Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 71 The first night back at school

After all, Slytherin won the game, and both Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape had warm smiles on their faces - how strange!Snape scolded Andy on the spot, making Professor Sprout almost fight with him.

The two deans had a big quarrel over the fact that Andy had been missing for two days and suddenly rushed into the out-of-control stadium: The dean of the Snake Academy felt that this bastard not only left the school to cause trouble, but also stayed up all night to disrupt the game. It was very dangerous!The dean of the Badger Academy believes that the matter of leaving the school can only be decided by the principal, and today he rushed to the court to protect his classmates and should be rewarded!

The speechless Slytherin players, Andy and Justin could only start to fight each other. Andy was convinced. He just wanted to go back and sleep!

Then Lockhart took advantage of no one's attention and made the bones in Harry's broken arm disappear.

Ah this.

Professor McGonagall was so angry that her head was smoking. It was so outrageous!She urged Professor Dumbledore to go down and drive Lockhart away, because Hagrid had begun to spray him.

The court was in chaos, and students ran down from the stands to watch the excitement. Snape and Sprout could only temporarily put aside their grudges to maintain order.

In the crowd, Justin hugged his roommate tightly: "I hope you're okay, it scared me to death."

"Dumbledore locked him in the office all afternoon." Malfoy came over with a slight blush on his fair face: "But it's great that you're back safely." Andy grinned and pulled him over with him when he wasn't prepared. .Draco was a little caught off guard by the sudden intimate action, and he didn't know where to put his hands in such excitement.

"You three, don't be so disgusted. It's disgusting. Send Mr. Lawrence to Madam Pomfrey first." Snape stood up in front of them: "If you two don't want him to die of exhaustion."

But pull it down, I haven't settled the score with you yet!

The two Potter brothers were sent to the hospital wing at the same time. Before going there, Andy was given a large bottle of unknown potion by the snake king. This time, Thomas was really drunk!The kind that could make Malfoy turn green!

The little badgers and Slytherin players gathered around Andy's bed. None of the Gryffindors on Harry's side could come over to say hello, especially Ron. Andy felt that he had a lot of questions to ask himself, and Hermione was trying to persuade Harry.

Then the Slytherin players and the Gryffindor players got into an inexplicable quarrel, and with the quarrel between the little wizards of the Badger House, the hospital wing was once again a mess. How could this happen?

Madam Pomfrey drove them all away, and Andy had no choice but to promise to Justin and Draco to find them as soon as they got up. Then the two brothers were each given a bottle of medicine. Andy's bottle was just a bit unpleasant. Harry's Bone Spirit suffered quite a lot. He felt a burning sensation when he drank it, which made Harry cough and spit.Andy was gloating crazily on the side. Seeing the two brothers arguing again, Madam Pomfrey got angry and ordered them to sleep.

After a long time, Harry suddenly woke up, and everything was pitch dark.He cried out softly in pain.It felt like there were countless blades in his arms now, slicing at his flesh, and then he realized with horror that someone was wiping his forehead with a sponge in the dark.

"Go away!" he shouted, and then he recognized: "Dobby!"

The house elf stared at Harry with two big tennis-ball eyes, looking at Harry in the dark, and a teardrop rolled down his long, pointed nose.He tearfully urged the savior to go home, and then revealed that he was responsible for the station wall and the Bludgers.

"Your Bludger?" Harry asked, "What do you mean, your Bludger? Did you let that Bludger kill me?"

"I didn't hit you to death, sir, I definitely didn't hit you to death!" Dobby said in horror: "Dobby wanted to save Harry Potter's life! It's better to be sent home after being seriously injured than to stay here, sir. .Dobby just wants Harry Potter to be slightly injured and sent home!"

Then Dobby was knocked out of bed with a "snap", and Andy, the attacker, looked at one person and one elf angrily: "Okay, enough trouble! Others don't sleep? And you, a damn little domestic kid?" The elves need to be dealt with! Kreacher!"

Kreacher immediately appeared in front of the two of them, and he bowed to Andy.

"Hit him hard!"

Then Clecie is cute, so I will give him a meal with a good mouth.

Harry was about to start talking about the Holy Father again, but Andy was too lazy to bother him: "Okay, okay, Kreacher will be taken to Malfoy Manor by him. I have to go find Ginny first. I have to worry about my life."

He doesn’t care about his own wife!

"Mr. Potter, your hard-working Potions Master has been waiting for a long time." Andy had just slipped out the door when he was frightened by Snape's abrupt words behind him, and instantly lost his temper: "I should be the one looking for you, right? Why did you bring that man out?!"

"Follow me." Snape ignored him until the two of them came to the office.

When he arrived at the office, he checked Andy all over and made sure there was nothing wrong before he started to get angry. It was the first time Andy saw him so angry: "You killed someone."

There was no scolding or yelling, no angry expression, but that tone made Andy's pressure rise instantly: "Yes."

"Do you know what it means to kill someone? Your soul will..."

"Ah...but it's not what you think." Andy told him the whole story.

Snape seemed to be relieved, and his tone was higher: "Don't completely believe Nick Flamel."

Andy was confused, but agreed.

Snape was silent for a while before continuing: "Voldemort knows."

Andy was choked on the spot: "Does he know what I did?"

"Yes, so he asked me to tell Sirius the news that you were a Death Eater, and also asked me to tell you, stop playing tricks, or your Muggle parents will suffer next time."

"Uh..." Andy's throat choked, how did he know, he really forced me to be a dog!Unless Sirius is killed and he knows that I am a Death Eater, Dumbledore will find out sooner or later.

No...thinking about it, Voldemort couldn't just let him cause trouble for me, so why did he bring him out?And...there must be some reason why he doesn't want to kill me yet.Think about it first, besides me, who will Sirius look for first when he comes out?Pettigrew?Harry?Dumbledore?These people...Order of the Phoenix?

Really good calculation!

Andy originally wanted to ask Snape what Voldemort was thinking, but seeing that the Potions Master looked like he wouldn't tell him, he changed his mind and asked what to do: "Then what do you think I should do?"

"Don't listen, don't say, don't do anything. Just treat it as if it didn't happen and treat everyone like it is the same as usual." Snape answered simply.

It seems that Snape doesn't support him getting involved too deeply?Or let me pretend to be confused?do not care.Andy nodded and prepared to leave.

"Go back and eat more chocolate, and drink one bottle a day for a week." Snape stuffed a large bag of "Andy Happy Water" that he drank today into Andy's hands: "Who knew that damn stupid dog would turn back into In human form!"

Ah this.

Then Snape kicked him out immediately.

Andy closed the door and left, but vaguely, through the heavy door, he seemed to hear a gentle apology?

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