Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 147 Killing Bellamy instantly

"Bastard!" Bellamy had never suffered such humiliation.

His face was livid, his feet immediately turned into springs, and he rushed towards Sami, "I'm going to kill you!"

This action seemed to be a signal.

Bellamy's scumbags couldn't stand it any longer.

As soon as he saw his boss making a move, he immediately rushed towards Luffy and the three of them with a roar.

"Sammy! Look at what you did!" Nami said angrily.

They obviously wanted to come here to gather information in a low-key manner, but in the end it turned into a fight.

"Stupid woman, you can't blame Sammy for this."

After Zoro easily blocked Sakis' attack, he said, "The opponent is coming towards us, and you can't hide from it."

Nami naturally knew this, but she was still unwilling to do so.

She complained: "Really, can't we just sit down and talk? We have to fight and kill each other."

"Little sister, if you are afraid of fighting, you should just go home and give birth to your baby!"

Lili, a woman wearing a red hat and sunglasses, mocked.

Behind her stood several female pirates, all of whom were crew members of the Bellamy Pirates.

Nami watched these women walking towards her fiercely, intending to surround her, but she was not afraid at all.

She sat on a high stool and asked calmly: "Everyone, if you come together, you don't want to beat me up alone, right?"

"I can't help it, why are there so many of us? Just be patient." Lili said without shame, smiling proudly.

Nami sighed, and Shi Shiran snapped his fingers.

Three velociraptors and ten tigers, leopards and jackals suddenly appeared, all baring their teeth and showing off their power.

"More than people, are you sure?"

"Afraid of dinosaurs?!!!"


Bellamy kept squatting down, accumulating strength very quickly, hoping to kill Sami instantly with one blow.

But Sammy wasn't nervous at all, still standing so relaxed. This indifferent attitude almost drove Bellamy crazy.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to torture you severely! If you dare to offend me, Uncle Bellamy, I'll make you pay a heavy price."

I have to say that Bellamy at this time really has no redeeming qualities at all.

Not only is she fierce in appearance, but she also needs a beating.

Sammy took out his ears. He was almost impatient with the waiting: "Hey, Bellamy, I think the pattern on your chest should be the joker's logo, right?"

"Do you know Don Quixote?" Bellamy was surprised.

You know, he has admired Brother Ming since he was a child.

The reason why he went to sea to become a pirate was simply to catch up with Brother Ming and board his ship.

"That guy? I'll see you later. I still have a debt to settle with him."

Sammy was referring to the conflict in Rogue Town.

"You are not allowed to insult Don Quixote!" Bellamy was furious and rushed towards Sami, "Spring Sniper!"

Spring Man, who has been saving up for a long time, is indeed not bad at speed.

Sammy turned around sharply to avoid the blow, and was almost hit by his clothes.

Seeing that he couldn't hit a single blow, Bellamy immediately changed his moves.

The spring power is constantly activated, bouncing back and forth in every corner around Sami, waiting for an opportunity to find Sami's blind spot before taking action.

"You bastard, what qualifications do you have to dare to settle a score with Don Quixote?"

"You are just a rookie pirate, with a bounty of only 3000 million Baileys, yet you dare to openly provoke the Shichibukai. It really makes me laugh!"

Bellamy was cursing at Sammy like a machine gun as he bounced around.

In his eyes, Don Quixote was the supreme being, the man destined to become the Pirate King.

Not to mention the comparison, even the word 'joker' coming out of Sammy's mouth is an insult to Don Quixote.

If the Lord is worried, the subject will be humiliated; if the Lord is humiliated, the subject will die!

How could Bellamy, who had long regarded himself as a subordinate of Don Quixote, not be angry, hateful, and crazy?

Sammy looked at Bellamy who was chattering back and forth like a fly, and sneered: "Oh? It seems you are Doflamingo's dog? No wonder you look like him, it's disgusting."

"What did you say?!"

"Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, you cannot see clearly the general trend. It is said to be realism, but in fact it is just a matter of fact."

Sammy said word for word, "A person like him will never become the Pirate King."

"Shut up! Pogo Man!" Bellamy yelled and rushed towards Sami.

"It's you who should shut up!" Sami reached out and grabbed Bellamy who rushed over, and slammed him to the ground, "Asana, hell!"


Heads fell to the ground and the ground collapsed!

Looking at Bellamy lying on the ground, sleeping soundly, Sami shook his head sadly.

In fact, this guy is not bad in nature and has enough strength, as evidenced by his ability to become a supernova in two years.

The only drawback is that people are stupid.

He was obsessed with getting on Brother Ming's boat, so he was almost played to death by Brother Ming.

You said that he is also a star chaser. How is he treated? How is he treated?

Practice has proved that vision is more important than strength.

Sami sighed and said: "You said that you have been pursuing reality, but you can't see the reality clearly. How sad."

"Okay! Stop sighing. Since we can't find out any information here, we'd better go back as soon as possible."

Nami said helplessly, "Really, there is nothing serious except fighting every day."

She took back her summoned beast, and a large number of unconscious enemies lay at her feet.

"Don't be discouraged, Nami." Sami grinned, "I have a hunch that there will be good news from Robin."

"I hope so." Nami said angrily, "Fortunately there is Robin on this boat, otherwise I would really be pissed to death by you."

Sami listened to Nami's complaint and smiled awkwardly at Zoro, who shrugged with a look of helplessness.

He didn't start this fight in the first place.

What's more, the man named Sarkis, although he is the vice-captain of the Bellamy Pirates and has a bounty of 3800 million Baileys, he has not been able to withstand even two attacks in his own hands.

Not enjoyable at all.Sauron, the fighting maniac, expressed his dissatisfaction.

Also dissatisfied was Luffy.

The guy stuffed the last piece of barbecue into his mouth and dropped the plate on the floor.

Ignoring the angry look from the waiter, he pouted and said, "Ah? Have you gone back? I want to eat some more barbecue."

"You just know how to eat! I didn't know how to help just now. Do you know that I was almost scared to death when I faced so many enemies by myself!"

Nami said angrily.

From the beginning of the battle just now, Luffy has not taken the initiative to take action.He kept holding the plate and eating meat, and then made those guys play around.

It wasn't until a large group of people on the other side were panting from exhaustion that he kicked them down one by one, and then returned to the stool in front of the bar to continue eating meat.

Only barbecue can make Luffy give up fighting, and only fighting can make Luffy forget to eat meat.

A perfect closed loop.

"What? Why do you ask me for help when you can obviously solve it yourself?"

"I'm a girl, how can I be beaten and killed every day?"

Nami said confidently, "My job is to determine the course of the ship and collect the wallets of the enemies after you defeat them. Do you understand?"

With that said, Nami pulled the corner of Luffy's mouth and dragged him out of the tavern.

Sammy and Zoro followed.

It wasn't until the four of them completely disappeared into the tavern that the tavern, which had fallen into an eerie silence, started to make some noise again.

The drinkers were whispering, and everyone had a look of horror on their faces.

"Finally, we finally left. These people are really scary!"

"Yes, yes, he actually defeated the Bellamy Pirates easily. They looked like monsters!"

"When I think that I actually laughed at them just now, my legs can't stand up!"

"Do they really only have a bounty of 3000 million? The navy couldn't have made a mistake! Even that girl's strength is more than 3000 million!"

"That's right, you can actually summon dinosaurs. They are basically demons!"

A group of pirates who had been frightened out of their courage only dared to make a sound after Sammy and the others left.

Listening to their discussion, the bar owner seemed to suddenly think of something. He opened the drawer on the bar and began to search frantically.

"Boss, what are you looking for?"

"Reward order! Where are the reward orders that were just sent today? Where did you put them?"

The boss looked up and shouted to his subordinates anxiously.

The subordinate was startled and hurriedly stumbled and said: "It's in the drawer on the left. I haven't had time to stick them up yet."

The boss ignored his subordinates' nagging, opened the drawer, and quickly found what he wanted among a large number of reward orders.

"No, it can't be right?" The boss looked at the reward order in his hand, his mouth wide open, and he was obviously mentally shocked.

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