Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 78 Harry’s Spider Lair Adventure

"I don't know, Andy." Dumbledore looked at him, seeming to guess that Andy also knew the entrance to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

"Uh...then there's nothing we can do." Andy didn't accept the move. He spread his hands and said, "I can't do anything. Let's just wait until the students are all petrified. I can't help but save me. We are not Gran." The Sword Master of Fendo is incapable of dealing with this monster." As soon as he finished speaking, he took Babu and ran away, and even had the audacity to ignore Snape's death look.

Dumbledore had actually just come out of Hagrid's hut. The Aurors took Hagrid away indiscriminately, insisting that he was the one who raised the basilisk - Lucius Malfoy also brought the resignation orders of the school governors. .

The Ministry of Magic doesn't need to think about it carefully with their precious butts around their necks. Can Hagrid have that ability?

But he didn't expect that the two little wizards wearing invisibility cloaks in the corner would rush into the depression where the Acromantula lived.They followed the spiders that crawled out of the window and walked deeper into the Forbidden Forest. The surrounding trees became older, with branches twisting and vigorous, and densely intertwined branches and leaves covering the sky. Harry and Ron walked more and more in the forest. As we walked deeper, large spider webs appeared more and more frequently on the nearby tree trunks, and the sounds of rustling grass and crackling carapace were endless.

Ron swallowed, his legs were trembling, and he didn't dare to look at the clumps of spider silk - all the once living life was wrapped in them.He persuaded Harry to go back, but Harry, a stubborn man, told him to relax. They crawled through a cave under a tree, following the small spiders, and the terrain continued to decrease until they came to a depression.Strong tree roots rise from the ground, intertwining into a huge shadow in the center of the depression - the ground is covered with sticky spider webs, this must be the base camp of the Acromantula.

The two little wizards were looking for clues at a loss. Just when they were at a loss, huge spiders fell from the sky. They were as big as a car and instantly surrounded Harry and Ron. Looking ahead were full of hairy legs and weird... Eye.

At the other end of the depression, a larger giant spider tore open the spider web, its long legs and fangs making a clicking sound. "Kill them." The old spider said irritably: "I am sleeping..."

"Are you Aragog? We are friends of Hagrid." Harry shouted: "I am Andy's brother!" His heart seemed to leave his chest and jump out of his throat.

Click, click, click, spider fangs were moving everywhere in the depression. Aragog hesitated, and said slowly: "Hagrid has never sent anyone to our depression before, and Andy is just a people."

Ron fainted instantly, and Harry quickly squatted down and patted Ron's face. His breathing was very rapid, and he tried desperately to explain: "Hagrid is in trouble, that's why we came."

"Trouble?" Harry thought that Aragog could hear a bit of concern in the clicking of its fangs: "But why did he send you here?"

Harry wanted to stand up, but then he decided to lie down. His legs could no longer support the weight of his body. He tried his best to prevent his voice from shaking and kept his tone as calm as possible: "We are here for Hagrid. We are here at school." Here, they believe that the basilisk was raised by Hagrid and killed many students. They took him to Azkaban. We have to find the entrance to the secret room and prove Hagrid's innocence, but this incident back then Only you know."

Aragog moved his claws angrily, and the sound was echoed by the large group of spiders on the depression. A deafening clicking sound echoed everywhere. It was like applause, and Harry was so frightened that he almost vomited on Ron.

"But that was many years ago." Aragog said angrily: "It's been too long, but I remember it clearly. It was because of this incident that they fired Hagrid. They took that girl's They blamed me, believing that I was the monster that lived in what they called the Chamber of Secrets. They thought it was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets and let me out, and now these damn fools are saying that Hagrid raised the basilisk. of?!."

"So you...do you know the monster's secret room?" Harry asked, feeling a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

Aragog rushed towards them angrily. Suddenly, there was a clicking sound, countless long legs were moving rustlingly, and huge black shadows were layered on top of each other, like a wave of shadows. .

"That basilisk," Aragog said, "is an ancient monster that we spiders are most afraid of. I remember it very clearly when I felt that monster wandering around the school."

"Where is it?" Harry asked urgently. The clicking sounds became louder, the rustling sounds got closer, and the spiders seemed to be surrounding them.

"I don't know either!" Aragog said fiercely. "We don't even want to mention its name! I didn't even tell Hagrid the name of that terrible creature, although he asked me many times. I can only I sense that he always disappears into the bathroom on the third floor!”

Harry didn't want to push the subject further, especially when the spiders were already swarming around him.Aragog seemed not to want to speak, and it slowly retreated into his hemispherical spider web, but his spider descendants quickly surrounded the two people.

"Then let's go." Harry shouted to Aragog desperately, while hearing the rustling of dead branches and leaves on the ground.

"Let's go?" Aragog said leisurely: "I think you will pull me down..."

"But - but you promised Hagrid that you wouldn't hurt Andy either!"

"My descendants obeyed my orders and did not harm Hagrid, and as far as I know, you are not friendly to Andy. So fresh human flesh is automatically delivered to the door, and I can't stop them from enjoying it. Farewell, Hai Greg’s friend…oh, and Andy’s brother.”

"Hey! Are you ready for dinner?!" Andy's voice came from not far away: "What are you eating? And Aragog, are there any recurrences in the whites of your eyes?!"

"Come here, kid! My fourth eye on the left is always a bit unclear." Aragog's tone softened instantly.

"Okay! I brought Barb Clapper back. He won't be able to get out of the lounge door if he grows any longer. Who else got a scratch on his belly... Just you! Don't eat it! Cut your belly." Once you sew it up and eat it, you won’t have to worry about everything being eaten out! Come on—hey? What are you eating?”

"Your brother, and a red-haired... creature?" Andy looked at Tyrantula's teeth stuck in Ron's head. This guy is the No. 1 foodie!

"Eat quickly! I'll pick up your legs after eating!"

Harry:? ? ?He used all his strength to push away the attacking fangs and long legs, and shouted as loudly as he could in his life: "Andy - help!"

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