with the Tianlong people. Does he want to destroy the entire Wano Country!"

As a guy who has been wandering on the sea for several years, Kinemon is very clear about the consequences of getting involved with the Celestial Dragons.

Once the weapons produced by Wano are taken notice of by the Heavenly Dragons and the World Government, the final result will be that the entire country will be eaten alive by those beasts!

Even if they defeat Orochi and Kaido and liberate the entire country of Wano, the Celestial Dragons will still find ways to turn this place into a weapons factory for their own weapons supply!

"This is simply seeking skin from a tiger!" Kinemon thought angrily.

Luo on the other side spoke again: "But Orochi seems to be very dissatisfied with their offer. They seem to have broken down their talks. Orochi even threatened to kill them."

"This is good news." Kinemon secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought optimistically, "If we can kill Orochi and shut down the weapons factory before the deal is concluded, it may dispel the world government's covetous intentions."

Robin suddenly asked: "But Luo, since the negotiations have broken down, why is CP0 still chasing you?"

"Because they seem to have reached a new deal."

"What is it?" Kinemon asked hurriedly.

"Work together to defeat us and destroy the anti-Three Emperors alliance led by Sami!"


Everyone in Chi Sheath, who was originally happy that they had not reached a deal, suddenly felt their hearts sink to the bottom again.

The Three Emperors Alliance is already strong enough. If it colludes with the World Government, wouldn't it be even more difficult to defeat?

"It was Orochi who proposed this deal, and CP0 agreed after asking the Five Old Stars for instructions, but they have a condition."

"What conditions?" Robin felt something was wrong and asked immediately.

"Then I'll capture you and hand you over to the World Government! Robin is the boss."

Robin's face suddenly darkened.

It seems that after CP0 was taught a lesson by Sami in Dressrosa, he was still obsessed with plotting against her.

"Miss Robin..." Kinemon asked worriedly when he saw Robin's expression was wrong.

Robin reacted and quickly smiled and comforted: "It's okay, their delusion will not succeed!"

Kinemon felt a little more at ease when he saw that Robin was back to normal again.

After all, Robin is now their backbone.

"Point gun!"


There was a sudden movement in the snail, and then he hung up.

Kinemon shouted anxiously: "Lord Sir! Lord Luo!"

Unfortunately there was no response.

"No! He must be injured!" Kinemon shouted, "Let's go to support!"

After saying that, he immediately rushed out, his speed increased several times, and Robin and the others immediately accelerated their pace to follow.

Fortunately, the destination was close at hand, and Kinemon and the others arrived at the battlefield after a few breaths.

At this time, Youguo, which was supposed to be bustling with people, was already deserted. The usually gorgeous and wealthy huge buildings had been destroyed to pieces, and thick smoke kept rising from the ruins.

Kinemon and the others were still outside when they heard a fierce fight coming from inside.

"Let's go!" Asura Boy pulled out his long sword and was about to rush over.

"Wait a minute!" Robin shouted hurriedly, "Leave Luo to me to rescue. You go find the black charcoal snake quickly and don't let him escape!"


"It's nothing, don't forget that their target is me! I want to solve this matter myself!" Robin said decisively.

Seeing her firm attitude, Kinemon could only nod in agreement.

The situation is so urgent now that they can no longer afford to delay.

"Okay, Miss Robin, take care of yourself and hold on until we come back for rescue."

After saying that Kinemon stopped talking nonsense, everyone with the red sheath drew their swords and rushed in, heading straight to the innermost VIP room where Orochi was.

Robin looked at them gradually leaving with a smile on his face.

"Hold on until you come back? You underestimate me too much, Kin'emon. Maybe I will kill the enemy before you do."

Robin's heart was full of confidence, and she walked steadily towards the place where the fighting was most intense with a calm pace.

Over there, three CP0s wearing white suits were standing tall, forming a semicircle around each other, surrounding the Heart Pirates in the middle.

Luo Zheng was covering his arms and staring at them with a solemn expression.

His crew stood behind him.

"Captain! Are you okay, Captain! You're injured, Captain! You're bleeding a lot! Captain!" Bebo shouted in panic, with sweat pouring down his face.

"Shut up, Bebo, and be alert, they may attack again at any time."

"Private Marseille!" Bebo apologized immediately.

"Trafalgar Law, one of the most evil generations." The guy named Guernica in CP0 said, "Stop resisting in vain, you will definitely die today."

As he spoke, he raised his right index finger again, and the dark armed color was wrapped around it, revealing a fierce killing intent.

It was he who pretended to attack Beibo just now, and then when he lured Luo over to rescue him, he took the opportunity to sneak attack and wound him again.

After hearing what he said, Luo sneered and said: "Haha, stop talking nonsense, you won't kill me now."

"Oh? Why?" Guernica showed an unexpected expression.

"Since I was injured just now, you have stopped attacking and have been talking nonsense to me. Isn't this obvious enough?" Luo endured the pain and said, "When did CP0 kill people so slowly?"

"You are indeed very smart, Trafalgar, but it's a pity that you use your wisdom in the wrong place." Guernica did not deny it, but said, "Since you gave up your position as the Shichibukai and chose to ally with the Straw Hats, you You should have known you were dead."

"Wulao Xing will not let you go, someone who dares to betray you at will."

"Betrayal? What a joke. I am a pirate, so how can I talk about betrayal?" Luo laughed, "Have you ever seen any Shichibukai who are willing to be dogs for the World Government? They all just use this position to realize themselves. It’s just ambition.”

"You are right. So people like you who disobey God's rule will all die!" Guernica said, the expression on her face became extremely distorted.

He is a thoroughly brainwashed guy, and from the bottom of his heart he hates those who disobey the rule of the Celestial Dragons.

He stubbornly believed that untouchables should accept the rule of God and be ready to dedicate everything to God at any time, otherwise they would go to the eighteenth level of hell and die a good death.

He is clearly not one of the Celestial Dragons, but he is extremely fanatical in upholding the Celestial Dragons' rights as gods, even more pious than the beasts themselves.

And people like him are everywhere in CP0.

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