Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 268 Brother Sammy, weren’t you good when you were a child?

Sammy next door could no longer hear their quarrel, but she could still hear the faint sound of crying.

He held his chin up and tapped his fingers on the table, making a dull "tapping" sound.

He knew what happened to Grandma Schiavo's illness.

In order to prevent wild beasts from attacking the village, people here planted a circle of trees called "daftgreen" outside the village.

The tree's scent is very pungent to animals and the village has been saved.

But long-term exposure to "daftgreen" will cause people to get sick.

Green scars gradually develop on the body, and when they spread all over the body, the person becomes unable to move and becomes a vegetative state.

The only antidote for this disease is a plant called "iq".

It grows in the wild, where ferocious beasts run rampant, and adults can escape death, let alone children?

next door.

Schiavo's mother wiped her eyes and just said: "Stay at home and don't go anywhere." Then she opened the door and walked out.

The room fell into silence again, as if nothing had happened.

After that, Schiavo became very quiet and depressed throughout the day, and his originally bright eyes always seemed dim.

Like a pair of dead fish eyes that have lost hope.

Although Schiavo's mother looked distressed, she was secretly relieved that Schiavo gave up.

But only Sammy knew that the kid wouldn't give up.

In the original work, she sneaked out alone to find IQ.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet Zoro and Chopper later, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Sure enough, it was midnight, when the moon was dim and the stars were dark.

In the originally silent room, there was suddenly a rustling sound, as if a little mouse was moving cautiously.

The little mouse first got out of bed and got dressed, then looked back at his mother and grandmother who were still sleeping.

After making sure they didn't notice, she opened the door gently, turned around and went out, then carefully closed the door.

After doing all this, the little mouse finally breathed a sigh of relief. With a proud smile on her face, she turned around and walked out.

Unexpectedly, a tall figure suddenly appeared in her field of vision. She couldn't brake in time and bumped into his knee.

The little mouse was frightened, fell back immediately, and retreated continuously.

But he was grabbed by the figure and picked up directly.

"Xiavo, what are you doing?" The figure said with a wicked smile, "Can't you sleep and come out to look at the moon?"

When Schiavo heard this familiar voice, he opened his eyes instantly.

It turned out to be Sammy.

She breathed a sigh of relief, with an embarrassed smile on her face: "Yes, yes, brother Sammy, you can't sleep either."

"Yes, look at how beautiful the moonlight is." Sami smiled, "Wake your mother and grandma to watch together."

"No, don't!" Schiavo was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly.

"No? Why?"


"I'm going to wake them up right away."

"No, no, I said." Schiavo quickly said softly, "I ran out secretly to find the antidote for grandma."

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes, as if she was ready to be beaten and scolded.

After all, her mother had scolded her more than once for this matter.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the beating and scolding did not follow. Instead, Sami put her down and touched her head gently.

Schiavo was stunned, not knowing what Sammy wanted to do.

"You're brave, Schiavo," Sammy said sincerely.

"I just want to save grandma, and I will do anything to save her." Schiavo said firmly.

Sammy smiled.

Suddenly his expression changed, he slapped Schiavo and said, "I didn't praise you, idiot! If I hadn't stopped you just now, you would have been in big trouble, do you know that?"

Schiavo was in pain and immediately covered his head and said: "It hurts, I'm sorry!"

Sammy picked her up again, put her on his shoulders, and walked out of the village.

Schiavo immediately asked: "Brother Sammy, where are you going?"

"Go find IQ, don't you want to save grandma?"

Schiavo was stunned when he heard this, and then said overjoyed: "Do you want to go with me?"

"No, you want to go with me." Sammy said, "I don't know where that thing is."

"That's fine, as long as we can find an antidote." Schiavo didn't care about that.

She sat firmly on Sammy's shoulders and grinned.

"what happened?"

"Hehe, brother Sammy, thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm not helping you." Sammy said, "Don't forget that I am a pirate and I need to be paid for my work."

"Reward? But I have nothing." Schiavo said anxiously.

"Don't worry, you can pay it back slowly."

"Well, then, I will pay you back when I grow up and make money."



"what happened?"

"Brother Sammy, weren't you disobedient when you were a child?"

"how do you know?"

"Because you don't sleep at night either."


The big one and the small one asked and answered questions as they walked, and soon reached the entrance of the village.

A row of tall green trees appeared in front of us.

"That's daftgreen." Schiavo pointed out.

Sammy smelled it, and sure enough it had an unpleasant smell, somewhat similar to the smell of heather.

Schiavo took out a piece of white paper from his pocket, tore it into several pieces and crumpled them into a ball, then handed two to Sammy.

"Brother Sammy, we have to go through the woods later, plug up your nose."

Sami shook his head and said instead: "You have to hold on tight, Schiavo."

"What's wrong?" Schiavo asked in confusion.

Just as she was about to say something else, she saw Sami suddenly rise from the ground and fly into the air with her quickly.

"Fly, fly?!" Schiavo opened his mouth and said in disbelief.

"How was it? Is it fun?" Sammy asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Schiavo nodded vigorously.

As a little girl who rarely went out to the village, how could she have experienced flying into the sky?

This was something she had never dared to hope for before.

Sammy looked around from his high position.

The night was so quiet and dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

"Where is IQ, Schiavo? Show me the way."

Only then did Schiavo think of business.

So he checked it quickly, pointed in one direction and said, "There may be one there, I heard the neighbor's aunt said it."

"Okay, sit still." Sammy reminded him and immediately flew over there.

Soon, he slowly fell down a hillside.

As soon as he stood firm, Schiavo jumped off Sammy's shoulders and ran excitedly into the grass to search.

After a while, she ran over with joy, held up a plant in her hand and shouted: "Brother Sammy, look, this is it!"

Sammy glanced at it and found that it was a green plant with small flowers, which looked unremarkable.

"Is this iq?"


"Is one enough?"

"That's probably enough."

"It's better to get a few more trees," Sammy said. "It's a long time to go out, so you don't have enough when the time comes."

Schiavo nodded and said: "That would be best. However, this one seems to be the only one around here. I don't know where there are others."

"Let me take a look." Sammy said, floating into the air and searching carefully.

It didn't take long for him to find another place where iq was growing.

"Xiavo, stay here and don't move. If you are in danger, call me."


Sammy flew that way and the movie quickly disappeared among the blades of grass.

Schiavo watched him leave, holding the iq tightly in his hand.

The temperature dropped sharply at night and a gust of cold wind came. She couldn't help shivering and was suddenly shocked.

It was only then that she seemed to realize that she was in a wilderness where ferocious beasts were raging and dangers were everywhere, and she could die at any time.

She couldn't help but tremble. Although she had made countless heroic words before coming, at this moment, she began to be afraid again.

"Brother Sammy, are you okay?" She couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

But no one answered.

"Brother Sammy..."

Just as she was about to scream again, a furious beast roar suddenly came from the direction where Sammy disappeared!

Schiavo was startled, sat back suddenly, and fell to the ground.

There was another ear-piercing roar.

Schiavo shook his body, with a frightened expression on his face.

"Brother Sammy! Are you okay?"

"Brother Sammy!"

Schiavo called anxiously several times, but there was no reply. The beast's roar became louder and more violent.

Schiavo was extremely worried, and bloody pictures appeared in his mind.

Those are the tragic scenes of people in the village after being attacked by wild beasts. Fortunately, some body parts are missing, but unluckily, they have gone to the underworld long ago, without leaving even a complete body.

Schiavo's body shook even more violently, she was so frightened.

She wanted to run away, but she was unwilling to leave Sammy alone.

After several struggles, she finally plucked up the courage to stand up and walked in the direction Sami had just gone.

She was going to save Sammy.

At least, save Sammy's brother's body.

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