Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 266: Upgrade chicken and dog charms, extract dog charms

After much thought, Sammy first chose to upgrade the chicken charm.

Because telekinesis is so convenient.

Not only can it be used offensively or defensively in battle, it can also provide many conveniences in life.

It is simply a weapon for traveling at home and stealing goods.


"Chicken Talisman Lv3:

1You can gain telekinesis with the Chicken Charm.

2 The maximum lifting weight of the current telekinesis is 10000 tons, and the range of action is within the line of sight.

3. You have acquired the ability to solidify telekinesis. When you choose to solidify, the telekinesis in action will exist permanently until you cancel it. "

10000 tons of telekinesis!

A full 10000 tons!

An increase of 2 times from the 1000 tons of lv.10!

This kind of intensity is enough for Sami to deal with some powerful opponents!

Even though there is still a big gap between him and the four emperors and generals, there is no problem in suppressing opponents at the lieutenant general level.

You know, the Ox Talisman that has been upgraded to level lv.3 early will also provide a 3000 times increase in power.

After such a long period of training and fighting, Sami's strength has increased to 500 kilograms.

Calculated, it only has a power of 1500 tons.

It is still far from the 10000 tons of telekinesis provided by the Chicken Talisman.

What does it mean to come first and come later?

This is!

Sammy wiped his saliva and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He knew that the power of the spell was far more than that, and it was too early to be happy now.

Upgrading the Chicken Talisman consumed 2 experience stars. Under normal circumstances, Sammy would have been so distressed that he would have turned off the system interface.

But now that he is wealthy, he says it is simply not enough.



"Tiger Talisman lv.3

1. You can use the Tiger Talisman to balance the power of two or more talismans so that they do not conflict with each other and can be used at the same time.

2. You can directly soul-bind the spell you already own.The bound charm will not be lost, stolen, destroyed...

3. You can use the lv.2 tiger talisman to balance the three dimensions of your own energy and spirit and accelerate the development of domineering energy!

4 You can use the lv.3 tiger charm to balance the power between the enemy and ourselves.The longer you fight against the enemy, your weaknesses will be compensated and your strengths will be strengthened! "

As expected, the lv.3 Tiger Talisman once again adds a new ability.

But since Sami didn't understand it at first glance, he quickly opened the introduction and read it in detail.

Soon, Sami took a deep breath after understanding this function!

"Terrible! It's so scary to have this ability!" Sammy said with trembling all over.

The so-called balancing between ourselves and the enemy is actually a method of weakening the enemy and strengthening oneself when facing a strong enemy.

For example, if Sami fights Aokiji now, he will be defeated soon because the enemy is strong and we are weak.

But the level 3 Tiger Talisman can give Sami a chance of turning defeat into victory.

The specific method is: enhance Sami's advantage against the enemy and make up for Sami's disadvantage against the enemy.

Aokiji has the ability to freeze fruits, and Sammy's ability to restrain him is the high temperature of the Dragon Talisman.

Then the tiger talisman will continuously strengthen the dragon talisman during the battle and increase its temperature, making Sami's ability to restrain the blue pheasant stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Sami's strength, dominance, and cold resistance are all weaker than those of Aokiji, and these are his weaknesses.

Therefore, the Tiger Talisman will gradually improve Sammy's abilities in these aspects, making him have no weaknesses.

Moreover, this is only for the case where the opponent is Aokiji.

The Tiger Talisman's ability to balance becomes different when the opponent is different.

When facing Kaiduo, increase speed and compensate for physical strength.

When dealing with red hair, enhance telekinesis and make up for the domineering power.


This is what the Tiger Talisman is capable of now!

This is the surprise that the Tiger Talisman brought to Sami.

"It's simply great! It's worthy of the Tiger Talisman, and the ability is so powerful every time it is upgraded!"

With the Tiger Talisman, Sami is no longer afraid of protracted battles.

Because the longer the battle lasts, the more the balance of victory will tilt towards him, and the more difficult it will be for the enemy!

"Gan, if I had this ability in Shampoo Land, would I still be beaten by Kizaru?" Sami swore directly.

However, it is too late to say anything now.


It's not too late.

There will always be a chance to meet again.

Sooner or later, Sammy would find the right opportunity to beat Kizaru, and while beating him, he would imitate his tone of voice.

"It's so scary. Every general today is as strong as a monster!"

I believe it will be very interesting then.

Thinking of this, Sammy smiled knowingly.

Then, he turned his attention to the last four experience stars left.

He doesn't want to use these last four to upgrade existing charms, but to extract and upgrade new charms.

So far, Sammy has obtained 12 of the 10 talismans, leaving the last two undrawn.

They are the Snake Charm and the Dog Charm.

Among them, what Sammy wanted most was the dog charm, but unfortunately his wish never came true.

Now there are only two talismans left, but there are still 5 experience stars accumulated, no matter how hard you draw them, you can get them.

However, Sammy still wanted to be able to enter the soul with one shot.

After all, in that case, he can use the remaining experience stars to directly upgrade the dog charm to lv.3!

"Blessed by the gods and Buddhas in the heavens, it must be absorbed into the soul!"

Sammy clasped his hands together and kept praying.


"Congratulations, you drew the dog charm!"


After a moment of silence, Sammy's face immediately showed ecstasy.

If I really win, all my wishes come true!

"Awesome!" Sammy clenched his fists to vent his excitement.

Today's series of surprises have left him confused.

Sure enough, happiness really belongs to the rich, and the joy of chopping can make up for any trauma.

Sammy quickly opened the introduction to the dog charm.

"Dog Spell lv.1

1. When you hold the dog talisman, you will be immune to all diseases and poisons; no disease or poison will be able to damage your health. "

"Well, it's alright."

This ability to be immune to all poisons and diseases is quite powerful.

But Sammy didn't show any excitement. After all, he had always been surrounded by a few weirdos who had never been sick.

Strong people have strong vitality, and this is true in many worlds.

"Continue to upgrade." Sammy said, consuming another experience star.


"Dog Spell lv.2

1. When you hold the dog talisman, you will be immune to all diseases and poisons; no disease or poison will be able to damage your health.

2. When you hold the dog talisman, you will have unlimited lifespan, remain young and energetic, and will never age. "

"Immortal?" Sammy was shocked.

Although Sami is still young and has not experienced the pain of old age and frailty, this does not mean that he does not know the horror of aging.

After all, one of the ultimate goals of human beings since ancient times is to live forever.

The fruit of the operation is said to be able to perform immortality surgery on people, and it is worth 50 billion beli in one go.

This shows the attraction of immortality to people.

After all, in the world of One Piece, there are countless top warriors who have lost their strength due to aging, and eventually had to withdraw from the stage of history with regret.

If Whitebeard could live forever and remain in peak condition, there's no telling what he would be like in the middle of a war.

What Roger, Garp, and Whitebeard couldn't do, Sammy has now done it.

He easily realized mankind's ultimate dream since ancient times.

Looking at the last three experience stars left, Sammy chose to continue upgrading without hesitation.


Dog Spell lv.3

1. When you hold the dog talisman, you will be immune to all diseases and poisons; no disease or poison will be able to damage your health.

2. When you hold the dog talisman, you will have unlimited lifespan, remain young and energetic, and will never age.

3. When you hold the dog talisman, you will not be killed by the enemy in one blow, and at the same time, no matter how seriously injured you are, you will heal quickly. "

"Finally, the ability I wanted appears." Sami breathed a sigh of relief.

Isn't the biggest reason why he drew the Dog Talisman the ability to be immune to death and attacks?

Although immunity from poison and immortality are both great, they are not as good as being immune to death.

It's a pity that the lv.3 level talisman still can't heal Sammy's injuries instantly, otherwise he would definitely jump with joy at this moment.

It seems that in order to reach the level of immortality in the original work, Sammy needs to continue to upgrade.

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