Andy felt that he had guessed the right thing from beginning to end. It was not that Dumbledore couldn't take action, but that he deliberately didn't want to take action.Anyway, he couldn't figure out whether he was out of his mind to test a few junior high school students with such weird and high-risk adventures.

And he thought of another question:

There was something wrong with Voldemort. Not only were Muggles killed randomly due to his neurotic behavior, pure-blood wizards were also brutally murdered: only one member of the Black family died and was expelled, and the head of the Lestrange family was cuckolded. , there is no one in his family, Gaunt. He doesn’t like wealth, women, or money. What does he like?Just be happy and that's all. He's a lunatic!

But Dumbledore can't be the same, he is the wise chief wizard!But look at what he has under his control, there is still no good outcome for Muggles and purebloods: The Order of the Phoenix is ​​dead and crazy. In the original book, the Weasley family also lost its son, not to mention the piles of young lives lost during the war. , Don’t Colin’s parents regret it?Even his roommate Justin's life or death was uncertain in the end, not to mention that he still had a family of relatives.

This damn old asshole!Go to nm's great interests and see if I don't drag you down!

Andy suppressed his anger and listened to Dumbledore's humming introduction to the basilisk as he walked: if you put a male egg under the body of a toad and hatch it, a basilisk will hatch.The basilisk is a large, dazzling green snake that can grow up to fifty feet in length.The male snake has a bright red feather on its head.Its long fangs are extremely venomous, but its most dangerous attack method is to stare at the target with its big yellow eyes.Anyone whose eyes come into contact with its eyes will be turned to stone...

"Uh... isn't this similar to a petrified cockatrice?" Andy thought for a moment: "Fortunately, when I went to the free clinic yesterday, I slipped into Hagrid's hut and took them out early... ..”

Wait a moment!Got it?

"I'm going to get something first!" Andy ran in a hurry. Just as Sirius wanted to catch him, Snape stopped him.Andy hurried to the dormitory, rummaged through the box and dragged out the small black box that Snape gave him during the summer vacation, and took a small bottle from it.

"Where are you going? I'll go with you." Justin was worried about his roommate: "I know you are going to take risks."

"Just stay still, it's too dangerous this time!" Andy ran away immediately, and Justin chased after him, finally grabbing him at the door of the lounge: "I can't let you take risks on your own."

"Hey, Dumbledore is here. It's okay."

When Justin heard that there was Dumbledore, what a good guy, he didn't even want to break up. He had to keep an eye on this old man for fear that he would harm Andy. Even if he blocked the gun, every extra second counted.

Extremely helpless, Andy had to take him with him. He really didn't want anything to happen to his roommate. When the two arrived in the bathroom, only Dumbledore was left. He said that the two professors had something very important.

Justin wondered what could be more important than this, but Andy had the same idea - Peter Pettigrew appeared, the common enemy of Sirius and Snape.

When the three of them were getting ready to enter the bathroom, Harry had already fought with the basilisk. He and Ron had sneaked in early. Ron picked up Ginny on the ground and ran away. Harry, in order to stop the snake, The blame has already begun.

While still closing his eyes tightly, Harry began to blindly flee to the side. He fell heavily on the stone and got up hard, choking on a fishy salty taste in his throat.The basilisk was only a few steps away from him, and he could hear it getting closer.

Tom Riddle was controlling it by hissing a parsnip: "Kill the boy! Kill him quickly!"

The basilisk's tail swept over. Harry rolled to avoid it and stood up. He took out his wand, closed his eyes and stared at the basilisk.

The basilisk's head was descending, turning towards Harry, coiling itself around and tapping against the stone pillars.Harry closed his eyes tightly and hid on the ground. Its huge mouth was so big that it could swallow him whole. Two rows of long fangs were exposed in its mouth, which seemed to be braving the cold light, and its dangerous venom was even more powerful. Killing people instantly...

Suddenly there was a strange bird call in the air, and Harry felt that the basilisk was moving around. He quietly opened his eyes a crack, and sure enough he saw a fiery red figure - Fox swooped down, its long The golden beak of the snake pierced the eyes of the basilisk. The two huge yellow eyes of the basilisk were pecked out by the phoenix. It was twisting in pain and making a purring sound.

Harry got up and saw the Sorting Hat on the ground. He grabbed the top of the hat and felt something inside - a shining silver sword appeared in the hat, with a dazzling ruby ​​on the hilt. .He raised his sword with both hands and slashed at the basilisk, but the hard scales had no effect at all.

"Well done Fox!" Harry heard his brother's voice.

"Harry, well done." A reassuring and familiar voice also came over.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry shouted in surprise, while Tom Riddle looked like he had seen a ghost - why is this old bastard here?

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