Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 146 People's Dreams Never End

As soon as Luffy said this, not only Blackbeard, but also everyone else in the restaurant was stunned.

Then they burst into laughter, full of sarcasm and sarcasm.

"What did this kid say? Did I hear you correctly?"

"Hahahahaha! He actually wants to become the Pirate King! Hahahahaha!"

"Roger has been dead for more than 20 years, but there are still people who are still having ridiculous dreams like One Piece!"

"Look at this kid's silly face, he's so serious, I almost died laughing!"


The wanton ridicule became more and more intense, and Luffy pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.


A wine bottle was suddenly smashed.

The crisp sound seemed to press a switch for the whole audience. Everyone was stunned and the noise stopped abruptly.

It turned out to be Blackbeard.

He stood up and glanced around with his eyes, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Everyone who made eye contact with him lowered their heads involuntarily.

"A bunch of trash! Ridiculing other people's dreams is the most unforgivable behavior in this ocean!"

"It's such a shame you disgusting guys are everywhere now."

Blackbeard said coldly, his words full of disdain and helplessness.

Then he turned to look at Luffy and said, "Don't pay attention to the voices of these idiots. On the way to the top, you will inevitably be disturbed by those annoying flies."

"I don't care what other people say." Luffy said firmly.

"Hahahaha, you look like a hopeless fool."

Blackbeard laughed, "Maybe only for fools, dreams will never end, right? Thief hahaha!"

Luffy pursed his lips and looked at him expressionlessly.

Blackbeard didn't say anything more, just picked up the 50 cherry pies prepared by the boss and left without looking back.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared behind the door that the originally quiet people in the restaurant seemed to have mouths and began to whisper.

"Who is that guy? How dare he say that to us."

"I don't know. But that guy is really scary, like a man-eating beast."

"He is simply scarier than Bellamy. I hope we will never meet such a person in the future."

"Who are you talking about who is scarier than me?"

"Of course it's the one just now...ah! Bellamy!"

Only then did the speaker realize that Bellamy was actually standing behind him.

He was immediately so frightened that he fell to his knees and kept kowtowing: "I'm sorry! Lord Bellamy, I'm sorry! Spare me, spare me!"

"You guy, why are you so scared? Am I that scary?"

"No no, absolutely not."

"What? So you mean I'm not scary at all?"

"No, no, no." The person who spoke was about to collapse.

"Hahahahaha." Bellamy laughed arrogantly. He seemed to like toying with others like this.

He glanced towards the bar and soon saw Luffy who was eating and drinking, and a look of joy immediately appeared on his face.

This is the purpose of his visit this time.

But until then, enjoy the hors d’oeuvres.

He looked at the man who was still kowtowing and pretended to be gentle and said: "Hey, don't be nervous, I'm the best to say it, right?"

"Yes Yes."

"As long as you do one thing for me, I will forgive you for offending me."

Bellamy said with a smile, his expression like a cat teasing its prey.

The companions behind him all looked like they were watching a show, as if they were expecting something fun.

Everyone smiled maliciously.

"What, what happened?"

"Did you see my shoes? Didn't you notice they were dirty?"

"I'll wipe it for you, I'll wipe it for you!"

The kowtowing man understood and immediately picked up Bellamy's feet, preparing to wipe them clean with his sleeves.

Bellamy grabbed his hair and said viciously: "You can wipe it, but you have to use your face? Do you understand? Use your face."

"Lord Bellamy..."

"Either wipe or die, which one do you choose?"

The kowtowing man showed a struggling look on his face. It was really insulting to use his face to clean his shoes.

But he is not a tough guy to begin with, and when his life is threatened, he will naturally not give up the chance of survival for the sake of face.

So almost the next second, he said with a shy smile: "I wipe, I wipe with my face, Sir Bellamy, this is my honor."

When Bellamy heard this, he immediately laughed.

Not only him, but the companions behind him also laughed, as if they had heard the most ridiculous joke.

"Lord Bellamy?" The kowtowing man didn't know why, and the flattering smile stuck on his face.

"A bug like you would be too dirty to clean my shoes." Bellamy said with a cruel expression on his face.


Before the kowtowing man could finish his words, Bellamy kicked him away.

He hit the wall hard and then slowly slid down. He was vomiting blood and his eyes were blurred. It was obvious that he would not survive.

Everyone in the restaurant fled for fear of becoming Bellamy's next target.

Sakis screamed: "Hey, Bellamy, you are too boring, I haven't seen enough."

"Hahahaha, don't worry, our big dinner today is not for this little guy."

Bellamy laughed and strode towards the bar.

There, Luffy and Zoro were eating and drinking, while Sami and Nami were talking to each other.

The group of people were completely unaware that the eyes of everyone in the restaurant were focusing on them again.

Bellamy walked to the bar with arrogant steps and sat down on the high stool.

He looked at Luffy who was feasting with interest.

"I heard that a guy came to this island with a reward of 3500 million beli. Could it be you?"

"Ah wu~ ah wu~ ah wu~"

"Hahahaha, look at you looking like a starving ghost, did the navy give you a high bounty because of your food appearance?"

"Ah wu~ ah wu~ ah wu~"

Bellamy made two provocative words one after another, but Luffy ignored them all gracefully. This made it difficult for him, who was so proud, to endure it.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." Bellamy said angrily.

"Damn it, you kid won't pretend not to hear on purpose to anger me, right?"

Nami and Zoro waved their hands quickly: "No, this guy is not that smart."

"Ah wu~ ah wu~ ah wu~" Luffy still ignored Bellamy and buried himself in his food.

Bellamy's face was livid, and he could no longer maintain his joking demeanor.

He suddenly raised his hand, ready to grab Luffy's head and slam it against the bar.

Everyone around them opened their eyes wide and looked at all this in anticipation.

Unfortunately, Sammy was already prepared.

The moment Bellamy raised his hand, Sami shouted: "Be careful! Don't move!"

Bellamy was frightened and took a step back involuntarily.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Oh, that's not good!" Sami screamed in grief and anger, squatting on the ground and crying loudly, "Xiaoqiang! What's wrong with you, Xiaoqiang?"

This voice was like a big hand, forcibly bending the plot of the scene. Everyone was stunned, including Bellamy.

"Xiao, Xiaoqiang?"

Sami ignored him at all, still squatting on the ground and pretending to cry: "Xiaoqiang, what's wrong with you, Xiaoqiang? You can't die, Xiaoqiang!"

"I have raised you for so many years, and I still expect you to take care of me until the end of my life. Why did you die? It's pity for me, a white-haired person, to send a black-haired person to me."

Sammy picked up a cockroach from the ground that had been crushed by Bellamy and burst into tears.

Nami quickly asked Zoro in a low voice: "What is this guy crazy about?"

"I don't know." Zoro shook his head, and then shuddered again, "Anyway, I only know that that guy is going to be in bad luck."

He meant Bellamy.

Bellamy also reacted at this time and immediately realized that Sami was playing a trick on him.

He immediately became angry and kicked Sami: "You bastard! How dare you play tricks on me!"

Sami stood up suddenly and blocked Bellamy's attack with his feet.

Then he said with an indifferent expression: "You killed my friend, even if you don't pay with your life, you still dare to attack me!"

"Asshole! Who would be friends with a cockroach?"

"Cockroach? What's wrong with the cockroach? Even a bug like you can show off its power here. Can't cockroaches be friends?"

"What did you say?"

"I made that clear enough," Sammy scoffed.

"Scum like you, who have no strength, no dreams, bully the weak and fear the strong, are worthy only to be compared with bed bugs in the garbage heap."

"Even cockroaches are a little better than you."

Sammy stretched out his thumb and index finger and made a gesture. It was indeed only a few hundred million dots.

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