"Uh, are you planning to form an army of spiders?" The master of alchemy wanted to throw Andy out when he saw a bunch of Acromantulas crowded into his small living room - mainly because there were still a few on the ceiling. , but because of my osteoporosis, just think about it.

Justin had already gone to organize Babu to clean the kitchen, but Malfoy hadn't arrived yet.

"This...it's a long story, Master, please listen to my quibbles." Andy felt like he was always explaining in front of various bosses.

"You know that it is illegal to transport magical animals across borders, right? Especially creatures such as the Acromantula that are difficult to tame." Nico Flamel felt resentful, mainly because Tyrantura had shouted about this nearly 700-year-old creature as soon as he entered the door. The shredded pork jerky is so unpalatable - it is now obediently sitting in front of Perenelle, using the tips of its slender claws to help separate her yarn.

"Don't be so harsh on these little guys. They promised not to eat people in France." It seems that Tyra's flattery is very popular with the old lady. The rainbow farts that flew out of her throat just now shocked Andy. Chin, this usual mountain gun made the old lady so happy that she almost recognized her son.

"Little guy? Pearl, I think you are an old fool. If I hadn't used the Traceless Stretching Spell, these little guys you are talking about would be untenable!"

"Shut up, you old fool."

The alchemist master immediately got angry at Andy: "Why are they a bunch of spiders?"

"Uh... when I contacted you this morning, you didn't agree with other races learning alchemy..."

"That's right! Teacher! I - can - prove it!" Justin shouted in the kitchen.

On the morning of Christmas Day, when Andy and Justin were packing things, Barb Clapper was squirming and clicking for a long time. Andy saw how frequently it shook its fangs and knew that it had something to say that it was holding back. .

"Stop it, your claws are shaking like razors. Come on, it's our friendship." Andy stuffed the invisibility cloak into the suitcase without raising his head.

"I believe Andy will agree. After all, you and Aratos were squatting outside the window when we were in the principal's office. If I hadn't waved my hands desperately, you two would have rushed in to prove that you were tough on Dumbledore." Justin obviously said this It's assisting.

"That's not true. The main reason is that Aratos said that the dog was too annoying, and his son."

"What are you hearing about?" Andy was amused: "Just tell me, there's nothing we can't talk about."

"Uh... Aragog asked if he could... kaka... let you discuss it with Master Nick Flamel... kaka... our race also needs to develop... The Acromantula has no magic power...Kaka, can we also learn alchemy?" Babu's voice became softer and quieter, while the clicking sound became louder and louder.

"I feel like it should be fine." Justin agreed.

Ah this?I haven't agreed yet, okay?

Under the pitiful hope of Justin and Barb, Andy was blinded by his own white falcon.

I am a big wronged!

Surprisingly, Nico Flamel agreed readily - mainly because Andy did not specify which race, and the master alchemist was also interested in whether other races could learn alchemy, but he thought they were centaurs or mermaids. Who would have thought it was an Acromantula?Isn’t this thing extremely powerful in terms of physical attack and toxicity?

But after receiving the good news, Babu was so excited that he immediately returned to the Forbidden Forest to inform his tribe.This is a major way to progress the race. Aragog awarded Andy the highest honor of the Acromantula race on the spot - after his death, he will be eaten by the bravest spider in the entire race!

I understand, I’m honored, and I’m so damn happy!

Which grandson established this honor? !

So a dozen spiders went to France. Nico Flamel had no choice but to accept this reality. With a Snape expression on his face, he took out a special pen and walked towards the door. The spiders They all got out of the way, for fear of breaking this precious old man.The alchemist master drew a strange symbol on the door panel, which was different from the alchemy circle Andy saw in the original anime.

After he finished painting, he took out a small piece of missing gemstone and pressed it on it, chanted a low word, and then clicked the door handle three times. After pulling it open, the entrance to the Forbidden Forest was on the other side of the door.

"Oh oh oh!!!" A dozen spiders let out deafening cheers!Immediately, words about greatness, miracles, and masters were all offered one after another. Andy even doubted whether Aragog had given them collective speaking skills training. After all, they were competing to eat each other's legs some time ago. .

"This is the exchange of materials, and exchange of equal value is the basis of alchemy." When it comes to alchemy, Nico Flamel seems to have changed. This shows the accumulation of time in this old man and more than 600 years of wisdom. It gave him a kind of divinity - Andy was also attracted by this brilliance: "Alchemy, together with astrology and supernatural powers, is exemplified as the three major wisdoms of the universe. He can make ordinary existences become equal to gods." Sacred technology. Whether you have magical talents or not, you can use it to transform one substance into another. It will bring endless wealth, cure diseases, make powerful weapons, and even make you immortal."

The eight eyes of the spiders showed a pious look. Nico Flamel seemed quite satisfied, but he suddenly became stern: "But you have to know that learning alchemy is a very serious matter. As I said, wait Price exchange, unlike wizards, you do not have the advantage of magic. Once you choose to embark on this arduous road, you will not be able to look back. You may be backlashed by it, or you may pay an unimaginable price. Even so, will you Still have to persevere.”

Andy is also thinking about this question, whether it is a good thing for Justin to be exposed to this kind of thing, but Master Flamel, you are now teaching music notation.

"We are outnumbered."

"It's still alive after death anyway."

"That's it."

Uh... That's right. Acromantulas are social creatures. They eat themselves and consume a large piece of them every year.

"Ahhhhhh!" Then the serious atmosphere was broken by Malfoy, who was holding the door key.

Ah what, haven't you seen the Acromantula?

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