Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 79 Is Dumbledore about to take action?

Then Andy ignored him.

"Andy! We are brothers! You have to save Ron! Help!" Harry threw himself on Ron, blocking the claws from all directions. He was taking out his wand, although he knew it was useless - there were too many of them. Too much, he struggled to stand up and wanted to fight to the death.

"No matter what, we are brothers. No matter what, we collude with the Acromantula's Death Eaters." Andy said leisurely. He was giving Aragog eye drops. When the spiders heard what he said, they all laughed horribly. Voice.

Of course, it was impossible for Harry to admit his mistake. He would never admit his mistake in this life. Seeing the savior who was in a hurry and still protecting Ron, he softened his heart again.

Malfoy would definitely yell at this: "Another 'saint'!"

"Okay, okay, stop eating these two fools, come here and queue up, and eat the goat after watching it for a while! There were seven or eight left last time." As soon as Andy finished speaking, the spiders rushed over and crowded into A ball.

"Line up! Can't you hear me? Is there such a thick line?! Babu! Babu! Babu Clapper! Come here and maintain order!" Andy yelled, slapping each spider on the butt.

Barb let go of Harry's legs and reluctantly began to supervise.

Harry stood up exhausted, with holes all over his body under his tattered robes. He saw the spiders that had just drunk blood and killed people without blinking angrily lined up in two lines, grunting and squeezing, and instantly felt the same connection with his brother. difference.He wanted to go up and talk to him, but looking at the dense spiders, he decided to forget it and could only carry Ron on his back and plan to walk back.

"Stop being so brave." Andy came over and took out two bottles of magic potion to her with a stinky face: "There's something wrong with your brain. Spiders aren't poisonous?! Antidote!" He stared at Harry and drank it. , and fed Ron another drink: "Why are you leaving? Have you brought a broom? After a while, these spiders will finish checking and surround you. I can't cure them!"

Harry choked for a long time, holding back an apology.

Andy was helpless.

Suddenly a high-pitched and long voice sounded, and a dazzling light illuminated the entire depression.Mr. Weasley's old Ford rumbled down the slope, its headlights flashing, and with a screeching sound, the car stopped in front of the two of them. The door opened suddenly, and the spiders turned back to stare at this curiously. Never seen the subway guy.

"I forgot about it." Andy helped Harry throw Ron up and sent the two of them away. Old Ford flashed his lights again, as if waiting for him.

"I still have to see a doctor, let's go quickly." Then, the car waited until he finished the consultation and handed out the goats, then took the three of them away.The three of them were silent all the way in the car, until Harry spoke.

"I'm sorry, Andy." He apologized again to his brother.

"Forget it, you're my brother, hey, you're such a holy mother." Andy expressed his generosity.

"But sometimes I'm really curious, Andy." Harry laughed: "Why are these strange creatures so close to you."

"Who knows, maybe I should ask the zoo director and his magical little branch."

Old Ford sounded his horn twice to alert them to the castle.

They both had a good night's sleep - they were both exhausted.

When we had lunch the next day, none of the trio came.He estimated that Hermione was petrified just like in the original book, but what about Harry and Ron?Where have these two fools gone?

"How dare you take the two of them to the Acromantula?!" Sirius rushed into the auditorium and began to question Andy from a long distance away: "You bastard, are you going to kill your brother? The two of them are now in where?"

"Fuck you, they went alone, they would have been dead long ago without me!" Andy shouted back without hesitation: "How did I know? Have you caught all the mice?!" Andy heard this early in the morning Ravenclaw said that the new professor was not very smart, so he cast a spell on the mouse while the students were away and chased it all morning.

Then the two descendants of Walburga started to face each other again, and then the united Hufflepuffs began to attack in groups, and Gryffindor joined the battlefield again and started to protect their professors. Gryffindors started to jump, and Slytherin could not come. ?In the end, it turned into a large-scale fight between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. The Eagle Academy students were arguing in confusion-until Snape appeared and stopped everyone and led the two of them together. to the principal's office.

"I'm glad that you two brothers are back together. Really Andy, the gap between relatives is always easy to eliminate." Andy saw Dumbledore smile at him for the first time.

You can tell me this, if you could sit at the same table with Aberforth and have dinner, Voldemort would not even appear in England.

"I don't want Harry to hang out with this dark wizard." As soon as Sirius said this, not only Andy was unhappy, but Snape couldn't stand it anymore.

"You're such a ungrateful hen - you just shove your young up your ass," Snape said sarcastically.

"Say one more word?!"

"Brainless stupid dog!"

"Severus, Sirius, calm down." Dumbledore asked Andy kindly: "Did he give any clues yesterday?"

"Uh... Aragog said he asked where the secret room was. Did he go to the secret room?" Andy scratched his head. For the first time, Lao Deng's attitude was so kind: "How about you look for the entrance?" where?"

Dumbledore actually didn't really want to deal with the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, otherwise he would have killed it long ago if he had been in office for so many years.But upon hearing Harry, both teachers became uneasy, and Dumbledore hesitated.

Are you kidding, Dumbledore doesn't know where the Chamber of Secrets is?Then how did his phoenix fly in?Through the wall? !

Andy was very proud of finally being able to force Lao Deng to do something. He opened the skylight and spoke openly. He put everything on the table and saw how you push it!

"I just speculated on where he is." Dumbledore blinked: "But I need your help Andy."

Come again, Principal Dumbledore?Don't you know Parseltongue yourself? !

But Andy understood what he meant instantly - do you think I don't know what score you played?Everything wants to involve me!

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