Weber asked: "Sammy, tell us your plan, we will all listen to you."

Sammy nodded and said, "My plan is actually very simple."

"Don't think that Enelu is now in a high position and looks down upon Kongdao, but in fact, the foundation of his rule is very weak."

"It's like a castle made of sand, which will collapse as soon as the sea water washes it off."

"Hehe, so we are the sea water." Luffy said with a smile.

I have to say that many times he always hits the nail on the head.

"You're right, Luffy." Sami smiled, "Enilu's high-pressure rule has long made people on Sky Island dissatisfied."

"Once the war starts, they will not sacrifice their lives for the so-called gods."

"I agree with this." Gan Ful also spoke in agreement, "Whether it was taking away my throne back then or now that I'm ruling the entire Sky Island."

"Enilu relies on his own strong strength and the four great priests under his command, just a group of guards."

"The people of Kongdao will not help him."

"Those Sky Islanders are all cowards and weaklings." Kamaqili said bitterly, "I'm afraid even Enelu himself never expected them to help."

"That's enough, Kamachili." Weber shouted.

"Did I say something wrong?" Camachil shouted in dissatisfaction, "As a warrior, even if you face a powerful enemy, you must never surrender!"

"Shut up! Kamachili!" the chief scolded.

"They are not soldiers, they are civilians! Do you expect a group of unarmed civilians to fight against evil?"

"Even civilians must have the spirit of resistance!" Kamaqili said reluctantly.

"They have the courage to bear the humiliation of living an ignoble existence, but they don't dare to choose to resist. It's really disgusting!"

"That's enough! Kamaqili." Sami shouted immediately when he saw Gan Fore's face turned pale.

"If the resistance of civilians is not organized, it will only die in vain. As a soldier, your spirit of sacrifice is admirable."

"But the only responsibility of civilians in war is to live well!"

"Nonsense!" Kamaqili stood up and wanted to refute.

"I'm sorry!" Gan Fore suddenly fell to his knees and cried bitterly on the ground.

"All of this is my responsibility. As a god, I failed to protect my people. Not only did they suffer in tyranny, but I also suffered humiliation."

"It's all my fault!"

"Uncle Gan!" Nami stayed where she was.

Gan Fore's mournful cries floated in the air and did not dissipate for a long time.

The heartbreaking pain infected everyone present.

Not only the Straw Hats, but even the aggressive Kamakili were stunned at this time.

Sami sighed and said, "Okay, now is not the time to say who is right and who is wrong."

"Since we can still gather here now, it means that things have not developed to an irreversible point."

"Good, I finally figured it out, Sammy." Luffy said.

"You mean that as long as we can defeat Enelu, all problems will be solved, right?"

"Yes. Everything started because of him, and everything will end because of him."

"Enilu has always been reclusive in the temple. It is not easy for us to find him."

"It's not about finding, it's about leading."

"Ling him out? How?"

"I heard that the four great priests under him have set up four major trials in the Kingdom of God. Are you interested in trying them?"

"You want to lure Anilu out by defeating these four people?" Weber's eyes lit up.

"Yes, these four people are important subordinates of Enelu. If they are killed, Enelu will definitely not be able to sit still."

"Haha, you are wrong, Weber." Sami shook his head and said, "Enilu has always ignored life. These four people are no different to him than dirt."

"Even if I kill them all, Enelu won't feel bad."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Our only purpose in killing the four great priests is to prove our strength."

Sami said, "This is what attracts Enelu."

Yes, Enelu has always been aloof and treats other people as ants.

Even if he wanted to punish others, he would use the power of the Thunder Fruit and the New Network to inflict divine punishment remotely, without even bothering to come face to face with him.

Only those "toys" with good strength will arouse his interest and take action to solve them personally.

If Sammy and the others want to kill Enelu face to face, they must first prove that they are a good "toy".

However, it is hard to say whether it will be a "moth to the flame" or a "pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger" in the end.

After hearing what Sami said, Luffy became impatient and stood up immediately.

"Whatever, whether it's Enelu or the four great priests, just beat them all away!"

The great chief and Gan Fore looked at each other and said worriedly: "Are we too optimistic? Even the four great priests are not simple characters."

"Yes. We have fought against the four great priests in the past, and those guys are just as strong as monsters." Lucky said in a deep voice.

Usopp was shocked: "No way, Enel is already so scary, are his men so powerful?"

Weber said: "If we just talk about strength, those four people are not strong, at least I can defeat them."

"The difficulty is that all four of them have a unique ability called the Heart Network."

"Heart Network? What is that?" Sauron asked curiously.

"The Heart Network is a special ability that can sharpen one's five senses."

"Not only can it detect the breath of surrounding creatures, but it can also be used to avoid attacks."

"Hide, avoid attacks? What kind of terrifying ability is this?" Usopp exclaimed.

Zoro immediately stared and turned to look at Sammy.

Sami nodded and said, "Yes, it's just the domineering power of seeing and hearing."

"Seeing the domineering look?"

Sammy's words immediately shocked the Straw Hats.

Three-color domineering was something that Sami mentioned repeatedly all the way, and everyone's ears were almost numb when they heard it.

Starting from the East China Sea, the Straw Hats have been trying various special trainings to master their Haki, but they have been unsuccessful.

This shows how difficult it is to be domineering.

But now they actually directly encountered an enemy who had mastered the Haki of Visibility.

There were four in one breath, which surprised them.

Luffy immediately cheered: "That's great, I've long wanted to see what Haki looks like!"

"Idiot! This is not a demonstration by Master Tori and the others!" Usopp cursed, "They are all enemies!"

"That's right! Sami has said more than once that domineering is terrifying. What are you so happy about?" Nami also asked anxiously.

Kamaqili was confused: "What do you mean by seeing and hearing Haki?"

"It's what you call the Heart Network. In Qinghai, we call him Seeing, Wen, and Se domineering."

"Does this kind of thing also exist in Qinghai? It's really scary."

Weber burst out laughing, startling the others.

"What's wrong? Weber, why are you crazy?"

"Haha, in the past I always thought that the Heart Network was an exclusive ability only possessed by Enelu and his men. It turns out that there are also people in Qinghai who can do it."

Weber smiled and said, "Doesn't this mean that we can also learn this ability?"


"Why didn't I think of that?"

All the guerrillas' eyes lit up and they started talking, but they had been coveting this ability for a long time.

"Hey, I told you to be realistic. That kind of ability is not so easy to master."

Usopp shouted, "Sammy has been training us to master this ability a long time ago, but until now none of us can do it. Are you too optimistic?"

"Don't worry, Usopp." Waver smiled, "We're not stupid enough to learn it overnight."

"But as long as the heart network can be mastered through learning, then sooner or later we will be able to do it."

"Well said, Weber." Sammy appreciated the energy.

Zoro also said: "Actually, it's not difficult to master the Haki of Wisdom and Information. It just requires targeted training. If you want to learn it, I can tell you."

"Really? That's great." Weber said happily

"Ah! Me too, Miss Lucky. If you want to learn from me, I will definitely go through fire and water, no matter what!"

Sanji immediately seized the opportunity and showed his courtesy.

"I would rather not learn than ask you for advice." Lucky said with black lines on her head

"Ah! How cruel! Miss Lucky, I didn't expect you to be so sexy when you reject others!"

"Go away, bastard!"

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