Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 169 Sami: Let’s admit defeat!

Although everyone watching the battle was shocked by Nami's terrifying strength.

But they are not as good as Kamaqili who directly faced these terrifying beasts.

The Sandia guerrillas have experienced painful wars.

Fight against Skylanders.

Fight against the four great priests of Enel.

Only he has never faced ancient overlords like dinosaurs.

Kamachili's hands couldn't help but tremble.

Although he knew that this was just an ordinary competition and there would be no danger to his life, he still felt the fear of death.

He tried to stabilize his mind, clutching the rocket launcher tightly, trying to raise the muzzle and fire it.

But the Egyptian Spinosaurus on the opposite side immediately noticed his movements, opened its bloody mouth and roared at him.

Kamaqili was immediately frozen and did not dare to make any more small moves.

"I..." Kamaqili swallowed and tried to say one word.

He wanted to throw in the towel.

But the pride of the Sandians did not allow him to do this, let alone lose to a woman.

Thinking of the heroic words he had said before, he felt a burning pain on his face.

"No! I can't admit defeat. Not even by dying!"

Kamaqili gritted his teeth and prepared to fight to the death.

Taking a deep breath, he raised the rocket launcher with a crazy look on his face: "Come on, you beast!!"

"Stop it! Kamachili!"

Suddenly the old but clear voice of the great chief came from behind.

"Great Chief!" Kamaqili had a look of shock on his face, as if he had guessed something.

Sure enough, the chief said seriously to Nami: "Little girl, we admit defeat in this battle."


"Yes, if this was a life and death battle, Kamachili would have died long ago. Thank you for your tolerance."

Nami smiled slightly and said: "You are too polite. Even if this is a life and death battle, I will not kill people at will. You just need to pay the ransom."

"Haha, if we can exchange the ransom for the lives of our soldiers, that will be our luck." The chief said with a smile.

Nami took back her pet, turned around and walked back to her friends.

She was immediately warmly welcomed by Sanji and the others.

Kamaqili, on the other hand, walked back silently, lowering his head and saying nothing.

"Kamachili, there are no warriors in this world who cannot fail, only incompetent people who cannot afford to lose. Which one are you going to do?"

When Kamaqili heard this, he immediately said with tears in his eyes: "Great Chief! I'm sorry, I lost."

The great chief patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Son, if you win, I will be happy for you, but I will be worried about the next war."

"Now that you have lost, I feel sorry for you, but I am full of hope to defeat Enelu. So you say, did we win or lose?"

Weber also said: "Yes, Kamachili. You lost to your friend, but you have to defeat the real enemy. Shouldn't you be happy?"

Kamaqili didn't expect that he would have this kind of train of thought, and for a moment he didn't know what expression he should have on his face.

After a long time, he nodded solemnly.

"It's great that you can figure it out, kid." The chief smiled, "However, there is one thing I must remind you."

"Say it, Chief." Kamaqili was immediately ready to accept it humbly.

"Who told you to molest a little girl, you bastard!!" The principal slapped him hard and roared.

"Have you forgotten our hospitality etiquette? If you are so frivolous next time, I will blow your head open!"

"Ming, I understand! Chief!" Kamaqili screamed, "You are too old-fashioned!"

"I'm 80 years old, shouldn't I be old-fashioned, you brat!"

"Yes Yes!"

The chief took Kamaqili and scolded him before letting him go.

"You're next, Lucky."

"Yes, Chief." The female warrior immediately stood up without hesitation.

Other guerrillas immediately started shouting.

"Come on, Lucky, give them some color."

"Yes, let them know that we also have powerful female warriors."

"Don't lose!"

Listening to the cheering sounds of his friends, Lucky seemed to be carrying the hope of the entire clan.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the Straw Hats with firm steps.

"I want to fight you." Lucky glanced around and finally selected his opponent.

The Straw Hats all immediately exclaimed.

Usopp held his head and screamed.

Chopper was shocked.

Nami shook her head directly.

Even Zoro frowned and Luffy looked like something was wrong.

Sami and Robin looked at each other, and then asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure you want to choose him?"

Lucky had long been startled by the expressions of others, but now she saw Sami looking so serious.

He immediately realized that he might have chosen an extremely powerful opponent.

At this time, she was already riding a tiger and couldn't get off, so she had to bite the bullet and said: "That's right."

"Are you sure you don't want to change it?"

"to not fix."

"Would you like to stop thinking about it?"

"Asshole! Are you looking down on me?"

Sammy looked at Robin again and said helplessly: "It seems I didn't scare her."

Robin responded: "It's just bad luck on our part."

"What do you mean?" Lucky was confused.

Sami raised his hand towards the chief and said, "Well, we admit defeat in this battle."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the chief, other Sandians including Lucky were all in disbelief.


"You're not kidding, are you?"

"Why admit defeat?"

"What the hell happened?"

A group of people were all talking and couldn't believe it.

Some people even thought that Sami looked down upon Lucky as a female warrior, so she deliberately admitted defeat.

They stood up angrily and began to curse.

Sammy quickly pointed at Lucky's chosen opponent.

One was swaying around Lucky, his whole body twisted like kelp, with eyebrows in heat.

"Look at this guy, is there any need to compete?" Sami said tiredly.

Zoro yelled: "Asshole chef, please be more serious! Do you know that we lost just because of you?"

"It's none of my business!" Sanji said angrily, "I didn't do anything!"

After saying that, he continued to surround Lucky, spreading pink hearts wildly.

"You haven't done enough!" Sauron was so angry that his lungs exploded.

Lucky looked at Sammy and asked, "What do you mean?"

Seeing that she still didn't understand, Sami had to say: "How should I put it? This guy is really powerful. Even I can't defeat him completely."

"But he is a hopeless lady lover, a gentleman who adheres to chivalry, and his life creed is never to have sex with women, so..."

Sammy spread his hands.

Nami continued: "So, even if this guy can easily defeat you, he will never fight with you."

"Don't talk about taking action. Now you just beat him up, and he may not even ask for it."

Zoro concluded with a look of disgust on his face.


Not to mention Lucky, even the rest of the guerrillas were confused.

They advocate violence and have a cold personality, and they really can't understand Sanji's thoughts.

Don't hit women?

What the hell is that?

For a group of Sandia warriors who, even if they have good intentions, the most they can do is not harm children.

Sanji's code of conduct is simply bizarre.

Lucky curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Tsk, so there is such a cowardly man."

Sanji said ecstatically: "Ah! Miss Lucky, please insult me ​​as much as you like, use the most vicious language!"

"Because whatever you say to me is the most beautiful voice in the world."

"Pervert!" Lucky was furious and immediately punched and kicked Sanji.

In the end, Sanji, who was bruised and swollen, was forcibly pulled back by Usopp and Sami, and the farce finally stopped.

But the good news is that after such a fuss, there is no need for a competition between the two sides.

After all, one win and one loss is a good thing for everyone.

Moreover, the Straw Hats showed their strength very well and did not embarrass the master Sandia. The result was perfect.

So, the party continued, and while everyone was eating and drinking, Sammy also started making plans.

Originally, combat planning should be done by the Sandians.

After all, they have fought with Enelu for many years and know him very well; and they are also familiar with Kongdao’s favorable location and time, so it is perfect.

But Weber strongly recommended Sami to be the commander, and even the chief agreed, so Sami had no choice but to take over.

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