Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 411 Focus on the heart

In the blink of an eye, Big Mom, who had absorbed enough lifespan, was in full condition and full of momentum.

"Ragnar! Look what I sacrificed to kill you! So, go to hell!!"

Big·Mom’s eyes were red and she looked like a madman.

She then activated her soul fruit ability and used the lifespan she had just absorbed as fuel to consume it all.

In an instant, her size increased rapidly like a balloon, turning into a true giant in just a few breaths.

The originally normal-sized Big Mom was already 880cm tall. Now, after activating the skill called "Gigantization", his size has more than doubled, reaching a height of 18 meters!

For a moment, Sami felt like he was facing a mountain of meat!

Blocking out the sky!

The earth is shaking!

"What a perverted ability!" Sammy muttered to himself.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of a creature is directly proportional to the size of the creature. The larger the size, the stronger the strength.

This law is followed in most cases in One Piece. The giant island Elbaf has been considered the strongest country since ancient times.

"Well, well, well! This is the power I have been looking forward to! Ragna! Try its power!"

Big Mom laughed wildly and launched a lightning attack at Sami.

"Zhenyu Lei!"

This move, which was originally supposed to be performed by Thunder Cloud Hera, is now performed by Zeus, with the same power and extraordinary momentum!

Coupled with Big Mom's increased strength after becoming gigantic, this move is more than twice as powerful as the original!

A lightning beam as huge as a waterfall was launched towards Sami, and everything in its path was instantly destroyed, showing its destructive power.

"Secret Skill·God·Exquisite Pavilion and Five Clouds Rising!"

A stream of flames spurted out, and in the blink of an eye a series of huge pavilions were built in front of Sami, among which were intrigues, row upon row, and lifelike.

This row of flame pavilions was tall and large. In fact, it was a thick wall of fire, which immediately blocked Big Mom's attack.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Big Mom was not surprised and continued to attack.


"Powerful drum!"

"Light cannon!"

In just a few seconds, Big·Mom attacked seven or eight times in a row, each time with extremely lethal moves.

Not to be outdone, Sammy responded one by one.

After a series of mutual attacks, no one was injured except Cake Island, which was severely damaged again.


Sami was breathing heavily, but his eyes were still staring at Big Mom across from him.

After all, this was his first time fighting against a Yonko-level enemy, and the intensity of the battle was completely different from the previous ones. It was a little difficult for Sami to adapt to it for a while.

However, as time went by, he gradually became familiar with this intensity of combat, and the Tiger Talisman and Dog Talisman allowed him to adapt extremely quickly.

But it's hard to say for Big Mom on the opposite side. Without plug-ins, she is consuming her energy all the time.

Although the Yonko's physical strength can last for a long time, they are not perpetual motion machines after all, and their physical strength will always be exhausted.

By then, the outcome may be self-evident.

Big Mom took a breath and became anxious inside.

Fighting at home, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for her.

What's more, as a world-famous Yonko, she has not been able to kill the enemy until now, which is enough to make her angry.

Once word gets out, others will think that she is old and has lost her strength, which will make her even more embarrassed.

The impatient Big Mom saw that she couldn't take down Sammy in a short period of time, so she turned her eyes and took action.

She planned to use mind-attack tactics to break through Sammy's psychological defense first and make him lose his position.

"Well, well, well, well, you're not bad, Ragna, otherwise you could have lasted so long under my hand." The aunt said with approval.

Sami was stunned: "Is this something to be proud of?"

"Asshole! I am the Four Emperors. You have been proud of yourself by fighting me till now!"

"Then it depends on you, should you feel ashamed right now?"

"You..." Big Mom was speechless after being retorted by Sami, and almost couldn't breathe.

She wished she could kill this little bastard immediately with a knife!

It's a pity that she can't do it!

Suppressing his anger, Big Mom spoke again: "Ragnar, don't be proud, I know I can't do anything to you now. But you didn't come alone, those two guys can't be as strong as you!"

"What do you mean?" Sammy's expression changed.

Big·Mom felt happy immediately when he saw Sammy's nervous expression.

She said with a smile on her face: "Well, well, well, isn't it too late to be anxious now, Ragnar? I know what those two brats, a boy and a girl, are doing. They are looking for Jinbe, right?"

"So what?"

"Well, well, well, well! If that's the case, just pray for them." Big Mom laughed, "I had expected this, so I mobilized heavy troops to ambush them before coming. They escaped. It won’t fall off.”

"The strength of the two of them cannot be stopped by just some soldiers and generals."

"Of course, those two brats are really strong, so just in case, I sent a capable subordinate to follow them."

When the aunt said this, a cruel and crazy smile appeared on her face, as if she had already cut the prey into pieces.

"You should have heard of that man's name. He is my best son - Katakuri!"

"Katakuri! The first of the three dessert generals?"

"Yes, that's him." Big Mom said proudly, "He has a bounty of 10 billion Baileys and has never been defeated in his life!"

Sammy's face darkened, and he lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking about.

Soon, he raised his head, looked at Big Mom's proud old face, and suddenly smiled.

"Never lost? Then let him fail once today."

"What do you mean?" Big Mom was stunned, then said angrily.

"It's not interesting." Sammy said, "How can you be sure that Katakuri can defeat my two companions? Don't forget that they just defeated Cracker. He seems to be one of the three dessert generals, right?"

"Katakuri and Cracker are different!" Big Mom roared.

"Maybe, but after today they will be the same, losers."

"You little brat!" Big Mom gritted her teeth angrily.

She didn't expect that Sammy was very good at his hands and mouth.

I originally wanted to use my words to tell him off, but he almost did it. I was really annoyed.

Seeing that Big Mom was speechless after being retorted by him, Sami smiled again and said: "You said that you have sent heavy troops to intercept my companions, and also sent Katakuri. Does this mean one thing? ?”

"What's going on?" Big Mom asked.

Seeing Sammy's malicious smile, she instinctively felt uneasy.

"Does this mean your castle lair is already empty of troops?"

Big·Mom’s eyes widened immediately!

Although she has a large number of subordinates as the Four Emperors, they are not unlimited after all.

First of all, these troops must be dispersed and stationed on many islands in the world, among which Cake Island is the largest.

Part of Cake Island's troops had disappeared with the revenge army, and most of the remaining troops were sent to stop Sanji and Robin.

Now there is only a little maintenance force left in the castle, which is the most empty time.

Big Mom immediately broke into a cold sweat when she thought of this.

She was about to say something.


There was a huge eardrum-shattering explosion from behind.

Big·Mom immediately turned around and his expression changed drastically.

The place where the explosion occurred was his castle lair.

"Why?" Big Mom said in disbelief.

Under her gaze, the originally majestic and tall castle was wrapped in a huge flame, and half of the sky burned red.

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