Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 93 Ron’s Big Mistake

On Christmas Eve, Dumbledore was pacing his office again.

Generally speaking, Dumbledore was extremely dissatisfied with the student Andy Lawrence. For example, the last two banquets were ruined by this little brat.The most important thing is that he always feels that his prestige among the students is losing little by little, just like the first snow on Christmas, no one knows how he loses it.

Dumbledore thought back, comparing this child with the Tom of old.Gradually, he discovered something strange - Andy was different from Tom, and he was not even the same as the young him in his memory.

He did not win over the crowd with demagogic promises or fanatical brainwashing, nor did he use threats of violence or mental intimidation.He knew that he was the center of the whirlpool, and sometimes even wanted to push away the people around him, but his friends, companions, and teachers always surrounded him tightly.

Just like the people at the dinner party just now, most of the students dropped everything in their hands to chase a mouse?He even floated the magical trio to the ceiling in order to stop Ron from protecting his "pets".The same goes for the faculty and staff. Sprout and Snape even almost got under the table to catch it; Hagrid was carrying the table everywhere, so tired that he couldn't straighten his waist and was still carrying it; especially Fei Erqi, and Mrs. Norris lay on the ground searching like a carpet without fear of being stepped on.

Dumbledore looked at the mouse in the iron cage and showed an unfriendly side: "Peter, maybe you have expected that this day will come. Oro from the Ministry of Magic has..."

"Avada Kedavra!" Sirius broke through the door, and Snape, who was following him, grabbed him: "Are you crazy, you idiot? This is the principal's office!"

"Let me kill him! Let me kill him!" Sirius broke away frantically: "Let me kill him Snape! Don't tell me you don't want to do it!"

"Wait a minute, Sirius, the Auror will be here soon, he-" Dumbledore was interrupted as soon as he tried to persuade him.

"I've waited enough! I've waited for 11 years! In Azkaban!" Sirius shouted loudly, with even a hint of crying in his voice. For the first time, Snape compromised with his mortal enemy, and he loosened his grip. Sirius' hand, Dumbledore looked at Snape in surprise, Snape stood in the shadows and stopped talking.

"Calm down, Sirius." Dumbledore advised: "He needs sanctions from the Ministry of Magic."

"Ha, sanctions from the Ministry of Magic? It's too easy for him, isn't it, you damn traitor!" Sirius slowly approached the desk with his wand raised: "Let this scumbag live for decades?"

The mouse in the cage panicked, but little Peter didn't run away. Now he wanted to rush out of the cage, but he didn't dare to change back to his original shape, so he could only spin back and forth in the small space.

"Accept your fate, damn bastard!"

"Calm down Sirius, think about Harry. If you use the Unforgivable Curse, you will be sent to Azkaban again." Dumbledore continued to persuade.

"Split into pieces!" The cage suddenly exploded, and Pettigrew instantly escaped from the desk and escaped through the open office door.Everyone was shocked, and turned around to see Ron holding the glued wand at the door.

"Ron, wait, Sirius-" The savior and Hermione were about to stop him, but it was already too late.

"You damn bastard!" Ron was frightened by his roar, turned around and ran away. Sirius gave chase, but he was stopped by Harry.

"But...but he's just a mouse - I mean how could he be a wizard?"

"Harry, you don't understand." Sirius tried his best to calm down. He could only be kind to Harry: "Harry, you don't understand. He betrayed your parents. He killed James."

Harry turned his face and looked at Snape in the shadows with sharp green eyes full of hatred: "He was the one who told Voldemort the prophecy, and he was the one who killed my parents."

"That's right." Snape bit out these words.

"That's right, you damn Death Eater, I will definitely settle this debt with you after I capture Pettigrew!" Black became less friendly when he said this: "But we have to capture a mouse. , he is Pettigrew’s Animagus, I think you know what an Animagus is.”

"It refers to a wizard who can transform into some kind of animal while retaining his own magical power." Hermione added.

"Good girl, you're right." Sirius encouraged her.

"Uh...can you please stop acting like father and son? Be careful that Andy and Professor Snape also act like a reverse show for you!" Malfoy came in with a smirk on his face and eyebrows: " What's wrong? The stupid Weasleys were so frightened by you that they almost hit the wall when they got down the stairs."

"You're a thief!" Sirius became even more unfriendly and shouted at Andy who was behind him.

I can do it for you!

"Is it enough that your Animagus is a dog? Can you please stop talking nonsense? What's going on? I can still see you fighting if I give you a hat?" Andy looked at him and wanted to bite him to death. Sirius, look at Snape again, who exudes the "I'm bad" vibe all over his body, what's going on?

"It turns out that the Sorting Hat was picked up by you, and Ron let Peter Pettigrew go just now." Dumbledore sighed and said regretfully.

"What? What did you say? What's wrong? Ron also recognized Sirius as his godfather? Did Faith inherit a dog's brain?" Andy said while taking something out of the stretch bag. After a few seconds, he took out something from the bag Pulled out the Sorting Hat who was crying bitterly - although it was thundering but not raining, the fact that his whole body was as clean as new showed that he had committed a lot of crimes: "Look! Clean it! I used white vinegar + baking soda + laundry, I’ve rubbed it on the washboard several times!”

Dumbledore had never seen anything like this before. He had never seen anything like this before.He suddenly forgave Andy for what he had done before. Maybe the kid was a little confused.

When Andy saw that everyone was still, he obediently placed the Sorting Hat on the desk. The only sound left in the air was the sobbing sound of the Sorting Hat.

"Uh..." Dumbledore didn't know what to say at the scene: "Andy, why don't you go to Madam Pomfrey and ask her to check your body to see if you bumped into something in the Chamber of Secrets before. "

"Leave it to me." Snape finally regained his energy and said, "Come with me Malfoy." He grabbed Andy and dragged him away.

Later, everyone felt that the pigs had been barking a bit too frequently in school recently.

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