In fact, Lockhart didn't want Andy to come up, and Snape wanted to kick this troublesome kid down.But Ron in the audience didn't think so. He even wanted to give Andy a shout out.

"Good luck Potter," Lockhart encouraged, earning an eye roll from Harry.As soon as he saw Andy grinning, he knew that his brother had no good intentions, so he tightened his grip on the wand and walked to the other end of the duel stage.

"Come closer! Come closer! Come and watch, everyone, it's a classic drama about brothers fighting each other! If you want to place a bet, hurry up! If you buy Harry, you'll get two for one, and if you buy me, you'll get one for one!" Andy said on stage Lockhart shouted, and the audience gathered around him in a noisy manner.

"No gambling, what the hell! Get your wands ready! This is a duel, gentlemen!" Lockhart yelled from behind: "Rolex, where's your wand?"

"My name is Professor Patek Philippe! I have enough vests in this novel! Please remember my name, and I don't have a magic wand. You have taught me for so long and you don't know it? Let's get started!" Andy originally wanted to He hesitated for a while, but he didn't dare to interrupt after he finished speaking. The look on Snape's face behind him showed that he not only wanted to kick him down, but also wanted to make another move - he had been looking for trouble all day long. The look reminded him of James.

"Ah, all right Rolex, "wait until I count to three, and then cast a spell to disarm them—just disarm—we don't want—"

"Are you stupid? I already told you I don't have a wand, hey, whatever!"

Harry waited until Lockhart counted to three, then raised his wand. As soon as he opened his mouth, Andy across from him snapped his fingers, and he immediately flew out like a green onion.He didn't believe in evil and got up several times in succession. Andy just snapped his fingers and flew out, while Lockhart was still encouraging himself.

"I'm tired of playing." Andy was about to jump down, and he said to Draco: "Come on!"

"Wait a minute." Lockhart stopped him: "What kind of black magic is this?"

Andy heard the idiot king's righteous questioning. Before he could answer, he had already stood in front of Harry: "I give you a serious warning, Mr. Rolex." Lockhart pointed his wand at Andy and said, Forgot to promote yourself: "Little wizards, dark magic is definitely not something you can touch! Now you are in my hands - I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Anti-Dark Magic Alliance Honorary member, five-time winner of Wizarding Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award!"

Snape and Andy looked at the clown like a fool, and Harry took the opportunity to slip away.

"You mean to fight against the magic frame?" It took Andy a long time to figure out what he was doing.

"Out of the hole!" Malfoy in the audience couldn't sit still. He saw a long black snake suddenly jump out from the head of his wand, landed heavily on the stage, then raised the snake's head, ready to attack.The students were startled and quickly moved away from the dueling platform. After reacting, some Slytherins and Hufflepuffs came back and pointed their wands at Lockhart.

Snape, with his hands on his shoulders, stood idly by as if he believed in you. That's not right. What about you handling it as promised in the original text?

"Another dark magic! Let me do it!" Lockhart shouted. He raised his wand in a cool pose and waved it threateningly at the snake. It flickered for a while - Andy even thought he had killed the snake. He couldn't stop it - he sent out a red light, and not only did the snake not disappear, but it jumped up to a height of more than ten feet, and then fell heavily to the floor.

The snake, which had been subjected to this whole set of tricks, was extremely angry and began to attack indiscriminately. He hissed and swam straight towards Justin Finch-Fletchley. Then, it raised its head, exposed its fangs, and launched an attack. posture.

"Are you sick, Professor Lockhart?" Justin probably stayed with Andy for a long time. He had seen the storms and waves and was still afraid of this: "Andy, you bastard, stop laughing! Get it away from him!"

"Okay, okay, yes, yes." Just as Andy was about to lift his feet, Harry climbed onto the duel platform again. He didn't even realize that he had decided to do this. He walked over gently, and then said to the snake stupidly: " saya-hasi-heth.”

The snake seemed to understand and slithered away from Justin. Harry knew that the snake would not attack anyone again. How he knew this, he couldn't tell.

"What do you think you are playing?" Justin asked him with a frown, and Harry couldn't explain it.

"I can speak Parseltongue." Andy looked at Justin as if he didn't understand him, causing the latter to almost go up to deal with him on the spot.Andy was sure that he could speak snake language, so he tried to call the snake over. Sure enough, the black snake quickly climbed up Andy's arm without hesitation.

"You are indeed a dark wizard! You know Parseltongue! Little wizards hide behind me!" Lockhart seemed to have caught something, and his confidence in his own heart suddenly shone brightly again, while the classmates in the audience They also began to hesitate, and some of them had already hid. .

"I said you can pull me down. Don't make any discrimination. If I were a dark wizard, then Dumbledore, the leader of the dark wizards, was the one who taught my brothers Parseltongue." Andy remembered that when he was reading novels and looking up information in his previous life, he discovered that Dumbledore can not only speak Squidward, but also Mermaid, Goblin, and Parseltongue, so he can rely on that.

"He's lying. Parseltongue is a talent." Lockhart quibbled, but when the young wizard heard that Dumbledore could do it, he didn't seem to be so resistant: "Are you a descendant of Slytherin?"

"That's what I said. If I were the heir of Slytherin, I would stop talking today. I will dig out all the treasures he has hidden and buried in his grave and share them with you - except for Lockhart! "

Salazar Slytherin: Haha, how generous of you.

"Oh, it's so annoying." Andy ran out of patience. He said a few words to the black snake, and the black snake bit Lockhart - and then Andy secretly increased the speed to get bigger at the right time - A giant python chased Lockhart out of the classroom, and the internationally famous wizard fled in panic. Such a good Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson turned into a demonstration of the professor's escape. In an instant, not many people in the school thought highly of him.

The little wizards who had finished class early crowded out of the classroom. Everyone was discussing why Dumbledore hired such a liar. Justin went against the bustling crowd and squeezed to Andy. To put it in, the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students gathered around and praised him for at least 10 minutes.

"What did you say to it?" Justin couldn't wait to ask Andy after class. Andy looked at the crowd walking away, then smiled slyly and leaned into Justin's ear: "I told that The snake said that as long as it catches up, no one will care if it eats Lockhart."

"You are really a dark wizard!" Justin looked at his roommate in surprise.Harry, who had just left the classroom, had many things to ask Andy, but Andy pulled Justin and tried to avoid him.

Then in the afternoon the whole school knew about it - Hagrid said that Lockhart walked around his vegetable garden several times until the inexplicable "little" black snake in the back disappeared.

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