Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 412 The outcome is decided


With an overwhelming sound, the main structure of the castle collapsed instantly, leaving only the embers of ruins of the originally magnificent and majestic building.

"No...it's over...it's all over!" Big Mom was stunned by the sight in front of her and could only stand there stupidly.

Cake Island is her royal capital, and the castle is her palace. Now that the island is destroyed and the castle collapses, even if she kills all three Sammies in the end, her reputation will be ruined.

The Four Emperors' lair was destroyed. What prestige does she still have if word spreads?

"why why?"

Big Mom murmured a few words, then suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and asked Sami loudly.

"How did you do it? You can't do it. Don't you only have three people? Where are the people to blow up my castle?"

Sami did not answer directly, but said: "Big Mom, Brynn has reported our situation to you a long time ago, right? Come on, you are playing well."

"You know everything?" Big Mom was surprised, "Brynn... Brynn told you, right?!"

Big Mom started making random guesses.

"Do you think she has the courage?" Sami shook his head and said, "You are a smart person, but I am not a fool either. This is all my guess."

"Since you guessed it, why did you continue to be fooled?"

"This is not called being fooled, this is called playing by one's tricks." Sami said, "You want me to throw myself into a trap, but I want to lure you away from the mountain."

"I'll use myself as bait to move all your troops out of the nest. This will create an empty situation in the castle, and then—bang! There's an explosion, and all of them are wiped out!"

Having said this, Sami said proudly: "It's funny to say that the final result is that your plan succeeded and my plan also succeeded. Do you think this is called a win-win situation? Hahahaha!"

"Damn you brat!" Big Mom said through gritted teeth. She asked again, "How did you do it? Where did you come from? You are all under my surveillance. There is no way there is a fourth person. exist?"

"Oh? Really? Are you sure?"

"What do you mean? Ragna! I'm not an old fool yet!" Big Mom cursed, "Can't I even count three and four?"

"You did count correctly. There are indeed only three of us, but who stipulates that the fourth person will be with us from the beginning?"

"Stop talking nonsense, who is he?!"

"I won't tell." Sami shook his head and said, "But you can guess. Maybe you can guess it."

Sammy isn't that stupid.

He didn't want to be like those idiot villains in movies and TV shows, thinking that he would have the last laugh, so he couldn't wait to tell the protagonist the plan, and then the protagonist took the opportunity to counterattack and kill him.

Unless he can see Big Mom's body now, he won't say anything.

This is also the protection of that "ally".

When Big Mom saw that Sami was keeping secret, he was naturally furious, much angrier than ever before.

She just felt like she had turned into a volcano, trying to burn Sammy up with its angry lava.

"If you don't tell me, I will find it myself! I swear, Ragnar! When I find that person, I will cut him into pieces, make his head into a wine glass, and put it on the table in my bedroom!!!"

Big Mom yelled angrily, and immediately activated the Soul Soul Fruit ability, causing all the remaining Homitz on the island to activate, vowing to find the mouse.

But how could Sami let her get her wish? He instantly activated the horse charm.

"Temporarily give up the ability of the snake charm, and immediately deprive Big Mom of the soul fruit ability!"


After a crisp system prompt, the snake talisman in the Consciousness Sea interface turned gray.

Then, Big Mom, who was activating the soul fruit with all his strength on the opposite side, suddenly stopped moving, with a confused look on his face.

Because she suddenly couldn't feel the connection between herself and the Homies.

Not only that, she couldn't even feel the power of the soul fruit.

Almost the next second, Thunder Cloud Zeus, who was originally stepped on by him, suddenly turned over and lifted her off, falling heavily to the ground.

"What's going on? Zeus, you..."

Before Big Mom could finish her words, she saw Zeus, who was originally looking down upon her, suddenly swooped down from the sky and rushed toward him with a fierce look on his face.


Several rough thunders were emitted from it and hit Big Mom, causing the unprepared Big Mom to be injured immediately.

Before Big Mom could react, Prometheus the Sun and Napoleon the Horned Hat took turns attacking.

Big Mom quickly dodged, narrowly dodging two attacks.

"Do you three bastards want to rebel?" Big Mom yelled in horror.

These three special Homies were created by her using fragments of her own soul. They have always been loyal to her and obeyed her orders. They are simply more loyal than all her children.

Why do you suddenly dare to take action against yourself?

Could it be that he is insane?

It's a pity that after losing the Soul Soul Fruit ability, Big Mom can no longer command these three guys, and they will no longer answer any of Big Mom's questions.

The three Zeus did not answer, but attacked again with thunder, fire and blades.

But Big·Mom was already on guard, and none of their attacks had any effect. Instead, Big·Mom launched a defensive counterattack, forcing them back easily.

Big Mom was in shock when she was safe. She took a few breaths and asked Sami angrily.

"What the hell happened to you again? Ragna? Why do the three of them dare to attack me? Why did my fruit ability disappear?"

Although she looked extremely angry and overwhelming, Sami could clearly see the unconcealed panic in her eyes.

Since the fight with Sami, Big Mom has been defeated one after another, not only losing troops, but also burning down the old nest.

Now even his Soul Soul Fruit ability suddenly disappeared, causing his most loyal subordinates to turn against him.

Big Mom's heart is already crazy and restless.

If she hadn't cared about the reputation of the Four Emperors, she would have fled long ago.

Sami looked at her sullen expression and replied, "What can I do? It's probably because God doesn't understand what you're doing and is punishing you."

Sammy's answer almost made Big Mom's lungs explode.

"This damn little bastard didn't tell the truth from beginning to end. His attitude was too arrogant and he didn't take himself seriously at all!"

"Ragna, don't think you can defeat me with these little tricks. Even if I don't have the fruit power, I'm still the Four Emperors!"

After saying that, Big Mom raised her fist and hit her. The fist with a domineering color was earth-shattering.

Although she has always relied on the three Homiz to launch her attack moves, this does not mean that Big Mom will be powerless without them.

You know, her three-color domineering attainments are also the best in this sea. Coupled with her amazing physical fitness, the physical skills alone can make Big Mom look proud of the rest.

Sammy didn't take the punch lightly and fought back with all his strength.

He knew that the balance of victory had begun to tilt, and the outcome was about to be decided.

"Asana·Holy Lord·Eight Hells!"

"Asana·Holy Lord·Little Ascension!"

"Asana·Holy Lord·East to the Sea!"

Sami was on full fire, hitting Big Mom hard with fists.

At the same time, he used the Sheep Charm to control the three big Homiz, and kept sneak attacks from the side, making it more difficult for Big Mom.

As a result, the originally aggressive Big Mom was defeated very quickly, and her powerful "steel balloon" body became scarred and covered in blood.

"Style·Holy Lord·Capture the King!"

Sami suddenly yelled, and while Big Mom was frightened to resist Zeus and the others' attacks, he punched her in the head, giving her a fatal blow.

The punch was so strong and aimed at the vital point that even Big Mom's defense could not hold it up. Sammy knocked him down with a punch, leaving a huge deep hole on the ground.

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