Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 94 Prophecy in the Pensieve

Andy drove Snape crazy.

When Snape choked him, Andy wondered why the old professor in a bad mood didn't do it so often. Basically, he was being sent to the cellar office every day recently - he might as well go to Sprout's place. , you are not our dean, you live by the sea, right? You are so lenient.

Then when I walked in, I was poured a whole bottle of magic potion.

Seeing that he had no reaction at all, Snape sat slumped on the chair, as if he was disappointed and remorseful for himself.

Uh...it's okay!Don't look so guilty!

"Speaking of which, why don't you bother? This kind of potion is rather... how should I put it? There are no records or academic information. Even if you are a potion master, it will be difficult..."

"You don't understand what this means to you..." He showed a tired look, which was completely different from his usual cold look.

"Ah, well... I still feel that Harry needs it more than I do." Andy thought of the last scene in the original work where Harry went to the Forbidden Forest to die.

"Ha." Snape sneered: "Perhaps Mr. Potter really has a burning heart of the Virgin, and he has to demonstrate the virtue of humility at critical moments if he cannot protect himself."

"Uh... I don't understand." Andy shrugged: "You mean that once the soul fragments are separated, no one will make it difficult for me? But it's Dumbledore's old superstition."

"indeed so."

"Uh... didn't the prophecy say that I am the third generation Dark Lord?"

"Of course not, what are you thinking?" Snape frowned.

Andy immediately felt very social.Ah, here, I thought I was an idiot.

Snape thought for a long time, and Andy felt that this time was longer than Dumbledore's chicken soup for the beginning of school.After a long time, Snape made up his mind and said to him: "Come here."

Andy followed the Potions Master's instructions and walked past the desk and walked to the innermost shelf. Snape clicked his wand somewhere on the shelf containing bottles and jars. The shelves immediately followed the Lego bricks. Just like a stop-motion animation, it was reassembled and connected to form a small door frame - the material bottles on the door did not move at all.

Andy walked in and found that the space inside was quite small. Not only did it have a bed that didn't pay much attention to the quality of life - it didn't even have a spring mattress, it was as old as the antiques in Spider End Alley - but also There are many strange and cruel-looking research devices.

A blue pensieve in the corner attracted Andy's attention.

Snape approached the stone basin and hesitated for a long time with his hands on the edge of the basin. Andy did not dare to say anything. He knew that the Potions Master wanted to show him something important.

Andy watched him use his wand to draw a thin silver wire from his temple and put it into the pensieve. Andy probed his head and immediately seemed to be sucked into it.

Before he could stand still, the surrounding environment spread out like paint dripping into water. It seemed a bit hazy, more unreal than the real environment.

He quickly discovered that this was Aberforth's tavern through the huge pig's head and wine barrel.

The slightly younger Dumbledore is sitting on a table that was dirty more than ten years ago. Opposite him is a nervous woman. She wears huge lenses like dragonfly eyes and is dressed like a down-and-out person. The gypsy - it was Professor Traolini - she was leaning forward and screaming something in a shrill voice, which was not at all like her usual vague tone: "The person who has the ability to defeat the Dark Lord is approaching... Born in The man who had resisted him three times, was born at the end of July... The Dark Lord himself will mark him as a powerful enemy, and he will have powers that the Dark Lord does not know... One of them will surely die at the hands of the other, because two people cannot All alive, only one survives... The one who has the ability to defeat the Dark Lord will be born at the end of July——"

She suddenly raised her head, as if something had strangled her throat, like a fish lacking oxygen, opening its mouth and raising its neck. People around her were startled by her, and Dumbledore also looked worried, especially Laurini's head slammed against the table, making an eerie and low sound at random.

"And his brother, another child born at the end of July... That child who should not have been born will be the biggest obstacle, the last line of defense that cannot be defeated by the Dark Lord, and the key to the next era."

Then I found out that the man in black sitting in the corner was really a young Snape. He seemed to be in better spirits than he is now. Hey——

Before Andy could gossip any more, the memory stopped abruptly.He suddenly raised his head and met Snape's bottomless eyes like black lakes. The apologies and self-blame inside were as hard to dry up as the lake water.

"Sorry." They both blurted out at the same time.

Andy apologized for peeking into his memory, and Snape apologized for killing his mother.

"You know now."

"Well, so this is why the mysterious man wants to win over me and Dumbledore wants to kill me?"

"That's not entirely the case. Dumbledore has also considered it. Maybe he thinks-"

"If you get rid of me in advance, the prophecy will not be complete and it will not come true."

"The language is an oxymoron, Andy." This was the first time Snape had called him by his name, and he even regretted it.

"Thank you Professor, maybe for Dumbledore, the Dark Lord is not scary, only the unknown, uncontrollable and unexpected next era is worrying. Maybe the next era will be under the terrifying and high-pressure rule of the Dark Lord era, can you really defeat him only by getting rid of me then?" Andy said very lightly, but he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

Could it be that after all the hard work, he will eventually become a cannon fodder?What about my parents and brothers?Where's Justin Malfoy?What about the spiders?Does even Snape really have to suffer disaster along with him?

"I'm trying to change this prophecy." Snape's pupils shrank, and it took him a long time to utter these words.

"But professor, if you don't believe this fable, why would you want to change it?" Andy smiled bitterly.

"I won't allow this to happen."

"But Professor, everything is fate and no one can control anything."

Snape didn't know why he was so angry at the self-defeating words of this child who had only been in contact with him for a year and a half. He even laughed in anger: "Get out of here."

Andy:? ?

"Get out of here! I won't care about anything about you." He swept a dry pot off the table and smashed a bunch of bottles on the small table to the floor - it was Andy The smell of potion that you often drink.

"Don't be angry..." Although Andy was a little confused, he was still worried. Did he say the wrong thing?

"Get out and don't come to Potions class again."


"Don't let me see you again!"

Andy bowed deeply and withdrew.

Andy walked away for a long time, and Snape stood there. He tried hard to calm down, but it was difficult to do so. He fell on the bed, covered his face with his long hands, and gasped for air.

Andy returned to the dormitory with a depressed expression. Barb and Justin gathered around him asking questions, and of course there was Malfoy sitting on the table - he had been staying here for two days, Andy Di told them the cause and effect in detail.

Barb also said that Aragog had already said prophecies and such things were bullshit, and that crazy old man Dumbledore had been out of his mind all day long.

Justin didn't think it was a big deal. Traolini's prediction was not accurate. What about the child he marked at the end of July?She didn't say when she got the tattoo. Are you in your fourth year and still have a tattoo?Maybe one day you go undercover and kill Voldemort, then you will be the savior and Harry will become the bad guy.

Take a look, the core of the wand is the same as Voldemort's. They must be from the same family. The dark wizard has not escaped.

Ouch - talent

"Ah no, how did you know that I was in fourth grade -" Andy suddenly reacted.

"Hey, now the whole school knows that you are a Death Eater, but no one takes you seriously." Malfoy added: "And you don't have to worry about Professor Snape, it will be fine in two days, I My father also threatened me wildly, not caring about me, and sending me to a Muggle orphanage to fend for myself, but what happened? I will still live in Malfoy Manor."

"Look at me, I'm used to it." Draco summed it up well.

So the next day, early Christmas morning, Andy was as excited as his dead godfather and was preparing to go to France, taking Justin, Malfoy and Barb with him.

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