Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 148 The Straw Hat 1’s latest bounty

"Hello? What are you doing?"

"That's right, it's too late for you to be surprised now, right?"

The drinkers couldn't help but complain when they saw the boss with an unbelievable look on his face.

"No, it's not!" The boss quickly explained and showed the reward order in his hand to everyone, "The latest reward for that straw hat boy is 1 million Baileys!"


"You're not kidding, are you?"

"How is it possible, 1 million? Isn't that this year's supernova?"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the boss immediately slapped Luffy's reward order on the bar.

"See for yourselves, this was just delivered today," the boss said.

Not only that, he also took out a large stack of reward orders from the drawer and slapped them all on the bar one by one.

"Not only Straw Hat, but also others. All of them have bounties on their heads!"

Hearing these words, the drinkers couldn't bear it any longer. They rushed to the bar one by one and carefully read the Straw Hat Pirates' bounty orders one by one.

"Captain, Straw Hat Luffy, the bounty is 1 million beli!"

"Vice Captain, Sammy, God of Killing War, 1 million Baileys!"

"Combatant, pirate hunter Zoro, 8000 million Baileys!"

"Archaeologist, Robin, son of the devil, 8100 million Baileys!"

"Chef, Blackfoot Sanji, has a bounty of 6600 million beli!"

"Sniper, god Usopp, with a bounty of 2000 million Baileys!"

"Navigator, little thief cat Nami, the bounty is 1600 million Baileys!"

"Pet Chopper, the bounty is 50 Baileys!"

One by one, the bounties were exploded from the drinkers' mouths, like thunder exploding above their heads.

It wasn't until they carefully read the reward notices several times that they could barely digest the shock.

"Really, everyone is offering a bounty! The total bounty is close to 5 million!"

"It's unbelievable, even pets have bounties!"

"We, no, it's Bellamy, we dare to challenge them! We really don't know how to live or die!"

"It's terrible! There are only two with a bounty of more than 1 million. Doesn't that mean that this pirate group will have two supernovas born this year?"

Two supernovas?

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

In previous years, having two supernovas in one session was considered a large number of people, but this year there were two on one boat!

What amazing news this is!

Drinkers, you look at me and I look at you, I don’t know what to say at all.

In other words, they were completely speechless.

This kind of news is no longer something they, as minions, can comment on.

It took a long time for the bar owner to realize what he was doing, and said angrily to his subordinates: "Quick! Go and post all their reward orders!"

"Tell those ignorant guys to be careful when you see this group of people in the future!"


As the reward order was posted, the news that a pirate group with a total bounty of nearly [-] million had arrived on the island was like a thunderbolt, sweeping through the entire Demon Valley Town.

Those bully scumbags were naturally frightened by the news, fearing that they might accidentally offend the Straw Hats.

But for a certain pirate, this was surprising good news!

"Hahaha, there are two pirates with a bounty of over [-] million, what a coincidence? Isn't it, Oka?"

"This is fate, Captain!"


"Weihahahaha, then what are we waiting for, captain, go and catch them."

"That's right. Straw Hat boy, consider it bad luck for you if you meet me. Let's go, kids, let's go make a big fuss!"

The tavern is not far from the port, and Sammy and the others will be on the ship soon.

Coincidentally, Robin also happened to be back, and Nami couldn't wait to ask her as soon as she saw her.

"Sister Robin, have you found any good news there?"

"Yes, I have."

"Really? What is it? Say it quickly."

Seeing Nami's anxious look, Robin smiled slightly and handed her a map.

Nami quickly took it and saw that it was an island map.

Others came over to check.

"What a strange terrain." Chopper said in surprise.

Usopp was also surprised: "Well, it looks like a pair of saw teeth. Is there really such a strange island?"

As a navigator, Nami immediately discovered the truth: "Huh? Isn't this shape the Gaya Island?"

"Yes, this is the island."

Nami was obviously disappointed: "Sister Robin, we are going to find the Golden Land. What can you do with this map of Gaya Island?"

"Don't worry, Miss Navigator." Robin explained, "Look carefully. In the upper right corner of this map, there is a sign with a cross drawn on it."

"There is one, just opposite the town of Magic Valley, across the jagged bay."

"I just found out that there is a strange uncle living in that place. Maybe we can go and have a look."

"Weird uncle? Sounds interesting." As soon as Luffy heard the word "weird", his interest immediately increased and he couldn't help but interject.

"His name is Montblanc Couriquette. I heard he was a man who was expelled for talking about his dreams." Robin said, "Maybe we should talk to him."

"Dream, dream, I've heard enough of this word today." Nami said angrily.

"What's wrong, Nami, aren't dreams good?" Luffy said nonchalantly.

"This uncle must be a very interesting person. Maybe he will know something about Sky Island. Let's go and see it together."

Sami also said: "I agree, it's not far from here anyway."

Seeing that everyone had this idea and there was no better place to go now, Nami had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, okay, let's go and have a look. But let me make it clear, if there is nothing that interests me there, I will leave immediately without wasting a second."

"Okay! Brothers, let's head towards the Fiend!" Luffy yelled.

"You're wrong. It's Montblanc, but he's not invincible!" Usopp reminded, "Besides, Montblanc is the name of a person, not a place, so how can we set out for him? We should say let's go find Montblanc!"

"Let's go!" Luffy didn't listen to Usopp's words at all and was completely immersed in his own world.

The captain gave the order and everyone took action.

Zoro and Sammy happened to be pulling the sail together.

"Hey, Sammy, are you hiding something from me?" Zoro asked while pulling the rope.

"What? Did I?"

"Don't act stupid for me!" Zoro said.

"Just now in the pub, you became nervous when you saw the man eating cherry pie. You won't forget it, right?"

"Really? Hahahaha, that's me reminding you not to drink too much. I don't have the money to pay for you."

Sami laughed, trying to conceal the past.

"Don't look at me carelessly! Sammy!" Zoro stared at Sami closely and said seriously.

"Are you underestimating my perception as a swordsman? There was obviously something wrong with your state at that time. You had the aura to die with others. I couldn't have misjudged it."

Sami scratched his head with a headache. This guy's perception was really sharp. He could still detect it even though he had hidden it very well.

"Really, if your perception is so sharp, how come you are such a crazy person?" Sammy murmured with a smile.

"What did you say?" Zoro didn't hear what Sami said clearly.

"Hahahaha, it's okay, it's okay."

"Hey, Sammy, you still don't want to talk about it now?"

"Zoron, it's not that I won't tell you, but it's very complicated to talk about."

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Sami had to explain, "Besides, I think this matter is still too far away from us, and it's really useless to talk about it now."

Zoro shook his head and said, "Then you can keep your story short. I will judge for myself whether it is useful or not."

Obviously, he wasn't going to let Sammy get away with it.

When Sami heard this, he started scratching his head again.

"Are you done yet? When did you become a mother-in-law?" Zoro began to get impatient.

"Okay, okay, I'll say it." Sami surrendered helplessly. He sorted out his thoughts and said, "Zoron, do you still remember what Ace said back then?"


"He said that the reason why he left the Whitebeard Pirates and came to Alabasta alone was because he was chasing someone."

"I remember, Ace said that man was originally a member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Because he broke the unforgivable iron law and then ran away, that's why Ace came to hunt him alone."

Zoro's memory is still good, "Why do you ask me to recall these?"

"Because the person Ace has been chasing is the person we met today."

Sami's words seemed so shocking that Zoro immediately opened his mouth in shock.

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