Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 96 Lavender’s Troubles

The person who has been most troubled these past two days is Lavender from Gryffindor.She and her best friend Parvati have been thinking of ways to create opportunities for encounters and getting along with Andy, but after searching for several days, there was no trace of Andy.Dumbledore couldn't see anyone, and Professor Sprout didn't know, so there was only Snape.

But according to Hufflepuff's Hannah, Andy seemed to have had a big fight with Snape, Ravenclaw's Terry said that Snape was so angry that he smashed things, and the Slytherins didn't even pay attention. She, but actually the one who annoyed Lavender the most was her roommate Hermione.

"Lavender, I feel that you may not be suitable for Lawrence." Hermione advised her kindly. Of course, the preaching look really disgusted Lavender: "I'm surprised that you would, I mean - you know Yes, Lawrence, he is—"

"I know, of course I know Miss Granger. If it hadn't been for your good friend Ron and the savior, his rumors wouldn't have spread all over the school." Lavender suddenly became distraught when he heard what she was doing. Happy: "But didn't you sneer at Professor Traolini and her predictions? Fortunately, no one cares about this."

"Maybe he doesn't like you? Have you ever thought that Harry said that he might be sorted into Slytherin at the beginning." Hermione rolled her eyes: "Would Gryffindor fall in love with a dark wizard? Don’t forget that they are pure-blooded.”

"Miss Granger, it seems that you don't know where Andy is, so there is no need to lecture me anymore."

"What a silly girl, you will be embarrassed if you are rejected, and Dumbledore..." Lavender turned around, Hermione was still saying behind her.

"Isn't it wrong to actively pursue the person I like? Will Dumbledore interfere with who I like? If you like someone, you have to fight for him! Miss Granger, I don't think you have ever met the person you love? Lavender turned around suddenly and started to argue with Hermione. Seeing the anxious atmosphere, Parvati quickly pulled her out of the dormitory.

So Ravenclaw stood at the door of the cellar with the determination to die.

Snape lay dry all night in the cellar - of course in his little bed which affected the quality of his sleep.He didn't know why he was so angry because of this unimportant bastard. He thought about it all night and couldn't think of any important friendship he had with him, so he jumped up from the bed and fell in love with him to death. What does it have to do with me, the Potions Master, double agent, and the youngest professor at Hogwarts!

Then he discovered Lavender who pushed open the door and stood stunned at the inner door.

Potter, that little bastard, doesn’t he know how to lock the door?

This movement and sudden stop almost made Snape's waist slip away, but he immediately regained his composure and looked at the uninvited guest sternly: "Miss Brown, please get out."

Lavender looked at the broken bottles and fallen crucibles on the ground, which showed that the fight was really big. She was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but she still picked up the crucible on the ground. : "Sorry Professor Nesnap, you are the only one who knows where Andy is right now. I'm worried about him."

It was Andy again, and Snape's anger that had just been suppressed rose again: "Get out, you stupid girl, where do you think this is? The Gryffindor common room?"

"I want to know where Andy is teaching, or - after you had a conflict with him -"

"I killed him and sunk him in the black lake." Snape smiled.

"You! How could you-" Lavender suddenly exited the door, knocked over the chair and sat on the ground. Snape slowly walked out of the shadows, just like the villain in the movie.She was very surprised, more heartbroken and frightened. She groped in her cloak and jerked her wand out towards the Potions Master, tears streaming from her eyes at the same time.

"My courage is commendable, Miss Brown, but I believe that without Dumbledore, no one in Hogwarts can beat me now."

"Hey damn, what are you doing?" Sirius appeared at the door. He pulled Lavender up and blocked her behind him: "You want to attack a student?"

"Professor...he he...killed Andy...he also..." Lavender cried intermittently.

"What?" Sirius was confused.

"I'm here to ask...where is Andy...he he said."

"Wait a minute, why are you hanging out with these two Death Eaters?" Sirius said, Lavender suddenly stopped wanting to cry. Now she just hated herself for not being able to shut up these two nonsense professors. Mouth.

"Stupid dog, watch your words, you coward in prison."

"What are you talking about, damn Snotlout, I should kill you to avenge James."

"Good job. How can you be a four-on-one coward?" Snape's wand slipped out of his cuff and was held firmly in his hand. He was about to start a fight.

"Professors!" Lavender screamed, and the two men turned their heads at the same time: "Andy -"

"Damn stupid lion," Snape murmured and put down his wand.

"Don't worry, silly girl, even if this old bat kills everyone in the school, he won't touch a hair on that kid!" Black raised his wand: "Stay away and go back quickly. You can't get involved in this. A dark wizard is the most conscientious person."

"Oh, isn't he your godson?"

"I don't have such a traitorous godson!" Sirius seemed to have his tail stepped on, a red light burst out, the things on the shelf exploded to pieces, and bottles and jars fell down one after another.

"Black!" Snape pushed Lavender aside. Are you going to do it in school?

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