"You want to kill all my family and friends?" Sammy looked at Big Mom with a playful smile on his face.

"I will torture them all to death!" Big Mom cursed viciously, "Just wait until you regret it! Ragnar!"

Sami touched his head and said nonchalantly: "I don't have any objections, I'm just afraid that you can't do it."

"Can't do it?! What a joke! I'm the Four Emperors!"

"I know, I know." Sami said, "But... forget it, how about I introduce you to my family and friends."

"My teacher is the former Navy Admiral 'Black Wrist' Zefa! There are also two seniors who have the gift of guidance, namely 'Pluto' Rayleigh and the naval hero 'Iron Fist' Garp!"

"Which one do you think you can kill?" Sammy scoffed.

Among these three people, Zefa has been treated by Sami for two years. His old injuries and asthma have been cured, and his strength is at its peak, and he is at the level of a proper general.

Sami also "maintained" Rayleigh after the war on top. Although he was not as good as Zefa, he himself didn't have many injuries, so in terms of strength, he was even stronger than Zefa.

As for Garp, there is no need to discuss it at all.

These three old guys are all on the same level as the Yonko in terms of strength and experience, and Big Mom cannot get any advantage at all.

Sure enough, as soon as Sami finished speaking, Big Mom was completely stunned.

Your teacher is either a general or a hero, and the last one is the deputy captain of One Piece?

You are the child of destiny when you step on a horse, right?

No wonder he has already reached the level of Yonko at a young age. Even a pig can be trained into a genius by those three old guys, right?

Seeing that she couldn't get any advantage, Big Mom was so angry that she spoke again: "Then I will kill your parents! Are they also navy admirals?"

"Oh, come on. I haven't seen my parents in more than ten years. I don't know whether they are alive or dead. If you can find them, I would like to thank you."

"Then I will kill your friends. You must have many friends, right?"

"my friend?"

"The leader of the Revolutionary Army, 'the most vicious criminal in the world' Monkey D. Long, are you sure you can beat him?"

"Oh, and there is Sabo, the Chief of General Staff of the Revolutionary Army. His strength is about the same as mine, and you can't kill him either."

"By the way, I also have a younger brother named Portcas D. Ace. He is Whitebeard's son. You can try to find him."

"Portcas D. Ace?" Big Mom gasped.

When it comes to who is the most influential figure among the younger generation in the past two years, Big Mom still remembers it fresh.

He is neither the little monster Ragnar Sammy in front of him, nor the bold Straw Hat boy Monkey D. Luffy.

Not even anyone from the famous Evil Generation.

And it is the Portcas D. Ace whom I just mentioned!

In the Battle of the Summit two years ago, Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, was killed on the spot. Although the rest of the army successfully evacuated Malinvando, they have never recovered since then.

After all, the soul and core of the Yonko Group is the captain. Once the captain dies, no matter how many people are left, the team will be directly removed from the position of Yonko.

After that, the Baituan disappeared for a long time. Just when people thought they were about to disappear silently from the long river of history, a big event happened.

The Blackbeard Pirates, who replaced the Whitebeard Pirates as the new Four Emperors, were suddenly attacked five months ago.

The attacker was the white group led by Ace.

Moreover, in this war known as the "Ending War", the White Group won a complete victory.

First, Ace's strength surged, and he and Blackbeard were in a stalemate for nine days and nine nights with no outcome. The battle between the two sides directly destroyed the island as a battlefield.

Secondly, the three main pillars of the white regiment, Marco, Oz and Bista, were fully equipped with firepower, and they defeated Blackbeard's group with great losses.

Not to mention the large number of affiliated pirate groups of the White Group, the artillery support from a distance alone wiped out half of the Black Group's fleet.

Had it not been for the timely rescue by the newly joined former navy admiral Aokiji, the black group would have suffered heavy casualties.

After the battle, the Black Group retreated directly, and most of the White Group's previously swallowed territory was vomited out.

To this day, the two groups are still confronting each other, refusing to give in to each other, and small-scale battles occur from time to time.

It can make the Four Emperors fall into the sand. Although there is a surprise element, the White Group led by Ace has re-entered the field of vision of major forces. It is only a matter of time before the White Group regains its former momentum.

Therefore, such a quasi-Yonko group naturally shocked Big Mom's heart.

Not only because Ace is extremely talented and beautiful, and becoming a Yonko-level warrior is just around the corner, but also because the White Group has a profound foundation, which is no worse than the Big Mom Pirates.

How easy is it to kill such a person?

Big Mom looked at Sami in surprise and couldn't help but ask loudly: "Who are you kid? Why do you know so many strong people?!"

"Me? My name is Ragnar Sami, and I am a pirate." Sami introduced again, "As for why I know so many big people, it's probably because of my popularity."

"Stop teasing me!"

Big·Mom was furious when she saw that Sami was still talking nonsense.

"Since they can't kill you, I'll kill you right now!"

After saying that, Big Mom raised her long knife and slashed hard.

"Singing Light Sword!"

The combination of lightning, fire and sword formed a powerful combo. The blue and gold energy rings gathered on the sword, as if it wanted to split the entire sky.

Purple-red lightning loomed and crackled.

This is a powerful attack with overlord color.

Naturally, Sami was not to be outdone, and responded with the same domineering move.

"Asana·Holy Lord·Sa Da Meteor!"

The punch was like a meteor, as fast as lightning, and he struck hard at Big Mom's long knife.


Accompanied by a crisp and harsh clashing sound, the two overlords exploded like a supernova at the moment of collision, sweeping half of the island in the blink of an eye!

The overlord color is extremely destructive, let alone the collision between two Yonko-level overlord colors.

The western part of Cake Island where the Dim Sum Forest is located instantly resembled a shattered glass bowl. The ground cracked into countless grids of different shapes and sizes, and everything on the ground was rolled up, torn, and torn apart.

The most unlucky ones were the revenge army and the huge number of Homitz who were closest to the explosion point. They didn't even have time to scream, and they fell down like wheat, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

After this move was over, Sami's expression remained as normal, but he was just panting slightly.

But Big·Mom’s expression was extremely ugly.

After all, it was her territory that was destroyed, and her men were the ones who lost it!

If the battle drags on like this, I'm afraid there won't be much left of Cake Island or my children.

Big·Mom felt so anxious that she couldn't even breathe.

She desperately wanted to get rid of Sammy as soon as possible and end this fight that annoyed her.

"You forced me to do this! Ragnar! I swear I will make you pay with your blood!" Big Mom screamed loudly.

She was ready to fight to the death.

I saw her suddenly reaching out and grabbing it out of thin air, her hands full of gems shining like jewels.

The next second, a soft, waxy, transparent colloid-like substance was caught in her hand.

Along with this action, the fainted Homitz and the revenge army on the ground also began to undergo changes.

First, the Homiz suddenly woke up, with their eyes wide open, screaming heart-breakingly, and then they all suddenly disappeared one by one.

Then Big Mom's children suddenly woke up and started wailing.

Then, in Sami's shocked eyes, each of them seemed to have had their essence sucked out by some monster. Each one of them suddenly aged rapidly, with white hair, wrinkles and even age spots covering their entire body in an instant.

"This is... life-sucking!!"

Even though he had known that Big Mom had this trick for a long time, seeing living people suddenly aging in front of him still gave Sami a great shock.

"Have mercy! Mom!"

"I've tried my best to fight, Mom! Why don't you let me go!"

"No! Mom! I am your favorite son! Give me a chance! Mom!"

No matter how these children wailed and shouted, Big Mom still did not stop, but instead accelerated the lifespan from them.

Perhaps, in her eyes, these children themselves are just objects that can be sacrificed at will.

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