Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 267 Floating Islands

Isn't the biggest reason why he drew the Dog Talisman the ability to be immune to death and attacks?

Although immunity from poison and immortality are both great, they are not as good as being immune to death.

It's a pity that the lv.3 level talisman still can't heal Sammy's injuries instantly, otherwise he would definitely jump with joy at this moment.

It seems that in order to reach the level of immortality in the original work, Sammy needs to continue to upgrade.

Seeing that the last experience star was still shining alone, Sami silently turned off the system.

He is no longer going to use this experience star to upgrade a lot of lv.1 level spells.

You have to leave some extra money, just in case.

Besides, after spending 8 experience stars in one go, Sami just felt empty.

It's like after a chill, everything becomes boring.

Sammy just wanted to yawn to relieve his boredom.

His body suddenly began to descend rapidly, heading straight downwards.

"Hey, are you here?" Sammy was surprised, and then he became overjoyed.

He was just about to turn over and prepare to see where he was going to fall, but unexpectedly, the airflow from the bear's paw that originally enveloped him suddenly disappeared.

The next second he fell from the sky like a meteor, and the wind in his ears immediately roared.

"I'm going? What's going on?" Sami was surprised.

Just when he was about to use his telekinesis to stabilize his body, he heard a "bang" and fell to the ground. The severe pain in his back surged into his brain like a tide.

"Holy shit! Hiss! Big Bear, you tricked me." Sammy gasped in pain.

As soon as he cursed, he couldn't bear it anymore and fainted.


I don't know how much time passed before Sammy slowly woke up.

I can no longer feel the pain in my back. It seems that the dog charm has taken effect.

Sami felt relieved and looked around.

I was surprised when I saw it.

He actually didn't lie in the wilderness, but slept on a bed with a quilt covering him.

"I was saved by someone." Sammy thought to himself, "I just don't know where this is and who saved me."

In order to understand the situation, Sami sat up from the bed and was just about to put on his shoes and walk out.

Unexpectedly, the door was suddenly pushed open and a little girl walked in.

I saw this little girl with short red hair and she was very cute.

The most important thing is that there are feathers like wings on her arms, which looks quite weird.

Sami was shocked and immediately understood where he was.

Floating islands.

The territory of the golden lion.

"Why did you get photographed and fly here?" Sami couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

You must know that the place where everyone in the Straw Hats finally lands is closely related to themselves. It is the careful arrangement of the bear or even the dragon, and it is not random.

In this case, there must be a deep meaning behind why the bear slapped him here.

"Do you want me to destroy the golden lion's conspiracy and save the East China Sea?" Sami asked himself in confusion.

For a moment, he was still a little unsure.

Sami was thinking quickly here, and the little girl over there saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, so she asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"Uh, it's okay. Did you save me?" Sami was interrupted from his thoughts and finally woke up and responded.

"It's me and my mother."

The little girl was so happy when she saw Sami answering her question that she quickly ran over and stared at Sami.

"What's wrong?" Sammy had never been stared at so closely before and asked uncomfortably.

"Hehe." The little girl laughed and asked, "Are you from outside?"

"Outside? Oh, you mean outside this floating island? Yes."

"Yeah, I guessed it right!" the little girl said happily, "I guessed it as soon as I saw there were no feathers on your arms, but my mother didn't allow me to say anything nonsense."

"She was protecting you." Sammy thought for a while and said.

"I know, but I'm not a child anymore." The little girl said dissatisfied.

But she pouted her mouth and looked so angry that she was clearly a child.

Not wanting to dwell on the issue, Sammy asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Schiavo, what's yours?" the little girl asked.

"My name is Ragnar Sammy, and I am a pirate."

"Pirate? Is he the same pirate as Lord Golden Lion?" Schiavo immediately asked with his eyes widened.


"Then you must be very powerful?"

"more or less."

"Can you defeat the Golden Lion?"


Just as Sami was about to speak, a woman suddenly opened the door and came in, saying seriously, "Schiavo, don't talk nonsense!"

Schiavo immediately lowered his head, feeling extremely aggrieved.

The woman turned to Sami and smiled: "I'm sorry, sir, my daughter is ignorant and has disturbed your rest."

"It's nothing." Sami waved his hand, "I should be the one to thank you. It was you who saved me."

Although Sammy knew that there was a dog charm that would prevent him from dying, others did not.

And according to the situation on this island, the golden lion is monitoring the residents day and night, and the Schiavo family is taking a lot of risks to save him.

"No, no, we are just doing our best, we can't just ignore the situation." The woman smiled, "By the way, you have been in a coma for a day, you must be hungry, right? I will prepare food for you."

As she spoke, she placed the tray in her hand on the table.

Sammy really felt hungry, so he nodded his thanks and started to eat happily.

Before taking a few bites, Sammy noticed something was wrong.

The woman's expression was nothing, but Schiavo looked at him longingly.

To be precise, it should be the food in his hand.

A pair of eyes stared at her and never left.

Moreover, as Sami chewed and swallowed, she also subconsciously started swallowing, and her saliva almost flowed out.

"What's going on? Is it because I'm greedy?" Sammy thought, "No, I wouldn't be so exaggerated if I'm greedy. It's obvious that I'm hungry."

Sami frowned, and he immediately guessed that the Schiavo family might have encountered a food crisis.

It's not hard to guess.

This island is full of ferocious mutant animals because of the golden lion's cruel experiments.

For the sake of safety, the residents have been hiding in the village and dare not go out easily.

But the village is only that big in total, and there is not much arable land. Food will naturally be in short supply in the long run.

Moreover, all the men and young women here have been captured by the golden lion, and the rest are all old, weak and disabled, with no ability to cultivate a lot of enough food.

But even so, they still provided food for themselves without hesitation.

Sammy admitted that she was moved.

He immediately stopped eating, wiped his mouth, and pushed most of the remaining food to Schiavo.

"Sir? What are you..."

"I'm a small eater. I'll be full after just a few bites. Don't waste the rest. Schiavo, just eat it all."

The woman wanted to say something else, but Schiavo cheered, grabbed the food and stuffed it into his mouth without any hesitation.

After all, she is still a child, how can she endure the torture of hunger?

The woman smiled sheepishly. She knew that Sami saw the difficulties in her family, so she said that on purpose.

After a while, Schiavo finished the little food left.

The woman packed up the tableware and prepared to walk out, but Schiavo obviously didn't want to leave yet.

The woman then said, "Schiavo, don't disturb this gentleman's rest. Your grandma is awake. Go and see her."

Schiavo immediately said in surprise: "Is grandma awake? I'll go right away!"

She ran out with a few steps. The woman smiled apologetically at Sami and followed her out.

Not long after, Sammy heard a fierce argument coming from next door.

"I'm going outside the village to find an antidote for grandma!" Schiavo shouted first.

"Absolutely not!" Mom decisively refused.

She said in a serious tone: "There are ferocious mutant animals everywhere outside. If you run out as a child, you will die."

"But grandma..."

"Grandma won't let you go either! Just stay at home!"

There was an unquestionable command in my mother's voice.

Schiavo lowered his head, tears filling his eyes.

Of course she knew there were man-eating monsters out there.

However, she could not watch the grandmother who loved her most die like this.

She wanted to give it a try, even though she was scared.

But this fear is nothing compared to the fear of losing my grandma.

The mother couldn't help but sigh when she saw her daughter's sad and stubborn look.

She knew the feelings between Schiavo and her grandmother, but she couldn't just watch her daughter die.

There has been no news from her husband since he was kidnapped by Golden Lion Shiji.

The three of them, grandfather and grandson, have been supporting each other for so many years. Do they not have deep feelings for each other?

She couldn't bear to abandon anyone.

The pain in her heart is no less than that of Schiavo, just because she is an adult.

Adults need to be able to hide their vulnerabilities, especially in front of children.

But at this moment, she finally felt that she could no longer hold on, and her tears burst out like her daughter's.

The mother and daughter looked at each other speechlessly, weeping silently.

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