Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 77 Join the Snake Fighting Group

Sirius was used as Fudge's bargaining chip by Dumbledore to save him. Due to Deng's explanation, the famous father-son battle scene in the original work did not appear, and Andy did not say anything. No one knew that Scabbers was Pettigrew, and that it and Black I haven't even met him face to face.

As a professor, the first thing Black did after class was to have lunch at Weasley's house, because No. 12 Grimmauld Place was no longer open to visitors - especially Kreacher, who didn't even open the door for him. Walburga also sent him a long series of telegrams, and went to the Burrow to meet old friends.

"I really don't understand how Andy can be James' child. Even death is better than betrayal. If he hadn't chosen... I would have done this for him!" Sirius complained to Arthur. Chase Andy confronted him in class. After praising Potter a lot, he slapped the table angrily and said.However, he seemed to have accepted the fact that Andy was a Death Eater. Although he was disappointed and annoyed, there was nothing he could do about it.

He was too thin and his mental state was a bit unstable. Molly blamed Dumbledore for not letting him rest for a few days, so she gave him another plate of food.

"Maybe you should try to understand his situation at that time." Arthur mobilized all the language cells in his brain to describe the famous scenes in Malfoy Manor for him, but Sirius didn't really want to take this trick.

But Molly said: "You have to try to understand him. Andy is different from Harry. He still has his family. He can't leave them alone. I think there is nothing wrong with protecting his family... .But according to him, there was also a reason why Snape was threatened at that time, and Ron came back and said that the two of them were very close?"

"It's that damn snot-nosed guy again!" Sirius' anger was half gone in an instant.The first thing he did after returning to school was to ease the relationship with Andy. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet these two boys muttering and copying this dark magic item in their hands, and his anger suddenly rose again.

"I won't go." Andy flatly refused: "I have to listen to whatever you say? Why?"

"Because I am your father!"

"You fart! Why, my dad is everywhere? I call him dad all over the world! Are you always immoral or not?" Andy started to talk to the line: "Just grab things. Where can there be so much nonsense? This is in Az All the problems in Kaban are in your head?%……¥##¥#¥%#@#…”

"You traitor!%¥%#¥@@*&..."

The two descendants of Walburga were doing crazy damage in the corridor, and then a few little badgers helped, and then it turned into Sirius talking to Hufflepuff, and finally Justin called out Babu with a backhand, this thing Sirius was shocked: "You—"

"How could a dark wizard who colluded with the Acromantula bring this into school? So Gryffindor deducts ten points."

It's you Snape again!Andy could recall those words whenever he saw him now.

"Don't dunk the professor, dunk again... No, dunk well, dunk well! You should dunk hard, deduct 180 points from him!" Andy's attitude turned [-] degrees: "But, Babu... .....it is......"

"Uh...Hufflepuff mascot?" Justin said timidly, and the other little badgers who were watching also chirped.

"It seems that Mr. Lefenli has become bolder, and his poor Potions Professor will be upwardly managed by Hufflepuff students?" Snape was very tolerant of Andy but not polite to others. He Looking around with dark eyes, all the Hufflepuffs shut up obediently, except for Babu who was asking stupidly who he wanted to eat.

Ah, this spider looks like a pig.

"Snape, it's you again!" Sirius hated this colleague. It was this bastard's information that killed the Potters. He was even more disappointed with Andy, who was in the same nest as him, but he struggled. Telling himself that this child can still be saved - his heart was twisted to the extreme: "Andy, there are not just good people and Death Eaters in this world. We all have light and dark sides. What matters is which side we choose to show." It’s the real us.”

"Blake spoke so beautifully of truth." Snape dispersed the surrounding students, leaving only four people and one spider: "I was almost moved to tears. To be honest, using sanctimonious words to make others willingly die, Gryffindor's glorious tradition?" Snape sneered, his black back blocking Andy and Justin's sight.

"Stop arguing, this is a Horcrux." Andy said lightly.

Black looked at him in surprise, and Snape was also surprised. Is this kid crazy?

"Yes, I originally wanted to throw it to Dumbledore." Andy added: "You can't keep it with you for a long time, it will affect your thinking, so it is strange to give this kind of thing to thinking itself. He is a nice person. But...it would be better to show you something."

Andy opened the notebook and gave it to Snape, asking him to write down questions about the Chamber of Secrets.Snape did it doubtfully, and the last light appeared in the diary, and the four people were brought to a state similar to entering a pensieve - they came to 50 years ago.

A young wizard in Slytherin uniform turned the corner.Arriving in front of a huge student, he squatted in front of an open door. There was a large box beside the door.

"Good evening, Rubeus." The young wizard's tone was very stern.

The large student slammed the door and stood up. "What are you doing here, Tom?"

Tom took a few steps closer: "I have to report you, Rubeus. They are discussing that if the attacks do not stop, they will close Hogwarts."

"What did you say?"

"I know you didn't mean to kill. But monsters don't make ideal pets. I figured you were just letting them out to roam—"

"It definitely didn't kill anyone!" Rubeus said, taking a few steps back and leaning against the closed door. There was a strange rustling and clicking sound coming from the box.

"Give it to me, Rube." Riddle said and moved closer: "The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow, you have to hand it over..."

"It's not it!" the boy yelled, his voice echoing in the dim passage: "It won't! Never!"

"Get out of the way," said Tom, drawing his wand.

They fought, and an Acromantula took the opportunity to escape from the box.Tom raised his wand again, but it was too late.The Acromantula scurried away, knocking him to the ground, then dashed down the corridor and disappeared.

He stumbled to his feet, looked behind him and raised his wand, but Rubeus lunged at him, grabbed the wand, and knocked him to the ground, shouting, "No—!"

Then, the world started to spin, and four people and one spider returned to their original place.

"It looks like Hagrid fought Voldemort alone! But now we know that Myrtle was killed by a basilisk." Andy couldn't help but sigh, while Justin was heartlessly discussing Aragog's cowardice with Barb. .

"Very good, Andy, we have evidence to clear Hagrid's wrongdoing." Dumbledore appeared from around the corner and clapped his hands: "I believe the Ministry of Magic will allow Hagrid to have another wand."

"You already knew." Andy said clearly, and he seemed to see that Dumbledore seemed to have something to ask him, so he didn't intend to give the old bee time to breathe: "It's time for us to save people, right? Don't tell me you don't know where the secret room is, Professor."

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