Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 72 The Idiot King and the Duel Stage

As soon as he went out last night, he was blocked by Malfoy. He seemed to know that the matter had to be kept secret, so he didn't bring a follower. Andy told him a series of encounters in France, except for murder, and Draco came to the following conclusions: in conclusion:

First: Andy was not loyal enough to recommend him to Nick Flamel after living in his house for so long.

Second: It's so holy you should have left Black to be sucked dry by dementors.

It wasn't until Andy explained that Blake was released by a mysterious man and promised him to take him to France for Christmas that he coaxed the young master away who had been sour for a long time.

After returning to the dormitory, Andy was surprised to find that Justin was still waiting for him.

Justin asked a lot of questions as soon as he came up, but he didn't say a word about Andy asking him about Dumbledore locking him in the office. He just kept saying it was okay.

"Is everything okay? I'll get justice for you sooner or later!" After listening to Babu's description of that night, Andy was moved and felt sorry for the little wizard. He didn't expect to make this loyal friend, and I remember that Justin was not brilliant in the original text, and was a bit timid and conservative in the few descriptions.I didn't expect that this roommate could withstand Dumbledore's pressure and keep his secret. Old bee, you are really indebted!

Revenge does not last overnight. Andy wrote a letter to the Magic on the spot saying that Sirius had been controlled in Grimmauld Place. By the way, he told the Ministry of Magic that there was an extremely dangerous basilisk in Hogwarts, and the principal did not care - Fudge listened. Everyone has to shout "double happiness"!

Of course it couldn't have been sent by Greg - it captured an unknown little snowy owl and then "escorted" it all the way to the Ministry of Magic.

So this morning, Andy, who had not had breakfast for several days, planned to ignore Justin's warnings about not offending Dumbledore's nonsense and Madam Pomfrey's light diet for such a trivial matter, and went to the restaurant to eat two dozen sausages - and then Had two bowls of cereal under Justin's supervision.

It’s so hard—oh, it tastes so good!

Dining with them was Draco Malfoy of Slytherin and a long list of his followers, so much so that Snape looked over from time to time while sitting on the teacher's bench, and of course the other teachers were equally baffled.

Then everyone's attention was attracted by Harry saying that Colin Creevey was attacked last night and the big news from the Daily Bugle, especially the latter - "The director of the Department of Magical Enforcement of the French Ministry of Magic was assassinated, and the relevant departments speculated that "Sirius, the fugitive from Azkaban", subtitled "The Death Eater who colluded with him has been brought to justice. When will the fugitive criminal be brought to justice? How will the British Ministry of Magic explain?" 》

Then Andy looked at Draco sideways, as if he was probably colluding with your father, and Draco pouted back, wondering who killed him, and finally one of them was hit on the head by Snape. They go to class.

But you have to go to class, even Death Eaters have to go to class.

Due to the collapse of his character, Lockhart, in the name of improving students' ability to exercise and prevent basilisk attacks, organized students from four colleges to take Defense Against the Dark Arts together, and selected students with outstanding performance in class to form a club—— Duel Club!Fortunately, he can show off his skills in front of the little wizard.He is very confident in his skills, and he is better than the second grade students!

So is it possible that the Hogwarts Fun King missed this opportunity?No, even if Merlin comes, he has to go!

They arrived at the designated classroom. The dueling stage was already crowded with young wizards. Almost all the students from the school were here, crowded together. Everyone was holding their own wands and their faces were full of excitement. Everyone was talking about Lockhart. What can this second-rate guy teach? After Ron and Hermione's publicity, the whole school knew that Lockhart had turned Harry's bones into nothing.

"I guess I can learn how to escape when I encounter a ghost." Malfoy made a face: "Help, Mr. Filch! Go find Professor Dumbledore! - He actually asked for help from a Squib!"

"Perhaps he can teach us how to write a book - "How I Became the Second-in-Command of the Death Eaters: Turning the Savior's Bones into Zero." Andy then joked. Slytherins and Hufflepuffs laughed, and even Raven Several of Crow's eaglets couldn't hold it in either - only the Gryffindors held it in for Harry's sake. Ron couldn't hold it in and was slapped by Hermione.

"Come closer! Come closer! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!" Lockhart appeared, radiantly walking onto the dueling platform, striding from one end to the other: "In view of this After a series of horrific events in the past few days, Professor Dumbledore allowed me to open a dueling club to fully train you. Maybe you will use it for self-defense one day, just as I have done in countless adventures. For more information on this aspect, For details, please see my published works." As he spoke, he threw the cloak hanging sideways into the crowd, and several small snakes that were covered angrily tore it off.

Andy looked at Justin with a smile. He recalled the movie where his roommate praised Harry Lockhart, and Justin gave him a fierce look. He didn't know why he was so nervous.

Lockhart forced a smile and said, "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape."

Snapra had a long face and walked up with his arms folded. The whole audience was quiet, but Andy burst into laughter.

When Lockhart saw someone laughing, he began to swell: "Don't think it's funny, everyone. He told me that he himself knows a little bit about dueling, and he agreed to help me with a small demonstration. Don't worry, everyone, after the demonstration , I will return your Potions Master intact to you, don’t be afraid.”

Andy laughed so hard that he almost couldn't stand up: "I'm not like this hahahaha, I mean hahahahahaha, I mean, if ten of you are tied together and two Harrys are thrown in, you may not be able to beat him. , you might not even be able to beat me."

"Professor Lockhart, why don't you go find Filch! Hahahaha!" The students began to cheer crazily, imitating Lockhart: "Help! Mr. Filch!"

"Lockhart, let Myrtle sit in the toilet together!"

"Ah ah ah! Damn female ghost! Don't follow me!"

"Quiet." As soon as Snape said this, everyone immediately shut up.

Lockhart and Snape turned to each other and bowed.At least Lockhart bowed and moved his hands in many different ways, while Snape simply saluted.

Andy saw that he was reluctant.

Then they held their wands to their chests like arrows. "As you can see, we hold our wands in the normal dueling posture," Lockhart told the quiet crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast the first spell. Of course, none of us will do it. The other person’s life.”

Then the Iron Triangle on the side expressed deep doubts about this sentence - maybe Lockhart's life would be in danger.

"one two Three--"

They both jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time.Snape shouted: "Expelliarmus!" Suddenly a dazzling red light flashed, and Lockhart flew backwards and fell on the dueling platform, causing the students to cheer - there was still something inside. Lots of schadenfreude.

Lockhart got up and walked towards Snape with a displeased look on his face: "It is indeed good to let them see Professor Snape, but with all due respect, your intention is too obvious and it is easy to see through and want to stop you. It’s really a piece of cake.”

"Perhaps students should be taught how to block unfriendly spells first—"

"That's a great suggestion, Professor Snape!" Lockhart interrupted rudely: "Let's find a pair of volunteers!"

"As long as it's not—" Harry didn't finish his words before he turned into a painful groan because he heard his own name.Likewise, Ron groaned louder next to him.

"Weasley's wand can cause havoc with the simplest wand. Maybe he will put Potter in a matchbox and send him to the hospital." Snape objected to this suggestion: "Can I recommend a recommendation to our hospital?" student--"

"Hey! I'll do it! I'll do it!" Andy volunteered to climb onto the duel stage. How could this happen without the King of Fun?

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